Roman Republic

M0000022907 - Roman Republic

Roman Republic

JULIO CESAR. Denario. (Ar. 3,70g/18mm). 46-45 a.C. Ceca militar móvil en la Península Ibérica. (Crawford 468/1; FFC 11). Anv: Cabeza diademada de Venus a derecha, detrás cupido. Rev: Trofeo de armas entre Galia sentada a izquierda y Vercingetorix sentado a derecha, en exergo: CAESAR. MBC. Escaso ejemplar.

Price: 550€

Roman Republic

GENS ACILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.90g/17mm). 55 BC Rome. (Crawford 442/1a; FFC 96). Obv: Laureate head of Salus to the right, behind legend: SALVTIS. Rev: Salus standing to left resting on column and serpent, around legend: MN ACILIVS III VIR VALETV. Good Extremely Fine. Slight original shine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.
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Price: 900€

Roman Republic

ANONYMOUS. Denarius. (Ar. 4.08g/18mm). 208-206 BC Rome. (Crawford 58/2; FFC 27). Obv: Head of Rome to the right, behind X. Rev: Dioscuri on horseback to the right, stars above, cornucopia below, legend: ROME below. Very Fine.
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Price: 250€

Roman Republic

ANONYMOUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.81g/18mm). 200-195 BC Rome. (FFC 49; Crawford 122/2). Obv: Head of Rome right, X before. Rev: Dioscuri on horse right, stars above, dog below, exergue: ROME. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen with dark tone, scarce like this.
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Price: 300€

Roman Republic

ANONYMOUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.71g/20mm). 86 BC Rome. (Crawford 350/2a; FFC 85). Obv: Laureate bust right of Apolo Viejovis, beam of rays below. Rev: Jupiter driving chariot throwing lightning. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 180€

Roman Republic

ANONYMOUS. Semis. 211 BC Imitation Hispanic. A/ Head of Saturn to the right, behind value mark S. R/ Prow to right, above this mark value S and below ROMA. ACIP 2659; FAB-R44. oh 8.48g Good Very Fine.
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Price: 80€

Roman Republic

GENS AEMILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.96g/17mm). 58 BC Rome. (FFC 123; Crawford 422/1b). Obv: King Aretas kneeling to the right with an olive branch, behind a camel, above legend: M SCAVR AED CVR, on both sides legend: EX- Uncirculated, in exergue: REX ARETAS. Rev: Jupiter in chariot left below scorpion, above legend: P HVPSAE AED CVR, in exergue: C HVPSAE COS PREIVER, in field: CAPTV. Almost Extremely Fine.
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Price: 300€

Roman Republic

GENS AEMILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.82g/18mm). 58 BC Rome. (Crawford 422/1; FFC 121). Obv: King Aretas kneeling to the right with branch, behind camel, around legend: M SCAVR/EX- Uncirculated/REX ARETAS. Rev: Jupiter driving chariot to left, around legend: P HVPSAEVE/AED-CVR, in exergue: C HVPSAE COS/PREIVER, in field: CAPTV. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 225€

Roman Republic

GENS CORNELIA. Quinary. (Ar. 1.96g/14mm). 88 BC Rome. (RIC 345/2). Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter right. Rev: Victoria standing crowning shield right, below legend: CN LENT. Almost Extremely Fine.
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Price: 150€

Roman Republic

GENS CORNELIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.82g/19mm). 76-75 BC Hispania. (Crawford 393/1; FFC 627). Obv: diademed bust of the Genius of the Roman people to the right, behind him a scepter, above: GPR. Rev: Terrestrial globe between scepter with laurel wreath and Timon, in field: EX- Uncirculated, below: CN LEN Q. Extremely Fine. Remains of original shine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.
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Price: 350€

Roman Republic

GENS FUFIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.81g/19mm). 70 BC Italian mint uncertain. (Crawford 403/1; FFC 725). Obv: Honus and Virtus heads to right, between: HO-VIRT, below legend: KALENI. Rev: Italy right standing with cornucopia shaking hands with Rome left standing with scepter and supporting globe, caduceus field, monogram ITAL and RO, exergue: CORDI. Very Fine. Countermarks on obverse and reverse. Scarce specimen.
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Price: 300€

Roman Republic

GENS MEMMIA. Denarius. (Ar. 4.00g/19mm). 56 BC Rome. (Crawford 427/1; FFC 915). Obv: Head of Ceres with crown of spikes, in front legend: C MEMMI CF. Rev: Captive kneeling right, behind trophy, around legend: IMPERATOR C MEMMIVS. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.
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Price: 300€

Roman Republic

GENS PLAETORIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.71g/18mm). 67 BC Rome. (Crawford 409/1; FFC 696). Obv: Bust with helmet of the goddess Vaccina to the right, cornucopia in front, bow and quiver behind, legend around: CESTIANVS Uncirculated. Rev: Eagle standing left on beam of rays, around legend: M PLAETORIVS MF AED CVR. Very Fine.
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Price: 150€

Roman Republic

GENS PLAUTIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.98g/19mm). 60 BC Rome. (Crawford 420ab; FFC 995). Anv: Head of Neptune to the right, trident behind, legend in front: P YPSAE Uncirculated. Rev: Jupiter with lightning driving chariot to left, behind C YPSAE COS, below: PROV CEPIT. Extremely Fine. Coinage vains. Nice iridescent tone. Scarce like that.
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Price: 450€

