
M0000022905 - The militar anarchy

The militar anarchy

VALERIANO I. Antoniniano. (Ar. 3,53g/24mm). 253-254 d.C. Roma. (RIC 89). Anv: Busto drapeado de Valeriano I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG. Rev: Fides estante a izquierda portando estandartes, alrededor leyenda: FIDES MILITVM. MBC.

Price: 60€
M0000022909 - The militar anarchy
aditional photo

The militar anarchy

Preciosa e interesantísima colección, presentada en álbum Leuchtturm, formada por 89 Antoninianos en su gran mayoría de Galieno aunque también hay presencia de Antoninianos acuñados bajo la influencia de Salonina, la gran mayoría de estos son de reversos distintos y muchos mantienen los plateados originales. En general los estados de conservación de las piezas que forman la colección son altos. IMPRESCINDIBLE EXAMINAR.

Price: 2.500€

The militar anarchy

MARINIAN DIVA. Antoninian. (See 3.82g/22mm). 256-257 AD Rome. (RIC 3). Obv: diademed and draped bust of Mariniana above right crescent, around legend: DIVAE MARINIANAE. Rev: real frontal, around legend: CONSECRATIO. Good Extremely Fine. Remains of original shine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.

We know little about Mariniana, beyond her portraits on coins and that these are posthumous since she died before her husband, Valeriano I, was named emperor. However, what is really striking about this copy is the reverse where a real is the great protagonist. The presence of animals and specifically birds is not alien to Roman currency, we have many examples and the real, in addition to being an almost revered animal and symbol of immortality, was identified as Juno's sacred bird. The empresses of the Flavian era accepted it to be associated with it and, in addition, it served to indicate its apotheosis after death.
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Price: 750€

The militar anarchy

AURELIAN. As. (Ae. 7.47g/24mm). 275 AD Rome. (ICR 80). Obv: Laureate bust with cuirass of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Empress standing to right shaking hands with Aureliano standing to left carrying scepter, among them Radiated Bust of Sol, in exergue: A, around legend: CONCORDIA AVG. Very Fine.
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Price: 275€

The militar anarchy

BALBINUS. Sesterce. (Ae. 20.28g/30mm). 238 AD Rome. Obv: IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG. Laureate bust, draped and armored right. Rev: PM TR P COS II P P. Balbino standing left holding olive branch and dagger, between Uncirculated. (RIC 16). Good Very Fine. Scarce.
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Price: 600€

The militar anarchy

GALLIENUS. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.52g/23mm). 260 AD Samosata. (RIC 445). Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

The militar anarchy

GALLIENUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.43g/20mm). 266-268 AD Antioch. (RIC 603). Very Fine.
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Price: 50€

The militar anarchy

GORDIAN III. Denarius. (Ar. 2.97g/20mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 115; Cohen 243). Very Fine. Oxidations.
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Price: 45€

The militar anarchy

GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 18.50g/28mm). 244 AD Rome. (RIC 328a). Almost Extremely Fine. cleaned. Rare like that.
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Price: 375€

The militar anarchy

MAXIMINUS. Sesterce. 236-237 AD Rome. A/ Bust laureate and draped with cuirass right. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM. R/ Salus left standing feeding coiled serpent on altar. ICR 85; BMC 175. Ae. 15.84g Good Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

The militar anarchy

NUMERIAN. Antoninian. 282 AD Rome. A/ Bust radiated and draped with cuirass to the right. M AVR standing C. R/ Emperor standing left holding scepter and globe. PRINCIPI IVVENTVT, in exergue SKA. RIC 363. Ae. 4.48g Very Fine.
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Price: 70€

The militar anarchy

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.26g/22mm). 276 AD Tripolis. (RIC 927). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 30€

The militar anarchy

TREBONIANUS GALLUS. Tetradrachm. (Ae. 12.60g/25mm). 251-253 AD Antioch. (McAlee 1172d; RPC 1801). Very Fine.
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Price: 90€


CARUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.22g/22mm). 282 AD Ticinum. (ICR 82). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Caro to the right, around legend: IMP CARVS PF AVG. Rev: Spes advancing to the left carrying a flower, in exergue: SXXI, around legend: SPES PVBLICA. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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Price: 275€


ALLECTUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.33g/23mm). 293-295 AD Camulodunum. (RIC 91). Obv: Radiate, draped, armored bust right, legend around: IMP C ALLECTVS PF AVG. Rev: Pax standing left holding flower and sceptre, between SP, exergue: C, around legend: PAX AVG. Extremely Fine. Beautiful specimen, very rare as well.

