Other islamic coinage

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flag_en ALMOHADE PERIOD. Monetiform amulet with incised writing. (Ae. 1.43g/25mm). Possibly 12th century. Anv: Bordered by a double linear fillet, which has a double-line square inscribed in which the central epigraphic field is developed, with five lines of illegible schematic Kufic. The top and bottom segments also appear to contain writing, equally illegible. While those on the right and left are decorated with a wavy line that seems to imitate writing. Rev: Anepigraph. (Amulets 363-N3. Type BI, same specimen). Very Fine.

Price 80€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 78€
  • GBP £ 70€
  • CHF CHF 77€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02