Julio-Claudian dynasty

Automatically generated translation

flag_en AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/17mm). 7-6 BC Lugdunum. (RIC 207). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Caius and Lucius shelves in front, including shield and spears, in field symbol and lituum, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIGN PRINC IVVENT. Almost Extremely Fine. Off center.

Price 250€

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  • USD $ 244€
  • GBP £ 218€
  • CHF CHF 242€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02