
Ancient Greek coins

ATTICA, Athens. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 17.14g/23mm). 454-404 BC (SNG Copenhagen 31). Anv: Head of Athens with Attic helmet with crest on the right. Rev: Owl standing on the right looking front, in front: AOE, behind olive branch. Extremely Fine.
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Price: 1.000€

Ancient Greek coins

BOEOTIA, Thebes. Stater. (Ar. 12.23g/21mm). 379-368 BC (SNG Copenhagen 323; HGC 4, 1331). Obv: Boeotia Escudo . Rev: Amphora, between AA-IM. Very Fine. Scratch on reverse.
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Price: 550€

Ancient Greek coins

GALIA, Massalia. Massatolia imitation obolo. (Ar. 0.62g/10mm). 450-410 BC (BN 524). Obv: Helmeted head right. Rev: Four-spoked wheel. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 300€

Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Ephesos. Cistophorus. (Ar. 11.60g/26mm). 67-67 BC (SNG Copenhagen 334). Good Fine/ Very Fine.
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Price: 200€

Ancient Greek coins

JUDAEA, Alexander Jannaois. Prutah. (Ae. 1.39g/15mm). 103-76 BC Jerusalem. (HGC 10, 636). Anv: Anchor inside graphic, around Greek legend. Rev: Star. Very Fine.
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Price: 45€

Ancient Greek coins

LYKIA, Phaselis. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.57g/30mm). 197-196 BC (Price 2864). Obv: Head of Heracles right with lion skin. Rev: Zeus seated left holding scepter and eagle right, monogram KB in front, Greek letter below throne, Greek legend behind. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, rare like this.

Greek mythology tells that the lion of Nemea was invincible and had all its inhabitants frightened. A lion that seemed indestructible and whose skin was so tough that no weapon could pierce it. After trying unsuccessfully with various weapons, it was finally with his own hands that Hercules ended the life of this lion. With his skin the armor that protected him in all his battles was made and that is the one with which he appears represented on the obverse of this coin. He also used his head as a helmet or helmet

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Price: 575€

Ancient Greek coins

NABATE KINGDOM. Aretas IV with Shaqilath I. Be10. 9 BC-40 AD Petra. A/ Laureate head to right. R/ Veiled head to right. Sofaer 70. Ae. 0.73g Very Fine.
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Price: 40€
M0000022840 - Ancient Greek coins

Ancient Greek coins

REINO PTOLEMAICO, Ptolomeo III Euergetes. Ae25. (Ae. 8,76g/25mm). 246-222 a.C. (Svoronos 976; SNG Copenhagen 232). Anv: Cabeza de Alejandro III el Grande con piel de elefante a derecha. Rev: Aguila estante de frente mirando a derecha sobre rayo, a su espalda cornucopia, entre las patas E, alrededor leyenda griega: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ. MBC-. Escaso ejemplar.

Price: 75€
M0000022842 - Ancient Greek coins

Ancient Greek coins

REINO PTOLEMAICO, Ptolomeo V Epiphanes. Ae36. (Ae. 30,96g/36mm). 208-180 a.C. (Svoronos 1233; SNG Copenhagen 246). Anv: Cabeza de Isis a la derecha. Rev: Aguila estante a izquierda sobre un rayo y con alas abiertas, alrededor leyenda griega: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ. MBC-.

Price: 80€
M0000022841 - Ancient Greek coins

Ancient Greek coins

REINO PTOLEMAICO, tiempos de Cleopatra III y Ptolomeo IX hasta Ptolomeo XII. Ae19. (Ae. 6,55g/19mm). 116-51 a.C. Alejandría. (Svoronos 1426; SNG Copenhagen 311/4). Anv: Cabeza de Zeus-Ammon diademada a derecha. Rev: Dos águilas estantes a izquierda sobre rayo y cornucopia a la izquierda, alrededor leyenda griega: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ. MBC.

