Online Coin Auction #111

Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
  • Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420

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Results for la category: "Roman Empire"

3740 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I. Follis. (Ae. 2.55g/17mm). 307-337 AD Constantinople. (RIC 373). Obverse: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Rome facing left, around legend: VRBS ROMA. Reverse: She-wolf feeding Romulus and Remus, above laurel wreath between two stars, in exergue: CONS. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3741 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I. Follis. (Ae. 3.45g/24mm). 306-337 AD Treveri. (RIC 870). Obverse: Laureate bust with cuirass of Constantine I right, around legend: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Standing sun left, between: TF, in exergue: PTR, around legend: SOLI INVICTO COMIT. Very Fine. Oxidations.
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Starting price: 15€

3742 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I. Hybrid follis of barbarian imitation. (Ae. 1.40g/13mm). 330-333 AD Uncertain mintage. (RIC 222 (Siscia) for the obverse and RIC 523 (Treveri) for the reverse). Obv: Bust of Roma with helmet and cuirass to the left, around legend: VRBS ROMA. Reverse: Victory advancing to the left, foot on the prow, hand on the shield to the right, holding the lance, in exergue: SIS, around inconspicuous legend. VF. Interesting specimen.
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Starting price: 25€

3743 | Roman Empire

FAUSTA. Follis. (Ae. 2.91g/19mm). 326 AD Sirmium. (RIC 55). Anv: Draped bust of Fausta facing right, around legend: FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG. Rev: Salus standing left carrying two children, in exergue: SIRM, around legend: SPES REIPVBLICAE. VF/VF-.
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Current bid: 15€
Starting price: 15€
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3744 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 2.86g/19mm). 325-326 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 122). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Crispus left, around legend: FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Camp gate above star between two turrets, below: SMNB, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. VF.
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Starting price: 25€

3745 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 3.24g/20mm). 317-318 AD. Treveris. (RIC 169). Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Crispus right, surrounding legend: FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Crispus in military dress with lance and globe right; in field: FT, in exergue: ATR, surrounding legend: PRINCIPI IV VENTVTIS. VF+.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3746 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 1.48g/15mm). 330-335 AD Antioch. (RIC 87). Obverse: Bust of Constantine II wearing a diadem and cuirass facing right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Reverse: Two standing soldiers facing each other, carrying lances, between them a standard, in exergue: SMANS, around legend: GLORIA EXEGoodITVS. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3747 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 3.15g/18mm). 324-325 AD Heraclea. (RIC 96). Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantine II facing left, around legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Rev: Camp gate, above a star between two turrets, next to it a dot, below: SMHA, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Extremely Fine. Remains of original silver plating. Nice example, rare as it is.
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Starting price: 70€

3748 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 3.05g/18mm). 320-321 AD Siscia. (RIC 159). Obverse: Laureate head of Constantine II facing right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Rev: Legend: VOT/X, within laurel wreath, below: E-SIS-sunrays, around legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. Extremely Fine-.
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Starting price: 25€

3749 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 2.98g/22mm). 317-318 AD Treveri. (RIC 174). Obverse: Bust of Constantine II in cuirass facing right, around legend: FL CL CONSTANTINVS IVN N C. Reverse: Constantine II standing right holding globe and spear, in field: FT, in exergue: BTR, around legend: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3750 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIO II. Follis. (Ae. 1.76g/16mm). 337-341 AD Trier. (RIC 39 var). Ob.: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantius II facing right, surrounding legend: FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C. Rev.: Two soldiers with spears and shield facing each other, between them a standard with an inscribed O, in exergue: ·TRP·, surrounding legend: GLORIA EXEGoodITVS. Extremely Fine-. Nice specimen.
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Current bid: 18€
Starting price: 15€
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3751 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS II. Centenional. (Ae. 4.89g/22mm). 351-355 AD Alexandria. (RIC 72). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II right, surrounding legend: DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Standing soldier left spearing a fallen horseman, in left field: G, in exergue: ALEr, surrounding legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Very Fine-. Cleaned.
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Starting price: 15€

3752 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIO II. Follis. (Ae. 6.21g/24mm). 351-355 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 86). Obverse: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II right, surrounding legend: DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Soldier with lance and shield attacking a fallen horseman left, in field r, in exergue: SMNA, surrounding legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Good Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3753 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIO II. Follis. (Ae. 3.19g/18mm). 337-361 AD Aquileia. (RIC 95). Obverse: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantius II facing left, around legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Rev: VOT/V, within laurel wreath, below: AQT, around legend: CAESARVM NOSTORVM. VF+. Cleaned.
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Starting price: 20€