Roman Republic

GENS PLAUTIA. Denarius. (Ar. 4.00g/19mm). 47 BC (FFC 1003; Crawford 453/1a). Obv: Medusa head from the front, below legend: L PLAVTIVS. Rev: Victory facing left, holding palm and leading four horses, below legend: PLANCVS. Almost Extremely Fine. Slight countermark on obverse. Nice specimen, rare like that.
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Price: 1.150€

Roman Republic

PUBLIC GENE. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/18mm). 80 BC Auxiliary workshop in Rome. (Crawford 380/1; FFC 1017). Obv: Head of Rome to right, above: H, behind legend: ROMA. Rev: Hercules standing to left strangling the Nemean lion, in front: mallet, bow and quiver, above: H, behind legend: C POBLICI Q F. Good Very Fine. Dark patina.
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Price: 300€

Roman Republic

POMPEY, the Great. Denarius. (Ar. 3.78g/19mm). 46-45 BC Hispania. (FFC 1; Crawford 469a). Obv: Head of Pallas to right, around legend: M POBLICI LEG PRO PR, all within dots and dashes. Rev: Pompey standing left, with one foot on the prow of a ship, giving a palm to Baetica standing right with a shield and two javelins, around legend: CN MAGNVS IMP. Almost Uncirculated. Reverse mint vain. Nice and rare specimen.

During the two years (47-45 BC) that he was in Hispania, Gnaeus Pompey Jr., eldest son of Gnaeus Pompey the Great, minted two series of silver denarii (RRC 469-470) and one of bronze aces (RRC 471), all them in the framework of the civil war that pitted C. Julius Caesar against the Senate. These denarii have different variants depending on the reverse: some have points and beads as a pattern, while others have only points. There are authors who have also wanted to see stylistic differences in them, differentiating between a beautiful style and a crude style in these coinages. But the variants do not end here, Villaronga and Benages cite differences in the legends and even, returning to the iconography, there are authors for whom the image represented on the obverse is Pallas while for others it is Rome. García-Bellido considers that the female figure would be, due to her majestic posture, the personification of a divinity and not of a city or province as in other cases, because she does not go or kneel before the emperor who receives the homage.
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Price: 3.000€

Roman Republic

GENS PORTIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.85g/19mm). 110-109 BC Rome. (Crawford 301/1; FFC 1055). Obv: Head of Rome to the right, star in front, legend behind: P LAECA. Roman soldier raising right hand, in front a robed citizen, behind a lictor with fasces, in exergo: I PROVOKE. Very Fine.
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Price: 180€

Roman Republic

GENS SCRIBONIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.62g/20mm). 62 BC Rome. (Crawford 416/1a; FFC 1102). Obv: Diademed head of Bonus Eventus to the right, around legend: LIBO BON EVENT. Rev: Scribonian well adorned with lateral garlands, below tongs, around legend: SCRIBON PVTEAL. Extremely Fine/ Almost Extremely Fine. Remains of original shine. Nice specimen.

We define the gens as a group of families that descended or believed they descended from a common ancestor and that shared divinities, customs, and territory. In the case of the Scribonia, the curbstone, a profile that surrounds it to provide it with security, of the well (Puteal Escribonium or Scribonianum) is the iconographic motif most used in its coinage and alludes to its construction in the atrium of Minerva by Scribonius. , according to Festus. Bonus Eventus, on the obverse, is the Goddess of good luck and is especially invoked at the start of a journey. There are variants of this piece depending on whether a hammer or a chisel or burin appears on the back instead of pincers.
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Price: 600€

Roman Republic

SIXTH POMPEY. Denarius. (Ar. 3.87g/20mm). 42-40 BC Sicily. Obv: MAG PIVS IMP ITER. Lighthouse of Messina crowned by the statue of Neptune, in front of the galley, above it on the left legionary eagle, on the right acrostilium, trident and rod. Rev: PRAEF ORAE MARIT ET CLAS S C. Monster Schylla hitting rudder. (Crawford 511/4d; FFC 4). Good Very Fine. Minting vain. Rare.
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Price: 600€

Roman Republic

GENS SULPICE. Denarius. (Ar. 3.77g/19mm). 69 BC Rome. (Crawford 406/1; FFC 1135). Obv: Veiled head of Vesta right, Uncirculated behind. Rev: Sacrificial knife, simulus and priestly ax adorned with a lion's head, between: AE-CVR, in exergue: P GALB. Very Fine/ Almost Extremely Fine. Nice reverse.
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Price: 375€

Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.75g/18mm). 90 BC Rome. (FFC 1206 var.). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo to the right, behind legend: PANSA. Rev: Minerva with trophy and scepter leading chariot left, below legend: C VIBIVS C F. Good Very Fine. Beautiful and rare specimen.
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Price: 450€

Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 4.11g/19mm). 48 BC Rome. (Crawford 449/1a; FFC 1219). Obv: Head of bread to the right, below legend: PANSA. Rev: Jupiter seated left with patera and scepter, around legend: IOVIS AXVR C VIBIVS CFCN. Very Fine.
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Price: 300€