
Ex colección Silda
M0000009040 - Almoravids


ALMORAVIDE TAIFAS. Muhammad ibn Sad (Ibn Mardanish). Mursiya (Murcia). Dinar. (Au. 3.86g/26mm). 547H. (You Vives No quote). The IIA belongs to Vives 1933 and the IA to Vives 1940. Good Very Fine. Slight repaint. According to our sources, this copy is unpublished. Former Silda collection.
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Price: 2.250€
Ex colección Silda
M0000009041 - Almoravids


ALMORAVIDE TAIFAS. Muhammad ibn Sad (Ibn Mardanish), on behalf of the Abbasid Imam. Mursiya (Murcia). Dinar. (Au. 3.89g/25mm). 547H. (Vives 1941). Almost Extremely Fine. Weird. Former Silda collection.
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Price: 2.550€


ALMORAVIDES, Yusuf B. Tasufin. 1/4 Quirate. (Ar. 0.25g/12mm). No date or mint. (Possible Vives 1540; Benito-Ba21). Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. 1/4 Quirate. (Ar. 0.32g/9mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1693; Benito-Ca32). Good Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/12mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1695 var; Benito-Cb25). Almost Very Fine. Strange.
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Price: 120€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.66g/10mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1698; Benito-Cb34). Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar 0.77g/10mm). No date or mint. (Benito-Cb45/Cb42? Var; Vives 1703). Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 75€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.66g/10mm). Without date. Meknes. (Vives 1707, Benito-Cc5). Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.82g/10mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1708; Benito-Cc9). Good Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf. Fraction of dirham. (Ve. 1.73g/14mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1845). Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.91g/11mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1882; Benito-Da2). Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€


ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/10mm). No date or mint. (Vives-no; Medina-144; Benito-Da3). Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 75€


ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. 1/2 Quirate. (Ar. 0.41g/8mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1886; Benito-Db8). Almost Very Fine. Strange.
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Price: 90€


ALMORAVIDES. Isahq B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/12mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1895; Medina-145; Benito-E4). Very Fine/ Good Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€


PILLOWS. Abd al-Mumin B. 'Ali. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.54g/11mm). No date or mint. (Vives 2113; Hazard-1068; Hohertz-550a). Almost Fine/ Good. Limited.
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Price: 60€


PILLOWS. Abd al-Mumin B. 'Ali. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.49g/12mm). No date or mint. (Vives 2113; Hazard-1068; Hohertz-550a). Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 60€


PILLOWS. Abd al-Mumin B. 'Ali. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.58g/12mm). No date or mint. (Vives 2113; Hazard-1068; Hohertz-550a). Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 60€
Ex colección Gaspariño
M0000021922 - Almohads


TAIFAS PILLOWS. Muhammad B. Yusuf B. Hud al-Mutawakkil (625-635h/1228-1238). 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.64g/13mm). Without date. Cordova. (Vives 2136; Hohertz-679). Almost Very Fine. Very rare. Warped

Former Gaspariño collection.
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Price: 700€


ALMOHADES, Abu Hafs Omar al-Murtada. Multiple of 4 Dirhams. (Ar. 6.17g/21mm). Al-Hadrat al-Muminiya al-Murtadiya (Sejilmesa). (Hohertz (2018) A563, where the entire legend was translated (his type A563), but without finding the upper reverse line, which translates as "God, [with His] glory and greatness, is our Lord"; Brethes 1074 , where a specimen with the same distribution is cited, although with partial reading due to poor conservation and with a weight of 3 grams). Extremely Fine. Beautiful, unpublished and extremely rare copy with the Kufic epigraphy very well cared for and maintaining its original brilliance.
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Price: 4.250€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 23.30g/29x29x11mm.) Possibly 10th-11th century. Hexagonal lead case with the lateral faces raised in the center. Anv: Six-pointed star or seal of Solomon with writing in the center. It seems to say Allah or bi-Allah: بألله (by God), but it may also be Hebrew. Rev: Only part of a circle can be seen, since the piece has a tear that completely affects one of the lateral faces, which has disappeared. (Amulets 384-N21. Type A-Boxes-IV, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 16.20g/30x22mm). Possibly 10th-12th century. Lead case in a cylindrical shape with an oval lid and two fastening rings facing each other at the top. The decoration is based on a succession of parallel bands throughout the piece. The first contains a well-executed Kufic epigraphic band and some endings of the high letters finished with a bevel and "swan neck", while in the second, a wave motif is repeated. This pattern seems to be repeated three times, with a total of six bands, separated from each other by a very fine border of diagonal scratch . (Similar to Amulets 231. Type B-Tubes-two handles). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 200€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 17.44g/30x23x11mm). Possibly 10th century. Cylindrical lead case with a circular lid with two fastening rings facing each other at the top. The closed base has three lines of illegible Kufic writing. (Amulets 231-G14. Type B-Tubes-with three handles, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Other islamic coinage