Price: 90€

Ancient Greek coins

SELEUCID KINGDOM, Alexander I Balas. Drachm. (Ar. 3.93g/18mm). 150-145 BC Antioch. (SNG Spaer 1421). Obv: Laureate head of Alexander I Balas right. Rev: Apollo seated on omphalos left holding arrow and leaning on bow on ground behind, around Greek legend, in exergue Greek letters. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 150€

Ancient Greek coins

SELEUCID KINGDOM, Antiochos VII Eurgetes. Ae18. (Ae. 7.63g/18mm). 138-129 BC (HGC 9, 1087). Anv: Winged bust of Eros to the right. Rev: Headdress to the right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariarathes IX. Drachm. (Ar. 3.59g/18mm). 96-95 BC (RY 5). Obv: Laureate bust right of Ariarathes IX. Rev: Athena standing left holding scepter, shield and Victory, Greek monograms before and below, Greek legend around. (HGC 7, 845). Good Very Fine. cleaned.
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Price: 120€

Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 17.15g/27mm). 323-317 BC (Price P181; HGC 3.1, 973f). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Zeus seated on the left carrying an eagle and scepter, under the throne AY, in front M, around Greek legend. Extremely Fine. Two blows of shears. Nice and scarce like that.
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Price: 600€

Celtiberian coins

ARSE-SAGUNTO. Mite. Sagunto (Valencia). 300-200 BC A/ Horse's head to the right. In front legend "ARSETARKITERTER" R/ Galley female head to right. PRP-31. Ar. 0.24g Good Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 200€

Celtiberian coins

HAS BEEN. As. 50 BC Medina Sidonia (Cádiz). A/ Male head to right, external legend ASIDO in front. R/ Bull to right, above mark, below Libyan-Phoenician inscription 'SDN. FAB-153. oh 14.46g Good Fine. Weird.
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Price: 130€

Celtiberian coins

ASIDO (Medina Sidonia, Cadiz). As. (Ae. 14.59g/30mm). 50 BC Obv: Male head right, GRIPPED in front. Rev: Bull to right, crescent and star above, Libyan-Phoenician legend below. (FAB-153). Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine. Limited. reviewed.
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Price: 300€

Celtiberian coins

BARRY. Semis. 200-100 BC Villaricos (Almería). A/ Ureus with solar disk and between two serpents. R/ Palm tree with two bunches of hanging fruit. FAB-214. oh 9.63g Fine. Weird.
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Price: 120€

Celtiberian coins

BELIGIOM. Quadrant. 120-20 BC Belchite (Zaragoza). A/ Diademed head to right, behind Iberian sign Be. R/ Horse galloping to the right, above four globules, below Iberian legend. BELIGIOM. FAB-248. oh 3.85g Almost Extremely Fine.
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Price: 170€

Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN. Quadrant. 180-20 BC Huesca. A/ Diademed head to right, behind Iberian letter Bo. R/ Horse jumping to the right, above three points, behind Iberian legend BoLSCaN. FAB-1922. oh 3.08g Good Very Fine/ Almost Extremely Fine. Former Ibercoin 21.
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Price: 130€

Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN. Semis. 180-20 BC Huesca. A/ Male head to right, behind Iberian letter Bo. R/ Pegaso to right, below BoLSCaN. FAB-1921. oh 4.64g Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Celtiberian coins

CARISA (near Bornos, Cádiz). Semis. (Ae. 5.71g/19mm). 50 BC (FAB-448). Anv: Diademed male head on the right. Rev: Rider with spear and shield to the right, below inverted legend: CARIS. Very Fine. Missed coin.
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Price: 75€

Celtiberian coins

CARISA (Bornos, Cádiz). Semis. (Ae. 4.21g/18mm). 50 BC (FAB-451). Anv: Male head with helmet on the left. Rev: Rider with spear and shield to the left, below legend: CARIS. Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 30€

Celtiberian coins

CARTAGONOVA. Semis. Age of Augustus. 27 BC - 14 AD Cartagena (Murcia). A/ Head of young Tiberius to right. TI NERONE QVINQ HELVI POLLI PP R/ Priestly attributes. Above PRAEF, below HIBERO. FAB-584. 5.67g AE. Very Fine/ Poor. Weird.
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Price: 90€

