Online Coin Auction #111

Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
  • Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420

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3351 | Roman Republic

GENS MEMMIA. Denarius. (Ar. 4.03g/17mm). 87 Fine Rome. (FFC 911; Crawford 349/1). Obv: Laureate head of Saturn left, front: three dots and I, behind harp, below legend: EX Uncirculated. Rev: Venus with sceptre in biga right, crowned by Victory flying over the horses, in exergue: LC MEMMIES LF GAL. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 40€

3352 | Roman Republic

GENS MINUCIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.85g/19mm). 134 Fine Rome. (FFC 925; Crawford 243/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, star behind. Rev: Column with statue on top, base decorated with ears of wheat, on each side a standing toga figure, Lucius Minucius with bread and plate and M Minucius Faesus with lithuo, legend around: TI MINVCI CF AVGVRNI ROMA. VF.
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Starting price: 80€

3353 | Roman Republic

GENS NAEVIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.70g/19mm). 79 Fine Auxiliary workshop of Rome. (FFC 937; Crawford 382/1). Anv: Diademed head of Venus to the right, behind Uncirculated. Rev: Victoria driving wheat to the right, above: XXVIIII, in exergue: C NAE BALB. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 50€
Starting price: 50€
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3354 | Roman Republic

GENS NORBANA. Covered denarius. (Ar-Ae. 3.37g/19mm). 83 Fine Rome. (Crawford 357/1b; FFC 943). Obv: Diademed head of Venus right, behind number: CXXXVIII, below legend: C NORBANVS. Reverse: Fasces with axe between a spike and a caduceus. VF-.
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Starting price: 30€

3355 | Roman Republic

GENS PAPIRIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.79g/21mm). 122 Fine. Auxiliary workshop of Rome. (FFC 958; Crawford 279/1). Obv: Head of Roma with helmet facing right, behind: X. Rev: Jupiter with sceptre and bundle of rays leading a quadriga facing right, below legend: M CARBO, in exergue: ROMA. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 40€

3356 | Roman Republic

GENS POBLICIA. Plated denarius. (Ar-Ae. 3.11g/19mm). 80 Fine. Auxiliary workshop of Rome. (FFC 1017; Crawford 380/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, above: H, behind legend: ROMA. Rev: Hercules standing left strangling the Nemean lion, front: mace, bow and quiver, above: H, behind legend: C POBLICI Q F. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 80€
Starting price: 40€
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3357 | Roman Republic

GENS POMPONIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.77g/18mm). 118 Fine (FFC 1027; Crawford 282/4). Obverse: Head of Roma right, around legend: L POMPONI CN F. Reverse: Bituito warrior with shield and carnyx driving a biga throwing a javelin, in exergue: L LIC CN DOM. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 75€

3358 | Roman Republic

GENS POMPONIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.52g/20mm). 118 Fine (FFC 1027; Crawford 282/4). Obverse: Head of Roma right, around legend: L POMPONI CN F. Reverse: Bituito warrior with shield and carnyx driving a biga throwing a javelin, in exergue: L LIC CN DOM. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 30€

3359 | Roman Republic

GENS POMPONIA. Plated denarius. (Ar-Ae. 3.06g/19mm). 66 Fine (FFC 1048; Crawford 410/9a). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right, behind buskin. Reverse: The muse Thalia standing left wearing a mask and staff, leaning on a column, legend around: Q POMPONI MVSA. VF-.
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Starting price: 40€

3360 | Roman Republic

GENS POGoodIA. Quinarius. (Ar. 1.67g/13mm). 89 Fine Rome. (Crawford 343/2b). Obv: Laureate head of Libertas right, behind legend: M CATO. Rev: Seated Victory right, below legend: VICTRIX. VF/VF+.
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Starting price: 50€

3361 | Roman Republic

GENS POGoodIA. Quinarius. (Ar. 1.70g/14mm). 89 Fine Rome. (Crawford 343/2b). Obv: Laureate head of Libertas right, behind legend: M CATO. Rev: Seated Victory right, below legend: VICTRIX. VF+.
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Starting price: 20€