Between 293 and 296 AD, the usurper Elect ruled the provinces of Britannia and northern Gaul until he was defeated by Constantius Chlorus. The limited chronological and spatial margin of their issues gives these coins a certain rarity that does not go unnoticed by the collector. As with the coins of Carausius, with which it shares numerous similarities, the portraits suffer from the technical coarseness of the execution, although they show great vigor in their representation.
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Price: 900€


LICINIUS I. Ae21. (Ae. 3.49g/21mm). 313-315 AD Treveri. (RIC 58). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 60€


MAXIMIAN, Hercules. Medallion. (Ae. 40.99g/41mm). 297-298 AD Rome. Obv: VIRTVS MAXIMIANI AVG. Laureate bust with breastplate with Aegis of Maximian to right carrying a shield decorated by a she-wolf nursing Romulus and Remus, with a horse's head behind. Rev: MONETA AVGG. The three Moneta stand facing left, all three carrying scales and cornucopias. (Cohen 405; BMC Medallions 4; Gnecchi 18). Good Very Fine. Revised obverse field. Very rare.

In the same way that Diocletian did with Jupiter, Maximian appears identified with Hercules in a magnificent portrait of great strength and realism. The intimate association of the person of the ruler with the divine nature of the hero is part of the imperial propaganda program, which found one of its best means of dissemination in coins and medals. This medal does not lack another detail of great symbolic weight: the representation of Rome and its foundation in the images of the she-wolf, Romulus and Remus. On the reverse, and with the representation of the goddess Moneta, we find another scene with a powerful symbolic charge; it seems that the cult of this goddess was established due to the influence of Greek religion and that this was the equivalent of the Greek cult of Mnemosyne. The allegory on the reverse of this medallion is thus linked to the very origins of Roman civilization. It is not the only reference to Greek culture present in this medallion. Back on the obverse we can see in the center of the breastplate the mythological figure of Medusa, probably the most recognized villain in all of Greek mythology, capable of petrifying any living being with her simple gaze.
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Price: 9.000€

Constantinian dynasty

MAXIMIAN. Follis. (Ae. 8.87g/28mm). 305-307 AD Serdica. (ICR 15b). Obv: Laureate bust in consular suit of Maximian with mappa and branch to right, around legend: DN MAXIMIAN FELICISSIMO SEN AVG. Rev: Providentia and Quies facing shelves carrying branch and scepter, including E, in field: SF, in exergue: SMSD, around legend: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG. Good Very Fine. Rare specimen. artificial patina.
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Price: 250€
M0000022896 - Constantinian dynasty

Constantinian dynasty

CONSTANCIO II. Follis. (Ae. 2,09g/17mm). 335 d.C. Antioquía. (RIC 88). Anv: Busto laureado y con coraza de Constancio II a derecha, alrededor leyenda: FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C. Rev: Dos soldados estantes enfrentados portando lanzas, entre ellos dos estandartes, en exergo: SMANz, alrededor leyenda: GLORIA EXERCITVS. EBC-.

Price: 60€

Constantinian dynasty

CONSTANTINE I Follis. 312-313 AD Rome. A/ Laureate bust with cuirass on the left. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. R/ Eagle standing left between two vexillum. RIC 350a. oh 4.10g. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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Price: 90€

Constantinian dynasty

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 3.97g/22mm). 351-352 AD Heracleia. (RIC 82). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Western Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Solid. (Aug. 4.42g/21mm). 395-423 AD Constantinople. (RIC X 1352, listed as R4; Cohen 44). Obv: Diademed, draped and armored bust of Honorius right, around legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right standing on captive carrying standard and Victoria with laurel wreath, between RM, in exergue: CONOB, around legend: VICTORIA AVGGG. Good Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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Price: 2.000€

Western Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Tremysis. (Au. 1.31g/14mm). 408-420 AD Constantinople. Obv: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to the right of Honorius. Rev: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM. Victoria standing cross-legged facing left wearing crown and cruciferous globe. (RIC 212). Good Extremely Fine. Rare and precious specimen.
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Price: 1.200€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Al-Hakam I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.46g/25mm). 197H. Al Andalus. (Vives 101; Frochoso 197.8). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Al-Hakam I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.13g/25mm). 197H. Al Andalus. (Vives 101; Frochoso 197.4). Good Very Fine. Slight marginal trimming and vintage perforations.
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Price: 35€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.13g/26mm). 220H. Al Andalus. (Vives 158; Frochoso 220.7). Quoting Ali on IA Very Fine. Staple and marginal trim.
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Price: 30€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Abd Al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.02g/23mm). 235H. Al Andalus. (Vives 207; Frochoso 235.5). Very Fine.
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Price: 35€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.21g/25mm). 237H. Al Andalus. (Vives 213; Frochoso 237.8). Very Fine.
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Price: 45€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA, 'Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.67g/26mm). 237H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 212; R. Frochoso 2009 237.9). Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 1.93g/22mm). 238H. Al Andalus. (Vives 222; Frochoso 238.12). Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 30€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 1.95g/23mm). 238H. Al Andalus. (Vives 222; Frochoso 238.3). Very Fine. Two vintage perforations.
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Price: 30€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.34g/25mm). 240H. Al Andalus. (Vives 235; Frochoso 240.12). Quoting Mu'ad in IA Good Very Fine.
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Price: 60€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.21g/27mm). 24XH. Al Andalus. Marginal cut and oxidation that prevents displaying the unit of the date. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 30€
M0000022917 - Independent Emirate

