The militar anarchy

The militar anarchy

GORDIAN III. Ace. (Ae. 13.98g/29mm). 239 AD Rome. (RIC 267a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Gordian III to right, around legend: IMP CAES MANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Aequitas standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, between: Uncirculated, around legend: AEQVITAS AVG. Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 45€

The militar anarchy

DIVO AUGUSTUS. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.81g/22mm). 250-251 AD (Coined under the name of Trajan Decius). Rome. (ICR 78). Obv: Radiate head of Augustus to right, legend around: DIVO AVGVSTO. Rev: Altar lit, around legend: CONSECRATIO. Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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Price: 300€
M0000022905 - The militar anarchy

The militar anarchy

VALERIANO I. Antoniniano. (Ar. 3,53g/24mm). 253-254 d.C. Roma. (RIC 89). Anv: Busto drapeado de Valeriano I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG. Rev: Fides estante a izquierda portando estandartes, alrededor leyenda: FIDES MILITVM. MBC.

Price: 60€
M0000022909 - The militar anarchy
aditional photo

The militar anarchy

Preciosa e interesantísima colección, presentada en álbum Leuchtturm, formada por 89 Antoninianos en su gran mayoría de Galieno aunque también hay presencia de Antoninianos acuñados bajo la influencia de Salonina, la gran mayoría de estos son de reversos distintos y muchos mantienen los plateados originales. En general los estados de conservación de las piezas que forman la colección son altos. IMPRESCINDIBLE EXAMINAR.

Price: 2.500€

The militar anarchy

AEMILIAN. Sesterce. (Ae. 12.88g/28mm). 253 AD Rome. (ICR 54a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Aemiliano to the right, around legend: IMP CAES AEMILIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOTIS/DECENNA/LIBVS/ Uncirculated, within a laurel wreath. Very Fine. Missed flan. Rare specimen.
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Price: 750€

The militar anarchy

MARINIAN DIVA. Antoninian. (See 3.82g/22mm). 256-257 AD Rome. (RIC 3). Obv: diademed and draped bust of Mariniana above right crescent, around legend: DIVAE MARINIANAE. Rev: real frontal, around legend: CONSECRATIO. Good Extremely Fine. Remains of original shine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.

We know little about Mariniana, beyond her portraits on coins and that these are posthumous since she died before her husband, Valeriano I, was named emperor. However, what is really striking about this copy is the reverse where a real is the great protagonist. The presence of animals and specifically birds is not alien to Roman currency, we have many examples and the real, in addition to being an almost revered animal and symbol of immortality, was identified as Juno's sacred bird. The empresses of the Flavian era accepted it to be associated with it and, in addition, it served to indicate its apotheosis after death.
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Price: 750€

The militar anarchy

AURELIAN. As. (Ae. 7.47g/24mm). 275 AD Rome. (ICR 80). Obv: Laureate bust with cuirass of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Empress standing to right shaking hands with Aureliano standing to left carrying scepter, among them Radiated Bust of Sol, in exergue: A, around legend: CONCORDIA AVG. Very Fine.
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Price: 275€

The militar anarchy

BALBINUS. Sesterce. (Ae. 20.28g/30mm). 238 AD Rome. Obv: IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG. Laureate bust, draped and armored right. Rev: PM TR P COS II P P. Balbino standing left holding olive branch and dagger, between Uncirculated. (RIC 16). Good Very Fine. Scarce.
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Price: 600€

The militar anarchy

GALLIENUS. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.52g/23mm). 260 AD Samosata. (RIC 445). Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

The militar anarchy

GALLIENUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.43g/20mm). 266-268 AD Antioch. (RIC 603). Very Fine.
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Price: 50€

The militar anarchy

GORDIAN III. Denarius. (Ar. 2.97g/20mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 115; Cohen 243). Very Fine. Oxidations.
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Price: 45€

The militar anarchy

GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 18.50g/28mm). 244 AD Rome. (RIC 328a). Almost Extremely Fine. cleaned. Rare like that.
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Price: 375€

The militar anarchy

MAXIMINUS. Sesterce. 236-237 AD Rome. A/ Bust laureate and draped with cuirass right. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM. R/ Salus left standing feeding coiled serpent on altar. ICR 85; BMC 175. Ae. 15.84g Good Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

The militar anarchy

NUMERIAN. Antoninian. 282 AD Rome. A/ Bust radiated and draped with cuirass to the right. M AVR standing C. R/ Emperor standing left holding scepter and globe. PRINCIPI IVVENTVT, in exergue SKA. RIC 363. Ae. 4.48g Very Fine.
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Price: 70€

The militar anarchy

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.26g/22mm). 276 AD Tripolis. (RIC 927). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 30€

The militar anarchy

TREBONIANUS GALLUS. Tetradrachm. (Ae. 12.60g/25mm). 251-253 AD Antioch. (McAlee 1172d; RPC 1801). Very Fine.
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Price: 90€