ALMORAVID PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 10.15g/30x14x13mm). Possibly 12th century. Six-sided tube-shaped lead case with opening on the left side. The piece presents writing in linear Kufic, which is developed in two consecutive lines, each occupying one of the larger sides, as well as, on the smaller right side, where three lines appear. The piece has two holes on one of its sides, surely the remains of two suspension elements. (Amulets 358-N9. Type B-Tubes-with two handles, same example). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Other islamic coinage

ALMORAVID PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 20.88g/40x25mm). Possibly 12th century. Six-sided tube-shaped lead case with opening on the left side and two suspension rings. The piece features linear Kufic writing and is completely flattened. (Type B-Tube-two-handled amulets). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

ALMOHADE PERIOD. Amulet-case. (Pb. 11.08g/25x16X7mm). Possibly 13th-14th century. Tube-shaped lead case with remains of three fastening rings at the top. The piece presents ornamental Kufic writing, with graceful strokes with simple arrow endings. Anv: لا إله إلّا ألله (There is no god but God). Rev: Despite having the first part of the legend practically erased, its reading is clear: (محمد رس)ول ألله (Muhammad is the Messenger of God). (Similar to Amulets 234. Type B-Three-handled tubes). Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Other islamic coinage

TAIFAS OR ALMORAVID PERIOD. "Mihrab" amulet. (Pb. 13.05g/27x22mm). Possibly 11th-12th century. Rectangular lead plate folded into a closed triptych. This Amulet, one of the so-called "mihrab" ones, presents elegant Kufic writing, with the shafts finished with a bevel and slight curvature at the ends and long letters. However, the design of the trilobed arch that occupies the center of the piece, as well as the beginning of the legend that frames it: ... / تحصّنت بذي العزّ. (I strengthen myself in him who has majesty) coincide fully with Amulet No. 20, which makes us think that we may find ourselves facing a piece of the same mold. (Type A-VI Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Other islamic coinage

EMIRAL OR CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 2.34g/21x18mm). Possibly 9th-10th century. Anv: A fillet runs along the entire edge in which a motif of small radial lines is repeated. In the center, three lines of linear Kufic writing. Rev: Anepigraph. The piece preserves in the upper part, remains of two fastening rings. (Type B-III Amulets). Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 3.67g/27mm). Possibly 10th century. In both areas, three lines of linear Kufic writing, with the stems of the long letters finished with a bevel. The legends are a succession of the letters "lam" and "alif" with some letters between them, which must form a kind of litany, possibly of a magical nature. The only visible difference between both areas is the external circular band, which on the obverse contains a motif of dots and on the reverse a motif of small oblique scratch . (Amulets 356-N10. Type B-III, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 80€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 3.88g/24x26mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. In both areas, a quadruple decreasing linear graph. In the center of the front and back three lines of Kufic writing, but with different legends that are difficult to read. The piece has a small perforation in the upper part between the graphics. (Type B-III Amulets). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 1.97g/23x20mm). Possibly 10th century. Anv: Surrounded by a dotted graphic, six-pointed star or ornate seal of Solomon. Rev: Four lines of pseudo-writing surrounded by a circular band with an oblique scratch motif. (Amulets 376-N12. Type B-IV, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

