Spanish Colonies Bank Notes

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flag_en 50 pesos. 1869. Banco Español de la Habana, New York issue. Vintage fake, with different stamps of the FALSO brand, both on the front and back. 3rd series. (Pick: 14, Edifil 2021: 25, Echenagusía: 15). Extraordinarily rare, to give us an idea of ​​the rarity of this specimen, since there have been auction records on the internet, only two vintage fake banknotes similar to this one have been auctioned and only one other original banknote, a reinforced banknote due to the tropicalization of the paper, it is very This type of action on Cuban banknotes is common. Fine

Price 1.800€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 1.756€
  • GBP £ 1.572€
  • CHF CHF 1.741€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02