Medieval coins

Automatically generated translation
PETER I (1350-1368). 2 Maravedis. (Ve. 1.83g/24mm). Seville. (Imperatrix P1:8.11; FAB-388). Anv: Castle, below S, all within double globular graphics, around legend: PETRVS REX CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Rev: Rampant lion to the left within double globular graphics, around legend: PETRVS REX CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Very Fine-.
Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 11:00
Lot 4052
Starting price
Starting price 60€
Illustrative price in other currencies
$ 66
£ 51
CHF 58
¡Place your bid now!
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