3362 | Roman Republic

GENS POGoodIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.92g/18mm). 125 Fine Rome. (FFC 1051; Crawford 270/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, star in front, legend behind: LAECA. Rev: Libertas leading a chariot right and being crowned by Victoria with a laurel wreath, below: M POGood, in exergue: ROMA. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 50€

3363 | Roman Republic

GENS POGoodIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.79g/18mm). 110-109 Fine Rome. (FFC 1055; Crawford 301/1). Obverse: Head of Roma facing right, star in front, legend behind: P LAECA. Roman soldier raising right hand, toga citizen in front, lictor with fasces behind, in exergue: PROVOCO. VF.
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Starting price: 75€

3364 | Roman Republic

GENS POSTUMIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.91g/20mm). 131 Fine Rome. (FFC 1063; Crawford 252/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, star in front, apex behind. Rev: Mars on quadriga right with trophy and sceptre, below legend: L POST ALB, in exergue: ROMA. VF.
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Starting price: 75€

3365 | Roman Republic

GENS POSTUMIA. Denarius. (Ar. 2.96g/19mm). 81 Fine. Auxiliary workshop of Rome. (FFC 1072; Crawford 372/2). Obv: Veiled head of Hispania on the right, behind legend: HISPAN. Rev: Standing toga figure on the left between a legionary eagle and a consular fasces, around legend: A POST AFSN ALBIN. VF.
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Starting price: 80€

3366 | Roman Republic

GENS POSTUMIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.28g/20mm). 81 Fine. Auxiliary workshop of Rome. (Crawford 372/2; FFC 1072). Obv: Veiled head of Hispania on the right, behind legend: HISPAN. Rev: Standing toga figure on the left between a legionary eagle and a consular fasces, around legend: A POST AFSN ALBIN. VF-.
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Starting price: 45€

3367 | Roman Republic

GENS POSTUMIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.74g/17mm). 48 Fine Rome. (FFC 1075; Crawford 450/2). Obv: Head of Pietas right, behind legend: PIETAS. Reverse: Two clasped hands holding a caduceus, below legend: ALBINVS BRVTI F. Very Fine. Dark patina.
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Starting price: 75€

3368 | Roman Republic

GENS QUINCTIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.70g/19mm). 126 Fine Rome. (FFC 1084; Crawford 267/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, star in front, flamen's bonnet behind. Rev: The Dioscuri on horseback, star above, Macedonian shield below between T and Q, in exergue: ROMA. VF-.
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Starting price: 45€

3369 | Roman Republic

GENS QUINCTIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.87g/19mm). 112-111 Fine Central Italy. (FFC 1086; Crawford 297/1). Obv: Bust of Hercules facing left with mace on his right shoulder. Reverse: Rider leading two horses left, below rat left, between TI-Q, above letter B, in exergue: DS S. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 40€

3370 | Roman Republic

GENS RENIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.36g/16mm). 138 Fine Rome. (FFC 1088; Crawford 231/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, behind X. Rev: Juno Caprotina in goat's head right, below legend: C RENI, in exergue: ROMA. Good Fine.

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Starting price: 25€

3371 | Roman Republic

GENS RUBRIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.62g/18mm). 87 Fine Rome. (FFC 1092; Crawford 348/2). Obv: Veiled bust of Juno right holding sceptre, behind her: DOS. Reverse: Triumphal chariot right, above it Victory flying right carrying laurel wreath, in exergue: L RVBRI. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 40€

3372 | Roman Republic

GENS RUTILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.63g/18mm). 77 Fine Rome. (FFC 1095; Crawford 387/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, behind legend: FLAC. Rev: Victory with crown in biga right, in exergue: L RVTILI. Very Fine-/Very Fine .
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Current bid: 40€
Starting price: 40€
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3373 | Roman Republic

GENS SAUFEIA. As. (Ae. 25.19g/33mm). 152 Fine Rome. (Crawford 204/2). Anv: Double-fronted Janus head, above I. Rev: Bow to right, above legend: SAVF, below: ROMA, in front: I. Very Fine-. Punch on obverse.
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Starting price: 30€

