Other islamic coinage

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flag_en CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 23.30g/29x29x11mm.) Possibly 10th-11th century. Hexagonal lead case with the lateral faces raised in the center. Anv: Six-pointed star or seal of Solomon with writing in the center. It seems to say Allah or bi-Allah: بألله (by God), but it may also be Hebrew. Rev: Only part of a circle can be seen, since the piece has a tear that completely affects one of the lateral faces, which has disappeared. (Amulets 384-N21. Type A-Boxes-IV, same specimen). Very Fine.

Price 120€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 117€
  • GBP £ 105€
  • CHF CHF 116€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02