3754 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIO II. Follis. (Ae. 5.47g/22mm). 348-350 AD. Arelate. (RIC 102). Obverse: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II right, surrounding legend: DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Constantius II left spearing a horseman at his feet; in exergue: ARL*, surrounding legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3755 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIO II. (Ae. 3.88g/21mm). Maiorina. 350 AD Rome. (RIC 188). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantius left, behind in field N, around legend: DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Constantius in military dress left with labarum/standard resting on shield, at his feet two captives facing each other, in field: N, around legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Good Very Fine/Very Fine.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3756 | Roman Empire

CONSTANT. Follis. (Ae. 4.55g/21mm). 348-350 AD Alexandria. (RIC 60). Obverse: Diademed, draped and armoured bust of Constans facing left, holding a globe in his right hand, surrounding legend: DN CONSTANS PF AVG. Reverse: Soldier carrying a lance, advancing left, leading a barbarian from a hut; beneath a tree and star; in exergue: ALEr, surrounding legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. VF.
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Starting price: 30€

3757 | Roman Empire

MAGNENTIUM. Maiorina. (Ae. 5.33g/22mm). 351-353 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 154). Anv: Draped and armored bust on the right; DN MAGNENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Crismón with alpha and omega, around legend: SALVS DD NN AVG ET CAES, exerg: LSLG. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 20€

3758 | Roman Empire

MAGNENTIUS. Maiorina. (Ae. 4.86g/22mm). 351-352 AD Arelate. (RIC 164). Anv: Draped bust and cuirass of Magnentius facing right, around the legend: DN MAGNENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Two standing Victories, facing each other, bearing a shield with the inscription VOT / V / MVLT / X, in exergue: FPAR, around the legend: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAES. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3759 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 3.77g/22mm). 361-363 AD Heraclea. (RIC 101). Obverse: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Julian II facing left, carrying spear and shield, around legend: DN FL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT X MVLT XX, within laurel wreath, below: HERACLB. VF+. Nice specimen, rare as it is.
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Starting price: 50€

3760 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 2.75g/20mm). 361-363 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 130). Anv: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Julian II left holding spear and shield, around legend: DN FL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT X MVLT XX, within laurel wreath, below: CVZA. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 25€

3761 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Double Maiorina. (Ae. 8.56g/28mm). 360-363 AD Thessalonica. (RIC 225). Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Julian II right, around legend: DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Bull right, above two stars, in exergue: TESA, around legend: SECVRITAS REI PVB. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 50€

3762 | Roman Empire

JOVIAN. Antoninianus. (Ae. 2.68g/20mm). 363-364 AD Sirmium. (RIC 118). Obverse: Diademed and draped bust of Jovian facing right, around legend: DN IOVIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT/V/MVLT/X, within laurel wreath, below: ASIRN. Very Fine-.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3763 | Roman Empire

VALENT. Nummus. (Ae. 2.89g/17mm). 364-367 AD Antioch. (RIC 10b). Anv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valens facing right, around legend: DN VALENS PF AVG. Rev: Valens standing right looking left carrying globe and labarum, captive behind, in exergue: ANT, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3764 | Roman Empire

GRATIANO. Follis. (Ae. 5.32g/24mm). 378-383 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 14a). Obv: helmeted, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Gratian facing right holding spear and shield, around legend: DN GRATIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Gratian standing left at the bow raising his right hand, Victory seated at the helm, in field D, in exergue: SMNA, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 15€
Starting price: 15€
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3765 | Roman Empire

GRATIANO. Follis. (Ae. 2.65g/17mm). 378-383 AD Antioch. (RIC 50a). Obverse: Diademed and draped bust of Gratian facing right, around legend: DN GRATIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated left carrying spear and globe, in field: Θ-Φ, in exergue: ANTA, around legend: VIRTVS ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3766 | Roman Empire

GRATIANO. Follis. (Ae. 5.67g/23mm). 367-383 AD Antioch. (RIC 56). Anv: Diademed bust with helmet and cuirass, of Gratian facing right carrying lance, around legend: DN GRATIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Gratian standing left on the prow of a galley with Victory at the helm, in the field a laurel wreath, in exergue ANTB, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 25€

3767 | Roman Empire

GRATIANO. Follis. (Ae. 2.02g/17mm). 367-383 AD Constantinople. (RIC 56a). Obverse: Diademed and draped bust of Gratian facing right, surrounding legend: DN GRATIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated left holding spear and globe, in right field or, in exergue: CONSr, surrounding legend: CONCORDIA AVGGG. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 20€

3768 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Maiorina. (Ae. 6.11g/20mm). 379-395 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 14c). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Theodosius I standing right carrying standard and globe, in exergue: SMKB, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine-. Cleaned.
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Starting price: 25€

3769 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 4.44g/23mm). 379-395 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 46). Obverse: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Theodosius I standing right carrying standard and globe, in exergue: SMNA, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 30€