3374 | Roman Republic

GENS SERGIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.75g/19mm). 116-115 Fine Northern Italy. (FFC 1111; Crawford 286/1). Obv: Head of Roma right, behind star, behind: ROMA, front: EX Uncirculated. Reverse: Horseman with sword left on field of Gaul's head, below legend: QM SERGI, in exergue: SILVS. VF.
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Starting price: 50€

3375 | Roman Republic

GENS SICINIA. Denarius. (Ar. 2.94g/16mm). 49 Fine Rome. (FFC 1125; Crawford 444/1a). Obverse: Diademed head of Apollo facing right, below star, around legend: Q SICINIVS III VIR. Reverse: Mace of Hercules covered by lion skin facing right, on both sides bow and arrow, around legend: C COPONIVS PR Uncirculated. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 60€

3376 | Roman Republic

GENS THORIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.88g/19mm). 105 Fine Northern Italy. (FFC 1141; Crawford 316/1). Obv: Bust of Juno Sospita right, covered with goatskin, behind ISMR. Rev: Bull right with raised front legs, above: O, below legend: L THORIVS, in exergue: BALBVS. VF-.
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Current bid: 60€
Starting price: 40€
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3377 | Roman Republic

GENS TITIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.69g/17mm). 90 Fine Central Italy. (FFC 1142; Crawford 341/1). Obv: Head of the god Mutinus Titinus right. Reverse: Pegasus right, below legend: Q TITI. VF+.
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Starting price: 65€

3378 | Roman Republic

GENS TITURIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.88g/18mm). 89 Fine Rome. (Crawford 344/1b; FFC 1154). Obv: Head of Tatius right, palm in front, legend behind: SABIN. Rev: Two warriors with two Sabine women in their arms, in exergue: L TITVRI. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 50€

3379 | Roman Republic

GENS TULLIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.58g/21mm). 120 Fine Rome. (FFC 1162; Crawford 280/1). Obv: Head of Roma with helmet facing right, behind legend: ROMA. Rev: Victory carrying palm and driving quadriga facing right, above laurel wreath, below: X, in exergue: M TVLLI. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 50€

3380 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.91g/19mm). 90 Fine Rome. (FFC 1188; Crawford 342/5b). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right, front: SII, back legend: PANSA. Rev: Minerva driving chariot right with sceptre and trophy, exergue: C VIBIVS CF. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 50€

3381 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.75g/19mm). 48 Fine Rome. (Crawford 440/2; FFC 1216). Obv: Head of Bacchus right, behind legend: PANSA. Rev: Ceres advancing right carrying two torches, in front plough, behind legend: C VIBIVS CFC N. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 60€

3382 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR as Dictator with C. CLOVIUS as Prefect. Dupondius. (Ae. 12.49g/28mm). 46-45 Fine Rome. (Crawford 476/1a; RPC 601). Obv: Draped bust of Victoria facing right, inscription in front: CAESAR DIC TER. Rev: Minerva advancing left carrying trophy, spear and shield, snake at her feet, behind: C CLOV PRAEF. VF-. Fields lowered and repatinated. Scarce example.
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Starting price: 300€

3383 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR. Denarius. (Ar. 3.70g/18mm). 49-48 Fine. Movable military mint. (FFC 50; Crawford 443/1). Obv: Elephant advancing to the right, in front a snake, below legend: CAESAR. Reverse: Emblems of the papacy: simpulum, aspergilum, securis (crowned by a wolf's head) and apex. VF.
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Current bid: 650€
Starting price: 600€
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3384 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR. Denarius. (Ar. 3.80g/18mm). 49-48 Fine Mobile military mint. (Crawford 443/1). Obv: Elephant advancing to the right, in front a snake, below legend: CAESAR. Reverse: Emblems of the papacy: simpulum, aspergilum, securis (crowned by a wolf's head) and apex. VF-. Scarce example.
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Starting price: 400€

