Subasta Online Billetes del Mundo #103
Martes, 12 Noviembre 2024 | Madrid, 16:00 CET
Resultados para la categoría: "Lotes y Colecciones"
459 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 6 banknotes of Lesotho of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
460 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 8 banknotes of Liberia of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
464 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of 13 banknotes of Libya of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
465 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 3 banknotes of Lithuania of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
486 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 19 banknotes of Madagascar of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
487 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of 19 banknotes of Malawi of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
498 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 13 banknotes of Maldives of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
513 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 4 banknotes of Mauritania of same issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
520 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of more than 30 banknotes of Mauritius of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
526 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of more than 65 banknotes of Mexico of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
553 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 9 banknotes of Morocco of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
557 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 7 banknotes of Mozambique of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
561 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of more than 25 banknotes of Namibia of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
581 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of more than 25 banknotes of Nicaragua of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
582 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of 22 banknotes of Nigeria of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
589 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 6 banknotes of Oman of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
591 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 4 banknotes of Papua New Guinea of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
599 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of more than 50 banknotes of Paraguay of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
605 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of more than 60 banknotes of Peru of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
606 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 30 banknotes of Philippines of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
617 | Lotes y Colecciones
VERY INTERESTING SET of 58 banknotes of Portugal of various issues and different qualities, also including different signatures. TO EXAMINE.
630 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 11 banknotes of Romania of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
635 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 13 banknotes of the Bank of Russia of different issues and most of them uncirculated. TO EXAMINE.
636 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 9 banknotes of Russia of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
650 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 14 banknotes of Saint Thomas and Principe of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
657 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 5 banknotes of Serbia of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
663 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 13 banknotes of Seychelles of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
664 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 19 banknotes of Sierra Leone of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
668 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 5 banknotes of Singapore of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
673 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 6 banknotes of Slovenia of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
674 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 5 banknotes of Solomon of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
680 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 11 banknotes of South Africa of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
681 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 11 banknotes of South Africa of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
683 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 8 banknotes of South Korea of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
698 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of more than 25 banknotes of Swaziland of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
702 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 5 banknotes of Sweden of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
708 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 7 banknotes of Syria of same issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
714 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 5 banknotes of Tajikistan of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
716 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of mote than 20 banknotes of Tanzania of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
725 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 12 banknotes of Tonga of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
727 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 25 banknotes of Trinidad and Tobago of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
738 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 4 banknotes of Tunisia of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
741 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 24 banknotes of Turkey of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
742 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 10 banknotes of Turkmenistan of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
743 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 21 banknotes of Uganda of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
761 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of more than 60 banknotes of Uruguay of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
777 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 4 banknotes of West African States of various issues and different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
783 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 19 banknotes of Zaire of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
793 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 22 banknotes of Zambia of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.
795 | Lotes y Colecciones
Set of 4 banknotes of different countries of various issues and most of them nice qualities. TO EXAMINE.