Other islamic coinage

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flag_en CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 3.67g/27mm). Possibly 10th century. In both areas, three lines of linear Kufic writing, with the stems of the long letters finished with a bevel. The legends are a succession of the letters "lam" and "alif" with some letters between them, which must form a kind of litany, possibly of a magical nature. The only visible difference between both areas is the external circular band, which on the obverse contains a motif of dots and on the reverse a motif of small oblique scratch . (Amulets 356-N10. Type B-III, same specimen). Very Fine.

Price 80€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 78€
  • GBP £ 70€
  • CHF CHF 77€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02