

ALMORAVIDES. Ali Ibn Yusuf. 1/2 quirate. 500-537 HF Benito de los Mozos Cb47; Leafy 16. Ar. 0.30g Minting vain. Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 75€


ALMORAVIDES. Ali Ibn Yusuf. 1/2 quirate. 500-537 H. Delgado plates p. 106-35d; F. Benito de los Mozos Ca29 var. Ar. 0.39g Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 40€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali Ben Yusuf and the Emir Sir. Dinar. (Au. 4.13g/26mm). 530H. Al-Mariya (Almeria). (Vives 1750; Hazard 357). Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.
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Price: 1.200€
Ex colección Silda
M0000009040 - Almoravids


ALMORAVIDE TAIFAS. Muhammad ibn Sad (Ibn Mardanish). Mursiya (Murcia). Dinar. (Au. 3.86g/26mm). 547H. (You Vives No quote). The IIA belongs to Vives 1933 and the IA to Vives 1940. Good Very Fine. Slight repaint. According to our sources, this copy is unpublished. Former Silda collection.
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Price: 2.250€
Ex colección Silda
M0000009041 - Almoravids


ALMORAVIDE TAIFAS. Muhammad ibn Sad (Ibn Mardanish), on behalf of the Abbasid Imam. Mursiya (Murcia). Dinar. (Au. 3.89g/25mm). 547H. (Vives 1941). Almost Extremely Fine. Weird. Former Silda collection.
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Price: 2.550€


ALMORAVIDES, Yusuf B. Tasufin. 1/4 Quirate. (Ar. 0.25g/12mm). No date or mint. (Possible Vives 1540; Benito-Ba21). Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. 1/4 Quirate. (Ar. 0.32g/9mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1693; Benito-Ca32). Good Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/12mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1695 var; Benito-Cb25). Almost Very Fine. Strange.
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Price: 120€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.66g/10mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1698; Benito-Cb34). Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar 0.77g/10mm). No date or mint. (Benito-Cb45/Cb42? Var; Vives 1703). Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 75€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.66g/10mm). Without date. Meknes. (Vives 1707, Benito-Cc5). Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.82g/10mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1708; Benito-Cc9). Good Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Fraction of dirham. (Ve. 1.73g/14mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1845). Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.91g/11mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1882; Benito-Da2). Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/10mm). No date or mint. (Vives-no; Medina-144; Benito-Da3). Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 75€


ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. 1/2 Quirate. (Ar. 0.41g/8mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1886; Benito-Db8). Almost Very Fine. Strange.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES. Isahq B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/12mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1895; Medina-145; Benito-E4). Very Fine/ Good Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€