TAIFAS PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 5.31g/25mm). Possibly 11th-13th century. The piece is limited in both areas by a square border, of which the lower part is not visible. It is formed by a smooth interior fillet in which a line of points follow one another. On the outside, a band develops in which slightly inclined lines follow one another. Anv: Divided into six lines, Quranic text in Kufic with some gaps: بسم ألله الرحمن ا / لرحيم ـ ـ ـ ـ و من / الحمد ـ ـ ـ. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful... and who praises her...). Rev: Divided into five lines, Quranic text in Kufic with some gaps: ا الذّي /ــ ـ ـ ـ (Praise be to him who ....propose, and good is your thing. There is no other god than the one who....). This curious piece undoubtedly corresponds to a rectangular amulet struck in a round coin. The result is that the bottom part of the border has been lost, possibly with a line on each side, and the borders on the other three sides are cut. (Amulets 382-N16. Type B-III, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 160€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL/TAIFAS PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 4.69g/22mm). The same in both areas, a border of radial lines runs along the entire edge, and in the center an eight-pointed star. The piece has two perforations with breaks on the edge that were possibly made to use it as a pendant. (Similar to obverse Amulets 128. Type B-IV). Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Other islamic coinage

TAIFAS/ALMORAVIDE PERIOD. Monetiform amulet without inscription. (Pb. 10.37g/36mm). Possibly 11th-12th century. Anv: A double band runs along the entire edge; the exterior is smooth while the interior is divided into twenty triangular-shaped sectors divided by double radial lines. In the center of the piece a point surrounded by circles that appears to simulate a flower. Rev: Anepigraph. (Similar Amulets 361). Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Other islamic coinage

TAIFAS OR ALMORAVID PERIOD. Tiny monetiform amulet. (Pb. 0.64g/10mm). Possibly 11th-12th century. Anv: A wide circular epigraphic band of Kufic writing with long shafts and a bevel finish, occupies most of the piece, limited on both sides with a double line. In the center, a point. Rev: An equilateral triangle with a central point. (Amulets 410. Type B-VI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 30€

Other islamic coinage

ALMOHADE PERIOD. Monetiform amulet with incised writing. (Ae. 1.43g/25mm). Possibly 12th century. Anv: Bordered by a double linear fillet, which has a double-line square inscribed in which the central epigraphic field is developed, with five lines of illegible schematic Kufic. The top and bottom segments also appear to contain writing, equally illegible. While those on the right and left are decorated with a wavy line that seems to imitate writing. Rev: Anepigraph. (Amulets 363-N3. Type BI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 80€

Other islamic coinage

ALMORAVID OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 6.44g/31x33mm). Possibly 12th-15th century. Circular lead plate with very elegant Kufic writing, of good relief, with cursive elements and the shafts of the tall letters finished with a bevel. The legends are distributed in the same way in both areas. A circular band on the outside and a central field, which contains four lines on the obverse and three on the back. (Amulets 362-N1. Type B-III, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 150€

Other islamic coinage

ALMOHADE PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Ae. 1.15g/24mm). Possibly 13th-15th century. Anv: Legends in incised Nasjí that develop in four sectors delimited by the square and the circle, and inside the square in four lines. The piece has a fold at the bottom with a missing blank and a small circular hole right in the center, possibly to be used as a pendant. Rev: Anepigraph. (Similar to Amulets 163. Type B-III). Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Other islamic coinage

OTTOMAN. Monetiform amulet. (Ae. 2.05g/23mm). Anv: Legend in three lines with rest of enameled in tones; white, blue and black. Rev: Pseudo-epigraphic legend. Very Fine.
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Price: 50€

Other islamic coinage

UNCERTAIN CHRONOLOGY. Tiny monetiform amulet. (Pb. 1.11g/11mm). Uncertain century. Anv: Three lines of linear Kufic writing. There are no traces of fastening rings. Maybe it's the lid of a tubular amulet. (Amulets 411. Type B-VI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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Price: 40€

Other islamic coinage

UNCERTAIN CHRONOLOGY. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 2.71g/24x22mm). Apparently the same on the front and back. Three concentric circles; on the outside a border of small diagonal lines, in the middle a wide band divided into seven equal spaces divided by groups of two horns finished in a bevel and facing each other at the tip and a circle between each group. In the center of the piece a point. (Similar to Amulets 149. Type B-III). Very Fine.
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Price: 50€

