Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST
- First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
- Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420
Results for la category: "Roman Empire"
3440 | Roman Empire
NERVA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.29g/18mm). 96 AD Rome. (RIC 31). Obv: Laureate head of Nerva facing right, around legend: IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TR P COS III P P. Rev: Libertas standing left carrying pileus and sceptre, around legend: LIBERTAS PVBLICA. Good Very Fine.
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3441 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Ae22. (Ae. 5.61g/22mm). AD 98-117 Syria, Cyrrhestica. (RPC 3440). Anv: Draped and laureate bust of Trajan on the right, around legend: ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙС ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟС ΑΡΙСΤ СΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ. Rev: Legend: ΚΥΡΡΗС/ΤωΝ/Β, within laurea. Very Fine. Missed coin.
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3442 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Ae25. (Ae. 11.98g/25mm). 115-116AD. Laodicea ad Mare. (RPC 3796). Anv: Head of Laureate Trajan to the right, around legend: ΥΤΟΚΡ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ΚΑΙϹ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚ ΠΑΡ. Rev: Crowned bust of Tyche to the right, in front date, around legend: ΙΟΥΛΙΕⲰΝ ΤⲰΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕⲰΝ ΒΞΡ. Very Fine-. Countermark female head inside oval on obverse
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3443 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Sestertius. (Ae. 23.92g/33mm). 104-107 AD Rome. (RIC 503). Anv: Laureate bust of Trajan facing right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS VP P. Rev: Pax standing left carrying branch and cornucopia, between Uncirculated, around legend: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Very Fine.
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3444 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. As. (Ae. 9.50g/26mm). 98 AD Rome. (RIC 402). Obv: Laureate head of Trajan right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM. Rev: Victory advancing left carrying shield with inscription: SP/QR, between: Uncirculated, around legend: TR POT COS II P P. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3445 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. As. (Ae. 10.14g/17mm). 100 AD Rome. (RIC 410). Obverse: Laureate head of Trajan facing right, surrounding legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M. Reverse: Mars standing right carrying spear and shield, between: Uncirculated, surrounding legend: TR POT COS III P P. Very Fine-.
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3446 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. As. (Ae. 9.76g/27mm). 100 AD Rome. (RIC 417). Obverse: Laureate head of Trajan facing right, surrounding legend: MIP AES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M. Reverse: Victory advancing left carrying shield with inscription: SP/QR, between: Uncirculated, surrounding legend: TR POT COS III P P. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3447 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Dupondius. (Ae.14.59g/27mm). 112-114 AD Rome. (RIC 641). Anv: Radiant and draped bust of Trajan facing right, surrounding legend: MP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DACPM TRP COS VI PP. Rev: Personified Via Traiana reclining with cart wheel on the left, in exergue: VIA TRAIANA/Uncirculated, surrounding legend: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Very Fine. Refinished and repatinated.
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3448 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Quinarius. (Ae. 1.16g/14mm). 116-117 AD Rome. (RIC 335). Obverse: Laureate and draped bust of Trajan facing right, with legend around: IMP CAES TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC. Reverse: Victory advancing to the right, holding a crown and palm, with legend around: PM TR P COS VI PPSPQ R. Very Fine/Very Fine-. Cleaning line on obverse.
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3449 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.87g/19mm). 98-99 AD Rome. (RIC 6). Obv: Laureate head of Trajan facing right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM. Rev: Felicitas standing left carrying laurel wreath and cornucopia, around legend: PM TR P COS II P P. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3450 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.40g/20mm). 108-109 AD Rome. (RIC 116). Obv: Laureate head of Trajan right, around legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P. Rev: Roma seated left holding lance and carrying Victory with laurel wreath, around legend: COS VPP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC. Very Fine.
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3451 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.48g/19mm). 103-112 AD Rome. (RIC 119). Obv: Laureate head of Trajan facing right with light draping over left shoulder, surrounding legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P. Rev: Aequitas seated left with scales and cornucopia, surrounding legend: COS VPP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC. Very Fine.
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3452 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.39g/19mm). 107-108 AD Rome. (RIC 128). Obv: Trajan's laurel wreath with drape over left shoulder, legend all around: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P. Rev: Victory standing left wearing laurel wreath and palm, legend all around: COS VPP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC. Very Fine.
