Other islamic coinage

Other islamic coinage

Rompers. BARAKA QAN AL-SA`ID NASIR AL-DIN. Dirham. (Ar. 2.37g/20mm). Without date. Cairo. (Zenón-77616). Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

Weight of 1/2 Dinar, Anonymous. (Ae. 1.78g/9x8x4mm). Without date. Square shape with Kufic epigraphy. (Tonegawa Type-D82?). Good Very Fine. Rare.
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Price: 90€

Other islamic coinage

OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Seal/Seal. (Pb. 15.05g/24x21x5mm). Possibly 16th-18th century. Legends in very elegant and well-crafted Arabic-Farsi writing. Good Very Fine. Very rare and interesting for study.
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Price: 40€

Other islamic coinage

OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Seal/Seal. (Pb. 9.65g/17x17x5mm). Legends in very elegant and well-crafted Arabic writing. Good Very Fine. Very rare and interesting for study.
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Price: 40€

Other islamic coinage

QARAJAN. GREAT JANES. NASR I B. 'ALI AL-AMIR AL-SAYYID ABU-L-HUSSAYN NASR AL-HAQQ. Felus. (Ae. 2.59g/26mm). 390H. Fargana. (Zenón-30508, var). Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

QARAJAN. GREAT JANES. MUHAMMAD B. 'ALI (393-415/1002-1024). Felus. (Ae. 2.53g/27mm). 404 H. Ilaq. (Zenón-53284). Very Fine. Drilling and breaking at the edge.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

SAADIDS. ABU MUHAMMAD 'ABD ALLAH EL-GALIB (965-981/1557-1574). Dirham. (Ar. 1.29g/11mm). Without date. Without mint. (Brethes-1431; Hohertz-926). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 30€

Other islamic coinage

ORIENTAL. Matrix for wax or sealing seal. (Pb. 5.00g/20x19x16mm). Oval, truncated conical body with ring at the top for hanging. Legend in two lines: ???…/توكل على خالق عباد ("Trust in the Creator…"). Very Fine.
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Price: 90€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Tughril B. Qilij Arslan II (599-622H/1202-1225). Dirham. (Ar. 3.18g/23mm). 608H. Erzurum. (Mitchiner 1977-960; Broome-101 type; Wilkes 2-1319). Very Fine. Strange.

Former Gaspariño collection.
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Price: 180€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayqubad I B. Kayjusraw Ala Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.92g/23mm). 619H. Siwas. (Mitchiner Type 1977-970; Broome-177). Almost Extremely Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayqubad I B. Kayjusraw Ala Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.9g/22mm). Siwas. 629H. (Mitchiner Type 1977-972; Broome-201). Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 75€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kaykhusraw II B. Kayqubad Ghiyas Ad-Din. Felus. (Ae. 3.65g/22mm). No date or mint. (Broome-303) Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayka'Us II B. Kayjusraw Izz Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.88g/23mm). 646H. Siwas. (Mitchiner type 1977-986-7 var.; Broome-321Bii). Code defect. Good Very Fine. Limited. Repaired.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

RUM SELYUKI. Kayka'Us II B. Kayjusraw Izz Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.93g/21mm). 658H. Medina Konya. (Mitchiner 1977-990; Broome-381). Good Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

RUM SELYUKI. Arslan IV B. Kayjusraw Ala Ad-Din (2nd reign in the eastern provinces 655-660H/1257-1262). Dirham. (Ar. 2.99g/23mm). 663H. Lu'lu. (Broome-493C). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayjusraw III B. Qilij Arslan Ghiyas Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.7g/22mm). 666 H. Konya. (Broome-549). Almost Extremely Fine. Very scarce. Original Luster .
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayjusraw III B. Qilij Arslan Ghiyas Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.91g/21mm). 666H. Siwas. (Broome-595). Almost Extremely Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayjusraw III B. Qilij Arslan Ghiyas Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.94g/23mm). 668 H. Arzinjan. (Broome-744). Extremely Fine. Limited. Remnants of original shine.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

SELYUKI RUM. Kayjusraw III B. Qilij Arslan Ghiyas Ad-Din. Dirham. (Ar. 2.96g/22mm). 670H. Medina Konya. (Broome-554v(i)). Good Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

MADURA SULTANATE (dependent on Delhi). GIYATH AL-DIN MUHAMMAD SAH III B. TUGLUQ. 1/3 Tanka. (Ar. 3.62g/14mm). 727 H. Without mint. (Mitchiner 1977-2808; Goron/Goenka-D373). Good Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 70€

Other islamic coinage

TIMURIDS. TIMUR WITH MAHMUD JAN. 1/4 Tanka. (Ar. 1.39g/16mm). 790 H. Samarkand. (Mitchiner 1977-1892 var. year). Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 75€

Other islamic coinage

TIMURIDS. TIMUR WITH MAHMUD JAN. 1/4 Tanka. (Ar. 1.10g/15mm). 795 H. Samarkand. (Mitchiner 1977-1892 var. year). Very Fine. Warped
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Price: 75€