Celtiberian coins

CARTAGONOVA. Semis. Age of Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD Cartagena (Murcia). A/ Head of young Tiberius to right. TI NERONE QVINQ HELVI POLLI PP R/ Priestly attributes. Above PRAEF, below HIBERO. FAB-584. oh 4.42g Good Fine/ Good. Weird.
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Price: 75€

Celtiberian coins

CARTEIA. Semis. 80-20 BC San Roque (Cadiz). A/ Galley head to the right. R/ Bow to right ahead S, above NVM, below CARTEI. FAB-657 poorly described. oh 5.92g Good Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Celtiberian coins

CARTEIA. Semis. 80-20 BC San Roque (Cadiz). A/ Head of Jupiter to right, behind letter S. R/ Dolphin to right, above L. MARCI, below CARTEIA. FAB-643. oh 6.87g Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 45€

Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazlona, ​​Jaén). As. (Ae. 20.30g/31mm). 180 BC (FAB-695). Anv: Diademed male head on the right. Rev: Sphinx to the right, below Iberian legend: CaSTeLE. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 100€
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Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 6,27g/22mm). 110-20 a.C. (¿FAB-2353?). Anv: Cabeza masculina a derecha, detrás letra ibérica ¿Be?. Rev: Caballo a derecha, debajo leyenda ibérica: CESSE. MBC-.

Price: 40€

Celtiberian coins

CESSE. Quadrant. 110-20 BC Tarragona. A/ Male head to right, behind Iberian letter Be. R/ Bust of Pegasus to the right, above three points, below legend CESSE. FAB-2354. oh 2.53g Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 75€

Celtiberian coins

CVNBARIA. Semis. 50 BC The Heads of Saint John (Sevilla). A/ Male head to right, behind S. R/ Tuna to left between CVNB/ARIA. FAB-880. oh 5.56g Very Fine.
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Price: 70€

Celtiberian coins

CVNBARIA. Semis. 50 BC The Heads of Saint John (Sevilla). A/ Male head to right, behind S. R/ Tuna to left between CVNB/ARIA. FAB-880. oh 7.23g Very Fine.
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Price: 70€

Celtiberian coins

EMERITA AUGUSTA. Dupondius. Age of Augustus. 27 BC Merida (Badajoz). A/ Front bust of the river god, in front of his mouth amphora pouring water, legend PERMISSV.CAESARIS.AVGVSTI. R/ City gate, above it EMERIT, legend PERMISSV.CAESARIS.AVGVSTI. FAB-1003. oh 20.07g Good Fine. very rare
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Price: 225€

Celtiberian coins

EMPORITON. Mite. Sant Martí de Empúrias (Gerona). 450-400 BC A/ Attic helmeted head left. R/ Gorgon from the front? FAB-no citation, ACIP-41. Ar. 0.78g Fissure. Good Very Fine. very rare
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Price: 425€

Celtiberian coins

EMPORITON. Mite. Sant Martí de Empúrias (Gerona). 450-400 BC A/ Head of Ceres? front, right inside legend EM R/ Rider right, with chlamys. FAB-1082. Ar. 0.83g Almost Very Fine. Weird.
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Price: 450€

Celtiberian coins

EMPORITON. Mite. Sant Martí de Empúrias (Gerona). 450-400 BC A/ Head of Ceres? from front, right legend EM on both sides R/ Rider right, with chlamys. FAB-1084. Ar. 0.59g Good Very Fine. very rare
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Price: 500€

Celtiberian coins

EMPORITON. Mite. Sant Martí de Ampurias (Gerona). 450-400 BC A/ Head of Ceres? front, right inside legend EM R/ Rider right, with chlamys. FAB-1080. Ar. 0.50g Very Fine. Limited.
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Price: 300€

