Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST
- First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
- Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420
3151 | Celtiberian coins
CELSE (Velilla de Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 12.82g/28mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-771). Anv: Male head right with cloak and fibula, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend on line: CeLSE. Very Fine-.
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3152 | Celtiberian coins
CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.72g/29mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-771). Anv: Head to right with cloak and fibula to right, around three dolphins. Rev: Horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend on line: CeLSE. Good Fine.
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3153 | Celtiberian coins
CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.72g/29mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-773). Anv: Head to right with cloak and fibula to right, two dolphins in front, legend behind: CEL. Rev: Horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend above line: CeLSE. Good Fine.
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3154 | Celtiberian coins
CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 6.56g/20mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-782). Obverse: Male head facing right surrounded by three dolphins. Reverse: Horse with bridle facing right, crescent above, below Iberian legend above line: CeLSE. VF.
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3155 | Celtiberian coins
CELSE (Velilla de Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 17.15g/32mm). 50-30 Fine (FAB-800). Obv: Female bust facing right with light draping and palm, above PR II VIR, below CVIL. Rev: Bull standing right, above: C BALBO, below: L POGoodIO. Very Fine/Good Very Fine.
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3156 | Celtiberian coins
CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 12.17g/26mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-846). Anv: Male head to the right, behind legend: CaRBiCa, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF-.
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3157 | Celtiberian coins
CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 9.91g/25mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-846). Anv: Male head to right, behind legend: CaRBiCa, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF-.
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3158 | Celtiberian coins
CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 8.21g/25mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-846). Anv: Male head to right, behind legend: CaRBiCa, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. Good Fine. Perforation.
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3159 | Celtiberian coins
CUNBARIA (between Cabezas de San Juan and Lebrija, Seville). Semis. (Ae. 7.76g/22mm). 50 Fine (FAB-880). Anv: Male head right, behind S. Rev: Tuna left, between legend: CVNB/ARIA. VF.
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3160 | Celtiberian coins
EBORA (Évora, Portugal). As. (Ae. 9.09g/27mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-901). Anv: Head of Augustus to the left, around legend: PERM CAES AVG P M. Rev: Láurea, inside legend in four lines: LIBERALITATIS/IVLIAE/EBOR. Good Fine.
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3161 | Celtiberian coins
EBUSUS (Ibiza). 1/8 Calco. (Ae. 1.05g/11mm). 300-200 Fine (FAB-906). Obv: Bull left. Rev: Bull left. VF.
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3162 | Celtiberian coins
EBUSUS (Ibiza). 1/4 Calco. (Ae. 3.04g/16mm). 200-100 Fine (FAB-923). Obv: Bes with a skirt facing forward holding hammer and snake. Reverse: Bull charging left. VF+. Nice specimen.
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3163 | Celtiberian coins
EBUSUS (Ibiza, Balearic Islands). 1/4 Calco. (Ae. 3.16g/17mm). 300-200 Fine (FAB-923). Obv: Bes with a skirt facing forward holding hammer and snake. Reverse: Bull charging left. VF.
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3164 | Celtiberian coins
EBUSUS (Ibiza). 1/4 Calco. (Ae. 3.18g/16mm). 200-100 Fine (FAB-923). Obverse: Bes with a skirt facing forward holding hammer and snake. Reverse: Bull charging left. VF-.
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3165 | Celtiberian coins
EBUSUS (Ibiza). 1/8 Calco. (Ae. 1.49g/13mm). 200-100 Fine (FAB-924). Obv: Bes with a kilt facing forward with hammer and snake. Reverse: Bull charging right. VF.
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3166 | Celtiberian coins
EBUSUS (Ibiza). Interesting set consisting of 8 bronzes of different modules and qualities. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
3167 | Celtiberian coins
ECUALACOS (Soria-Guadalajara area). As. (Ae. 12.54g/26mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-969). Anv: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind Iberian letter: E. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below legend: ECuALACoS. Very Fine.
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3168 | Celtiberian coins
ECUALACOS (Soria-Guadalajara area). As. (Ae. 13.44g/25mm). 120-20 AD (FAB-969). Obverse: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind Iberian letter: E. Reverse: Horseman with lance to the right, below legend: ECuALACoS. VF. Verdigris spots.
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3169 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Denarius. (Ar. 3.55g/19mm). 27 Fine (FAB-976). Obv: Head of Augustus right, around legend: IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rev: City gate with inscription: EMERITA, around legend: P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR. Very Fine-. Scarce specimen.
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3170 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Very interesting set of 6 silver coins, 2 Denarii and 4 Quinarii. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
3171 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida, Badajoz). As. (Ae. 8.24g/28mm). 27 Fine (FAB-986). Anv: Head of Augustus right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVS TRIBVN POTEST. Rev: Legend: P CARISIVS LEG AVGVSTI. Fine-. Cleaned.
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3172 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 13.43g/29mm). 27 Fine (FAB-996). Anv: Head of Augustus to the left, around legend: CAESAR AVGV TRIBVN POTES. Rev: Legend: P CARISIVS/LEG/AVGVSTI. Very Fine.
