Celtiberian coins

Celtiberian coins

MALACA (Málaga). Sextant. (Ae. 1.79g/13mm). 200-20 BC (FAB-1744). Anv: Head of Vulcan to right, behind Punic legend type A. Rev: Star with eight rays. Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Celtiberian coins

MASSALIA. Ah, little bronze. 49 BC Marseilles (France). A/ Laureate head of Apollo to right with long hair in front MAC. R/ Dolphin around trident ahead NM. LT 2086; MHM 69. Ae. 1.78g Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Celtiberian coins

MASSALIA. AE, small bronze. 49 BC Antipolis (Antibes) A/ Head of Minerva to the right, with the Corinthian helmet, in front MAZ. R/ León to the right, legend above MAS and beads. LT 2110; MHM 81. Ae. 2.21g Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 40€

Celtiberian coins

MASSALIA-GALIA. Hemiobolus? 100-170 BC Marseilles (France). A/ Head of Apollo to the right, behind M. R/ Bull charging to the right, MASSA and in exergue SA. LT 1673 var. oh 1.42g Good Very Fine.
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Price: 50€

Celtiberian coins

OBULCO (Porcuna, Jaén). Semis. (Ae. 7.41g/24mm). 220-20 BC (FAB-1846). Anv: Eagle to the right, above legend: BOBILCOS. Rev: Bull to the right, above legend: VIINIIT, below: OBVLCO. Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Celtiberian coins

OBULCO. Semis. 220-20 BC Porcuna (Jaén). A/ Male head to right. R/ Lira between crescent on IIII and legend not visible OBVLCO. FAB-1852. oh 3.01g Fine. Weird.
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Price: 150€

Celtiberian coins

OBULCO. Quadrant. 220-20 BC Porcuna (Jaén). A/ Horse head to right, below between lines, Latin legend OBVLCO. R/ Boar on line to the left. FAB-1853. oh 4.19g Almost Very Fine. very rare
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Price: 300€

Celtiberian coins

OILAUNIKOS. As. 150-20 BC Northern area of the Ebro. A/ Male head to right, before Iberian letters SOS. R/ Horseman with sickle to the right, below curved Iberian legend "OILAUNIKOS". FAB-1861. oh 16.63g. Almost Fine/ Fine. Limited.
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Price: 150€

Celtiberian coins

OLONT (Aznalcázar, Sevilla). Quadrant. (Ae. 1.80g/10mm). 50-20 BC (FAB-1885). Anv: Male head to the right. Rev: Dolphin to the right, above: NT, below OLO. Very Fine.
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Price: 180€

Celtiberian coins

ORE (Orera, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 12.07g/25mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-1897). Obv: Male head right, bull behind. Rev: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: ORE. Very Fine. Green patina. Reverse drilling attempt. Scarce copy.
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Price: 250€

Celtiberian coins

OSET. As. 120-20 BC San Juan de Aznalfarache (Sevilla). A/ Head to the right. R/ Genius standing with a bunch of grapes to the left and to the right OSSET. FAB-1947. oh 14.67g. Good Fine. Limited.
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Price: 75€

Celtiberian coins

OSET. As. 120-20 BC San Juan de Aznalfarache (Sevilla). A/ Male head to left. R/ Genie standing with bunch of grapes to the left, behind (OSET). FAB-1948. oh 10.94g Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Celtiberian coins

OSONUBA. As. 50 BC Faro (Portugal). A/ Nave to the left. R/ Two tuna to the left, in the middle legend OSVNBA. FAB-1962. oh 25.85g. Almost Very Fine. very rare
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Price: 1.000€

Celtiberian coins

SAITI. Dupondius? 120-20 BC Xátiva (Valencia). A/ Male head to the right, behind, axe?. R/ Horseman with palm to the right, below SAITi. FAB-No citation. oh 21.39g. 37mm. Fine. very rare
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Price: 150€

Celtiberian coins

SARDINIA. Under Carthaginian domination. 264-241 BC A/ Head of Tanit left. R/ Horse's head to the right, palm tree in front. SNG Copenhagen (Africa) 195. Ae. 3.59g Good Fine. Weird.
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Price: 60€

Celtiberian coins

SECAISA. As. 120-20 BC Segeda (Aragon). A/ Male head to right, in front dolphin behind Iberian letters SE. R/ Horseman with palm to the right under the legend SECaISA. FAB-2121. oh 18.11g. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 200€

Celtiberian coins

SECAISA. Semis. 120-20 BC Segeda (Aragon). A/ Male head to right, lioness behind. R/ Horse to the right, below legend SECaISA. FAB-2141. oh 7.97g Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 140€

Celtiberian coins

SECAISA. Semis. 120-20 BC Segeda (Aragon). A/ Male head to right, in front dolphin and Iberian letter Cu, behind Iberian letters SE. R/ Horse to the right, above crescent, below SECaISA. FAB-2147. oh 4.25g Good Fine.
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Price: 30€

Celtiberian coins

SETEISCEN (Sastago, Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 6.73g/22mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-2211). Obv: Male head right, sickle behind. Rev: Horse to right, above caduceus, below Iberian legend: SETeISCeN. Extremely Fine/ Good Fine. Spectacular coinage on the obverse.
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Price: 180€

Celtiberian coins

SEXY. Semis. 200-20 BC Almuñecar (Granada). A/ Bearded head of Hercules left behind club. R/ Two tuna to the right and between them Punic legend. FAB-2237. oh 13.12g. Almost Very Fine. very rare
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Price: 200€

Celtiberian coins

SEXY. As. 200-20 BC Almuñecar (Granada). A/ Bearded head of Melkart right, club behind. R/ Proa, above Punic legend. FAB-2221. oh 11.55g Good Fine. Weird.
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Price: 180€

Celtiberian coins

TURIASO. As. 50-20 BC Tarazona (Zaragoza). A/ Female head to right, SILBIS in front. R/ Horseman with scepter marching to the left, below TVRIASO. FAB-2434. oh 10.99g Good Fine/ Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 75€

Celtiberian coins

UNTICESCEN. Sextant. 130-90 BC San Martín de Ampurias (Gerona). A/ Head of Palas to the right, Iberian legend in front, two points behind. R/ Horse's head to the right, below two dolphins, surrounding Iberian legend SERGIA. FAB-1236. oh 2.33g Good Very Fine. very rare
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Price: 425€