Independent Emirate

EMIRATO DEPENDIENTE DE CÓRDOBA. Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2,64g/27mm). Unidad ilegible, posiblemente 247H. al-Ándalus / الاندلس. (Vives 255; Frochoso 247.5). MBC-.

Price: 50€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.60g/26mm). 248H. Al Andalus. (Vives 256; Frochoso 248). Very Fine.
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Price: 55€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.70g/28mm). 251 H. Al-Andalus. (Vives 262; Frochoso 251). Good Very Fine. Vintage central perforation.
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Price: 70€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.11g/25mm). 254H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 268; R. Frochoso 2009, combination of ornaments not included). Very Fine. The piece presents a very fine horizontal crack between the 2nd and 3rd lines of II.A.
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Price: 90€

Independent Emirate

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.67g/27mm). 260H. Al Andalus. (Vives 282; Frocoso does not collect this decoration). Good Very Fine.
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Price: 90€

Caliphate of Cordoba

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Hisam II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.80g/23mm). 366H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 498; R. Frochoso 2009 366.10). Quoting 'Amir in IA. Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Caliphate of Cordoba

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Hisam II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.94g/22mm). 396H. Al Andalus. (Vives 588). Very Fine. Small crack.
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Price: 70€

Caliphate of Cordoba

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Independent in the name of Sulayman (1013). Dirham. (Ar. 3.07g/21mm). 402H. Fez?. Fine/ Good Fine. Very rare specimen. Two perforations.
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Price: 90€


KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Yahya Ibn Ali (Hammudies). Dirham. 412H. Madinat Sabta (Ceuta). V. Does not quote; Tight 82b. Ar. 3.11g. Good Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 275€


ALMORAVIDE TAIFAS. Anonymous coinage. 1/2 quirate. Vives 2010; Album 476T; F. Benito de los Mozos V2. Ar. 0.40g Good Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 70€


KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. HAMMUDIDS, 'Ali ibn Hammud. Dirham. (Ar. 2.63g/22mm). 404-408H. Ceuta / سبتة. (Vives 731?). Almost Very Fine. Limited. Light golden monetary patina.
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Price: 60€


KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. MALAGA TAIFA. Muhammad I al-Mahdi B. Idris I B. 'Ali. Dirham. (Ve. 3.93g/22mm). 443H. Al Andalus. (Vives 866). Good Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Scarce copy. Two perforations.
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Price: 70€


KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. TAIFA OF SEVILLE, al-Mu'tamid 'Alà Aallah Abu-l-Qasim Muhammad B. 'Abbad. Dirham. (Ve. 2.03g/28mm). 472H. Medina Zahara. (Vives 961). Good Fine. Limited. Two perforations.
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Price: 90€


KINGDOM OF TAIFAS, TAIFA OF ZARAGOZA. Imad al-Dawla Ahmad I al-Muqtadir B. Sulayman (441-475H/1049-1082). Dirham. (Ve. 5.58g/24mm). 464H. Saragossa. (Vives 1201). Good Fine. Rare specimen.
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Price: 150€


ALMORAVIDES. Ali Ibn Yusuf. 1/2 quirate. 500-537 HF Benito de los Mozos Cb47; Leafy 16. Ar. 0.30g Minting vain. Almost Very Fine. Very scarce.
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Price: 75€


ALMORAVIDES. Ali Ibn Yusuf. 1/2 quirate. 500-537 H. Delgado plates p. 106-35d; F. Benito de los Mozos Ca29 var. Ar. 0.39g Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 40€


ALMORAVIDES, Ali Ben Yusuf and the Emir Sir. Dinar. (Au. 4.13g/26mm). 530H. Al-Mariya (Almeria). (Vives 1750; Hazard 357). Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.
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Price: 1.200€