Other islamic coinage

Automatically generated translation

flag_en ALMOHADE PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Ae. 1.15g/24mm). Possibly 13th-15th century. Anv: Legends in incised Nasjí that develop in four sectors delimited by the square and the circle, and inside the square in four lines. The piece has a fold at the bottom with a missing blank and a small circular hole right in the center, possibly to be used as a pendant. Rev: Anepigraph. (Similar to Amulets 163. Type B-III). Very Fine.

Price 75€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 73€
  • GBP £ 65€
  • CHF CHF 73€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02