3385 | Roman Republic

MAGoodUS ANTHONY. Quinarius. (Ar. 1.59g/13mm). 42 Fine Lugdunum. (Crawford 489/6). Obv: Winged bust of Victoria right, front: RPC. Rev: Lion right, between: A-XLI, around legend: ANTONI IMP. Good Fine. Aggressive chemical cleaning. Scarce.
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Current bid: 40€
Starting price: 40€
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3386 | Roman Republic

MAGoodO ANTONIO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.45g/17mm). 32-31 Fine Flying mint. (FFC 33; Crawford 544/15). Anv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG-III. Very Fine/Very Fine-. Countermarks on obverse.
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Current bid: 120€
Starting price: 100€
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3387 | Roman Republic

MAGoodO ANTONIO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.22g/18mm). 32-31 Fine Flying mint. (FFC 33; Crawford 544/15). Anv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG-III. Fine.
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Current bid: 40€
Starting price: 40€
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3388 | Roman Republic

MAGoodUS ANTHONY. Denarius. (Ar. 3.02g/17mm). 32-31 Fine Flying mint. (Crawford 544/18; FFC 36). Obv: Praetorian galley right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two standards, between them: LEG-VI. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 60€

3389 | Roman Republic

MAGoodO ANTONIO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.17g/18mm). 32-31 Fine Flying mint. (FFC 51; Crawford 544/31). Anv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG-XVI. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 70€

3390 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Ae25. (Ae. 9.02g/25mm). 27 Fine. Uncertain mintage, Asia Minor. (RPC 2230; RIC 497). Obv: Uncovered head of Augustus right, surrounding legend: IMP CAESAR. Rev: CA within the circle, all within a laurel wreath. VF.

Ex Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 52 (01/10/2019), Lot 493.

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Starting price: 45€

3391 | Roman Empire

DIVO AUGUSTUS. As. (Ae. 10.66g/28mm). 22-30 AD Rome. (RIC 81). Ob.: Radiant head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rev.: Altar closed by two doors, between Uncirculated, below: PROVIDENT. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 100€

3392 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Dupondius. (Ae. 10.94g/27mm). 14-37 AD Rome. (RIC 81). Obverse: Radiant head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Reverse: Altar with closed doors, between: Uncirculated, below: PROVIDENT. Very Fine-. Repatinated.
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Current bid: 95€
Starting price: 80€
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3393 | Roman Empire

AUGUST. Dupondius. (Ae. 11.01g/26mm). 14-37 AD Rome. (RIC 81). Anv: Radiated head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rev: Altar with closed doors, between: Uncirculated, below: PROVIDENT. Very Fine-.
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Current bid: 75€
Starting price: 75€
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3394 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.80g/14mm). 25-23 Fine Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1a). Obv: Head of Augustus right, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3395 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.49g/15mm). 25-23 Fine Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1a). Obv: Head of Augustus right, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3396 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.58g/14mm). 25-23 Fine Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1b). Obv: Head of Augustus left, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 20€

3397 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.78g/16mm) 25-23 Fine Emeritus. (RIC 7a). Obv: Head of Augustus facing right, legend all around: IMP CAESAR AVGVST. Rev: Celtiberian warrior helmet, between sword and double-edged axe, legend all around: P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR. VF-. Porous silver. Scarce example.
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Starting price: 300€

3398 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.75g/20mm) 25-23 Fine Emeritus. (RIC 7a). Obv: Head of Augustus facing right, legend all around: IMP CAESAR AVGVST. Rev: Celtiberian warrior helmet, between sword and double-edged axe, legend all around: P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR. Good Fine. Minting gaps. Scarce example.
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Starting price: 175€

3399 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.43g/18mm). 7-6 Fine (RIC 207). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus facing right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius standing facing forward, between them shield and spears, in field simpulo and lithuo, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT. Very Fine. Porosity.
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Current bid: 200€
Starting price: 200€
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3400 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/18mm). 7-6 Fine (RIC 207). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius standing facing each other, between them shield and spears, in field simpulum and lithuo, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT. VF+. Light tone on obverse and dark patina on reverse.
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Current bid: 155€
Starting price: 120€
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