Other islamic coinage

EMIRAL OR CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 8.16g/35x21mm). Possibly 9th-10th century. Rectangular lead plate divided into two parts and signs of having been folded in the shape of a triptych. It presents linear Kufic writing, with straight strokes, with perfectly drawn writing base lines. It contains ten lines on the front and nine on the back. The upper third is detached, dividing the piece into two parts. (Amulets 70-G33. Type A-IV, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.85g/39x24mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with no signs of having been bent. In both areas, framed by a narrow band in which a scratch motif is repeated, seven lines of Quranic text in elegant Kufic script, with the tall letters finished in a bevel. Antv: عْبُدْ رَبَّكَ / حتّى ياتيك اليقين / حسبي ألله و كفل and do not/be one of the careless/and worship your Lord/until death comes to you./God is enough for me and keeps me). Rev: وت و سيكفيكهم / أللهُ وَ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الع َليمُ (I fortify myself in him who has/glory, and majesty,/and omnipotence and/I trust in the/Alive that does not/die. It will be enough for you against them/God, He is the one who hears everything, the one who knows everything). (Amulets 370-N14. Type A-IV, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 90€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 26.90g/39x28mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate folded into a closed triptych. The piece presents elegant Kufic writing, with swan neck endings and the stems of the long letters finished with a bevel. As we can see in its visible part, the legends develop in a line along the entire band that delimits the piece and in a central sector with multiple lines. (AV Type Amulets). Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.83g/32x25mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the form of a diptych. Anv: Framed by a border of small scratch, Quranic text in linear Kufic divided into six lines: بسم ألله الر / حمم الرحيم /....ـ. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful! /....). Rev: Although very diffuse, a framing band with rest of the epigraphy can be seen, delimited on both sides by a border similar to that on the obverse and a central field practically erased. (Type A-III/VII Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Other islamic coinage

TAIFAS PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 14.80g/59x31mm). Possibly 11th century. Rectangular lead plaque with signs of having been folded in the shape of a closed triptych and three triangular battlements on the upper edge. Anv: Anepigraph. Rev: Quranic text in simple Kufic that develops in a wide band that borders the piece and in the two rectangles that make up the central cartouche, of which only the end can be read; above: لله (God) and below: الملك لله..... (.....the majesty belongs to God). Margin text: وت ـ ـ ــ / ـ ـ ـ ـ. (I take refuge in him who has glory, and majesty, and omnipotence/and I trust in the Living/who does not die...). (Amulets 84-G4. Type AV, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 175€

Other islamic coinage

ALMORAVID OR ALMOHADE PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 9.43g/38x31mm). Possibly 12th-13th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded into a closed triptych. (The lower third has been lost). Anv: Anepigraph. Rev: Quranic text in evolved Kufic, with some letters ending in a swan neck, which develops throughout the framing band and in a broad line that occupies the entire central field: لّا ألله....( God ). Margin: تحصّنا يا محمّد / ـ ـ ـ ـ Հ ـ ـ ـي الذي لا ـ ـ ـ. (We fortify ourselves, O Muhammad!/.... that we do not......). (Amulets 86-G8. Type AV, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Other islamic coinage

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Lot of fragments of lead amulets. Different types, models and measurements. Among them, two copies of the Amulets page: 104 and 107. Good Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 160€

Other islamic coinage

Very interesting set of 18 lead pieces classified by Gaspariño as Tokens, of different weights and measurements. This set is very attractive for carrying out a large study of this type of pieces. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 450€

Other islamic coinage

AYUBIDS, ALEPPO BRANCH, Al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf II. (634-658H/1236-1259). Dirham. (Ar. 2.90g/22mm). 650H. Aleppo. (Balog 748). Very Fine. Strange.
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Price: 75€

Other islamic coinage

AYYUBES, SULTANATE OF EGYPT. Muhammad B. Sayf al-Din Ahmad Abu-L-Ma'Ali Nasir al-Din al-Malik (615-636H/1218-1238). 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 1.37g/12mm). Without date. Damascus?. (Balog 1980-424). Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€