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3173 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 7.65g/26mm). 27 Fine (FAB-998). Anv: Naked head of Augustus right, around legend: AVGVSTVS TRIB POTEST. Rev: City gate with inscription: EMERITA, around legend: P CARISIVS LEG AVGVSTI. Very Fine-.
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3174 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 8.38g/26mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1009). Obv: Bearded head facing forward, below amphora, around legend: PERMISSV CAESARIS AVGVSTI. Rev: Yoke to the left, above legend: AVGVSTA, below: EMERITA. VF-.
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3175 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 13.81g/26mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1009). Obv: Bearded head facing forward, below amphora, around legend: PERMISSV CAESARIS AVGVSTI. Reverse: Yoke to the left, above legend: AVGVSTA, below: EMERITA. Good Fine. Defect on reverse.
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3176 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Semis. (Ae. 6.52g/20mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1016). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Legionary eagle between standards, above: CAE, between them: LE/VX. Very Fine-.
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3177 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 10.83g/25mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1012). Obverse: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: PERM IMP CAESARIS AVG P P. Reverse: Yoke right, around legend: AVGVSTA EMERITA. Very Fine-.
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3178 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Semis. (Ae. 5.15g/22mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1016). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Legionary eagle between standards, above: CAE, between them: LEG/VX. Very Fine-. Refinished.
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3179 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.46g/17mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1022). Obverse: Female head to the right, around legend: EME AVGV. Reverse: Legend: IMP CAE, within a laurel wreath. VF-. Scarce.
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3180 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Quadrant. (Ae. 1.79g/16mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1022). Obverse: Female head to the right, around legend: EME AVGV. Reverse: Legend: IMP CAE, within a laurel wreath. VF-. Scarce.
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3181 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.80g/17mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1024). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: PER CAE AVG. Rev: Patera, lithuo and pre-periculus, around legend: CAE. VF+. Oxidations.
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3182 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Dupondio. (Ae. 21.85g/36mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1026). Obverse: Head of Livia facing right, around legend: PERM AVGVSTI SALVS AVGVSTA. Reverse: Livia seated facing right, as Ceres, around legend: AVGVSTA IVLIA CA E. Good Fine.
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3183 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Dupondius. (Ae. 25.19g/34mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1027). Obverse: Radiant head of Augustus right, rays in front, legend around: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Reverse: City gate with inscription: AVGVSTA/EMERITA. Good Fine.
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3184 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Dupondius. (Ae. 23.79g/36mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1030). Obverse: Radiated head of Tiberius left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PAT. Reverse: City gate with inscription: AVGVSTA/EMERITA. Good Fine. Large flan.
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3185 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 11.18g/28mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1040). Obverse: Radiant head of Augustus right, star above, rays in front, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Reverse: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Very Fine.
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3186 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 12.35g/30mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1044). Obverse: Radiant head of Augustus facing left, around external legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Reverse: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Very Fine-.
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3187 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 11.42g/29mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1044). Obv: Radiant head of Augustus facing left, around external legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Good Fine. Defect on reverse.
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3188 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 10.09g/26mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1053). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS PONT MAX. Rev: Head of Livia right, around legend: IVLIA AVGVSTA CAE. Very Fine-.
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3189 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 12.07g/27mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1053). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS PONT MAX. Rev: Head of Livia right, around legend: IVLIA AVGVSTA CAE. Very Fine-.
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3190 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 11.06g/27mm). 14-36 AD (ACIP 3401). Obverse: Radiant head of Tiberius facing left, star above, around legend: DIVVS AVG PATER CAE. Altar, around legend: PERMI AVG PROVIDENT. Very Fine-.
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3191 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 20.71g/29mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1055; ACIP 3408a) Obv: Naked head of Tiberius facing left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Good Fine. Heavy coin blank.
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3192 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 13.08g/29mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1055) Obv: Naked head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. VF-. Minting gaps
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3193 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 21.45g/29mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1056). Obverse: Laureate head of Tiberius facing left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PONT MAX IMP. Reverse: Gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. VF.
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3194 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 7.92g/26mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1056) Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Very Fine-.
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3195 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 11.98g/28mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1056) Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius facing left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. VF-. Oxidations.
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3196 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 10.63g/27mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1056) Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Very Fine-.
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3197 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 13.14g/28mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1062). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius to the right, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PONT MAX IMP. Rev: Tetrastyle temple, around legend: AETERNITATI AVGVSTAE CAE. Very Fine.
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3198 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 12.24g/26mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1062). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius to the right, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PONT MAX IMP. Rev: Tetrastyle temple, around legend: AETERNITATI AVGVSTAE CAE. Very Fine.
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3199 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). As. (Ae. 13.40g/28mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1062). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius to the right, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG PONT MAX IMP. Rev: Tetrastyle temple, around legend: AETERNITATI AVGVSTAE CAE. Very Fine-.
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3200 | Celtiberian coins
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida). Interesting set of 26 bronze coins of different modules and types, including two coins from the Luco Augusti mint. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".