Roman Empire

Automatically generated translation
VESPASIAN. Sestertius. (Ae. 24.44g/36mm). 71 AD Rome. (RIC 159). Obverse: Laureate head of Vespasian right, around legend: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM TR PPP COS III. Reverse: Captive standing right with hands tied behind his back, in front seated captive right, between them palm trees and behind shields, below: Uncirculated, above legend: IVDAEA CAPTA. VF-. Rare example.
Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 11:00
Lot 3423
Starting price
Starting price 500€
Illustrative price in other currencies
$ 547
£ 421
CHF 481
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