3770 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.65g/22mm). 379-395 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 46). Obverse: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Theodosius I standing right carrying standard and globe, in exergue: SMNA, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 30€

3771 | Roman Empire

Interesting set of 6 Maiorinas of the Emperors Gratian and Theodosius I from different mints. Different sizes and states of preservation. WORTH EXAMINING.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: Bid
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3772 | Roman Empire

AELIA FLACILLA. Maiorina. (Ae. 5.51g/24mm). 379-383 AD Antioch. (RIC 43). Anv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Aelia Flacilla right, around legend: AEL FLACCILLA AVG. Rev: Salus seated on column right carrying shield with monogram on column, in exergue: ANTB, around legend: SALVS REI PVBLICAE. Very Fine-.
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Current bid: 15€
Starting price: 15€
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3773 | Roman Empire

AGoodADIO. Maiorina. (Ar. 4.30g/23mm). 383-388 AD Constantinople. (RIC 80). Anv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Arcadius facing right, above it, a laurel wreath held by the hand of God, around legend: DN AGoodADIVS PF AVG. Rev: Arcadius standing carrying a labarum and shield, at his feet a captive, in field T, in exergue: CONr, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3774 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Maiorina. (Ae. 5.06g/21mm). 393-423 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 46c). Anv: Diademed and draped bust of Honorius facing right, around legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right carrying labarum and globe, in exergue: ANTr, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine-.
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Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 15€
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3775 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Solid. (Au. 4.45g/21mm). 402-406 AD Ravenna. (RIC 1287). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Honorius right, surrounding legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right carrying standard and Victory with laurel wreath on globe, captive below, between: RV, below: COMOB, surrounding legend: VICTORIA AVGGG. Extremely Fine-. Slight remains of original shine.
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Current bid: 750€
Starting price: 750€
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3776 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Solid. (Au. 4.45g/21mm). 402-406 AD Ravenna. (RIC 1287). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Honorius right, surrounding legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right carrying standard and Victory with laurel wreath on globe, captive below, between: RV, below: COMOB, surrounding legend: VICTORIA AVGGG. Extremely Fine-. Remains of original shine.
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Current bid: 750€
Starting price: 750€
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3777 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Solid. (Au. 4.44g/21mm). AD 402-406 Ravenna. (RIC 1287). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Honorius right, surrounding legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right carrying standard and Victory with laurel wreath on globe, captive below, between: RV, below: COMOB, surrounding legend: VICTORIA AVGGG. VF+. Light reddish patina.
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Current bid: 700€
Starting price: 675€
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3778 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS II. Solid. (Au. 4.49g/21mm). 443-450 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 324). Obv: Bust of Theodosius II wearing a diadem and cuirass, helmet and armour, right, carrying a lance and shield, with illustration of a horseman attacking a captive, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Victory seated left, carrying a cruciferous globe and shield with foot on prow, on a star field, below: CONOB, around legend: IMP XXXXII COS XVII P P. Extremely Fine.
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Current bid: 750€
Starting price: 750€
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3779 | Roman Empire

VALENTINIAN III. Solid. (Au. 4.42g/21mm). 430-445 AD Ravenna. (RIC 2019). Ob: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valentinian III facing right, around legend: DN PLA VALENTINIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Valentinian III standing facing forward with foot on head of Medusa carrying long cross and Victoria with laurel wreath on globe, between: RV, below: COMOB, around legend: VICTORIA AVGGG. Extremely Fine-. Remains of original shine.
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Current bid: 750€
Starting price: 750€
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3780 | Roman Empire

VALENTINIAN III. Solid. (Au. 4.50g/21mm). 430-445 AD Ravenna. (RIC 2019). Ob: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valentinian III facing right, around legend: DN PLA VALENTINIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Valentinian III standing facing forward with foot on head of Medusa carrying long cross and Victoria with laurel wreath on globe, between: RV, below: COMOB, around legend: VICTORIA AVGGG. Extremely Fine-. Remains of original shine.
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Starting price: 750€

3781 | Roman Empire

Set of 15 bronze coins of different emperors from both the High and Late Roman Empire, of different sizes and qualities. Includes two anonymous bronze coins from the Roman Republic. MUST SEE.
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Current bid: 130€
Starting price: 100€
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3782 | Roman Empire

Very interesting set of 26 imperial and republican denarii from different republican families and Roman emperors, one of them in pieces. WORTH EXAMINING.
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Starting price: 400€

3783 | Roman Empire

Interesting set of 10 Antoninian coins. A great variety of emperors, reverses and mints. Different modules and qualities. WORTH EXAMINING.
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Current bid: 75€
Starting price: 50€
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