Roman Empire

Automatically generated translation
THEODOSIUS II. Solid. (Au. 4.49g/21mm). 443-450 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 324). Obv: Bust of Theodosius II wearing a diadem and cuirass, helmet and armour, right, carrying a lance and shield, with illustration of a horseman attacking a captive, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Victory seated left, carrying a cruciferous globe and shield with foot on prow, on a star field, below: CONOB, around legend: IMP XXXXII COS XVII P P. Extremely Fine.
Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 11:00
Lot 3778
$ 820
£ 631
CHF 722
Bids: 1 / Bidders: 1