Celtiberian coins

EMPORITON (Imitation Emporitan). Tritartemorion. Sant Martí de Ampurias (Gerona). 450-400 BC A/ Female head to the right. R/ Pegasus to the left. FAB-unlisted. Ar. 0.19g Drilling. Very Fine.
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Price: 100€

Celtiberian coins

EMPORITON. Hemitritartemorion. Sant Martí de Ampurias (Gerona). 450-400 BC A/ Head of Athena? with helmet on the right. R/ Pegasus flying to the right, below two rods. FAB-1197var. Ar. 0.11g Fissure. Very Fine.
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Price: 90€

Celtiberian coins

GADES. Hemiobolus. 300-200 BC Cadiz. A/ Head of Melkart left covered with lion skin. R/ Tuna right. FAB-1310. Ar. 0.27g Very Fine.
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Price: 300€

Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cadiz). Sesterce. (Ae. 35.81g/32mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-1364). Obv: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Rev: Knife, simpule and axe, around legend with external reading: PONT BALBVS. Very Fine. Very rare.
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Price: 550€

Celtiberian coins

GALIA, Massalia. Trietartemorion. (Ar. 0.63g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1181). Anv: Male head to left. Rev: Four-wheeled wheel, in the 3rd and 4th quadrant letters: MA. Good Very Fine.
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Price: 140€

Celtiberian coins

MASSALIA IMITATION DIVIDERS. Trietartemorion. (Ar. 0.58g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1181). Anv: Male head to left. Rev: Four-wheeled wheel, in the 3rd and 4th quadrant letters: MA. Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

Celtiberian coins

ICALCUSCEN (Iniesta, Cuenca). Denarius. (Ar. 3.45g/20mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-1396 var). Obv: Male head right. Rev: Rider with buckler and chlamys leading a second horse to the left, below double Iberian legend: ICaLCuSCeN. Almost Extremely Fine. Very rare and probably unpublished legend variant.

Two horses and a single rider who carries, instead of the traditional palm, a caetra (typical Celtic shield) are the most characteristic elements of these pieces whose representation has traditionally been attributed to the Dioscuri. A rider who always rides to the left showing the shield while with the right hand he guides the other horse. The large number of denarii minted under this mint responds to its prolonged minting throughout the 2nd century BC with the aim of defraying the payments of the troops that fought the continuous Lusitanian and Celtiberian revolts.
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Price: 1.100€

Celtiberian coins

ICALCUNSCEN (Iniesta, Cuenca). Semis. (Ae. 3.93g/17mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-1419). Obv: Male head right. Rev: Horse jumping left, above S, below Iberian legend: ICaLCuNSCEN. Very Fine. Very rare and more so.
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Price: 450€

Celtiberian coins

ILIBERRI (Granada). As. (Ae. 18.08g/29mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1498). Anv: Male head to the right. Rev: Sphinx to the left, below Iberian legend: ILBeRI. Good Fine. Scarce copy.
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Price: 150€

Celtiberian coins

ILTIRCESCEN. As. 120-20 BC Solsona (Lleida). A/ Male head to the right, behind palm with open leaves and ending in a circle. R/ Horseman with palm to the right, below ILTIRCeSCeN (not visible). Interesting piece minted on a Republican Ace, showing on the obverse part of the image of Janus and on the reverse a slightly weaker part of the prow, this double minting gives rise to its large unusual coin in this issue. FAB-1446. oh 33.30g. Almost Fine. Limited.
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Price: 150€

Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). As. (Ae. 23.91g/35mm). 200-20 BC Obv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins to the right. Rev: Horseman with palm and chlamys right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1461). Very Fine. Repainted.
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Price: 400€

Celtiberian coins

ILTRITA (Lleida). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.70g/18mm). 200-20 BC (FAB-1483). Obv: Iberian legend: ILTiRTa, between downward crescent and wolf's head. Rev: Horse standing right. Almost Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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Price: 350€

Celtiberian coins

UNCERTAIN. Monetized lead. (Pb. 1.90g/13mm). (CCP does not quote). Obv: Indeterminate object between four points. Rev: Smooth. Almost Very Fine.
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Price: 45€