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3453 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.76g/18mm). 107 AD Rome. (RIC 188). Obv: Laureate bust of Trajan facing right, surrounding legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS VP P. Rev: Pax seated left with olive branch and sceptre, a captive at his feet, surrounding legend: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3454 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.56g/19mm). 112-114 AD Rome. (RIC 269). Obverse: Laureate and draped bust of Trajan facing right, surrounding legend: IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC. Reverse: Mars advancing right carrying spear and trophy, surrounding legend: PM TR P COS VI PP SPQR. Very Fine.
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3455 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.13g/21mm). 112-114 AD Rome. (RIC 276). Obv: Laureate bust of Trajan facing right with drapery over left shoulder, legend all around: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS VI P P. Rev: Genius standing left carrying patera and wheat ears, legend all around: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Very Fine.
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3456 | Roman Empire
TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.13g/21mm). 112-114 AD Rome. (RIC 276var). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Trajan facing right, around legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS VI P P. Rev: Genius standing left carrying patera and grain of wheat, around legend: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Very Fine.
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3457 | Roman Empire
PLOTINA. Sestertius. (Ar. 23.10g/35mm). 112-117 AD Rome. (RIC 740). Ob.: Diademed and draped bust of Plotina facing right, around legend: PLOTINA AVG IMP TRAIANI. Rev.: Fides with ears of wheat and basket of fruit, between: Uncirculated, around legend: FIDES AVGVST. Good Fine. Cleaned. Very rare.
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3458 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Ae21. (Ae. 2.93g/21mm). 117-138 AD Nikomachos strategos. (FineD Thessaly II 952.4). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian facing right, around legend: AΔPIANON KAICAPA ΘECCAΛOI. Rev: Athena of Itonia advancing right, carrying spear and shield, around legend: OX NIKOMAXOY. Good Fine.
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3459 | Roman Empire
HHADRIAN. Uncia. (Ae. 1.01g/10mm). 117-138 AD Rome. (RIC 629b, Sear 3705). Laureate bust of Hadrian facing right. Rev: Uncirculated within crown. VF-. Rare.
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3460 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Semis. (Ae. 3.14g/17mm). 117-138 AD Rome. (RIC 688). Obv: Laureate, draped and breastplate bust of Hadrian facing right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Lyre, in Uncirculated field, around legend: COS III. Very Fine-.
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3461 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Quadrant. (Ae. 3.59g/17mm). 125-128 AD Rome. (RIC 689). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Imperial eagle on three banners, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: COS III. Very Fine.
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3462 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Quadrant. (Ae. 2.63g/17mm). 125-128 AD Rome. (RIC 689). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Imperial eagle on three banners, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: COS III. Very Fine-.
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3463 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Sestertius. (Ae. 25.16g/34mm). 119 AD Rome. (RIC 244). Obv: Laureate bust of Hadrian facing right with drapery over left shoulder, surrounding legend: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG. Rev: Felicitas standing left carrying caduceus and cornucopia, between: Uncirculated, surrounding legend: PONT MAX TR POT COS III. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3464 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Sestertius. (Ar. 24.60g/33mm). 132-134 AD. Rome. (RIC 701). Ob: Laureate and cuirassed bust to the right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Clementia standing to the left, holding patera and sceptre, in Uncirculated field, around legend: CLEMENTIA AVG COS III P P. Very Fine. Cleaned.
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3465 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Sestertius (24.76g/31mm). 135 AD Rome. (RIC 769). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian facing right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Rev: Pax standing facing forward, holding cornucopia and olive branch, in field: Uncirculated, around legend: PAX AVG. Good Fine/Good.
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3466 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Hemidrachma. (Ar. 1.30g/14mm). Year 4 (119-120 AD). Cappadocia, Caesarea. (RPC 3075). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian facing right, around legend: AYTO KAIC TRAI AΔPIANOC CEBACT. Reverse: Victory with laurel wreath advancing to the right, in front: ETΔ. Very Fine-/Good Fine.
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3467 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Hemidrachma. (Ar. 1.80g/14mm). 120-121 AD (Year 5). Cappadocia, Caesarea-Eusebia. (RPC 3076; SNG von Aulock 6414). Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian facing right, around legend: ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙC ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟC CΕΒΑCΤ. Reverse: Flying Victory facing right with laurel wreath and palm, in front Greek legend: ЄTЄ. VF+. Nice specimen.
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3468 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.94g/18mm). 117 AD Rome. (RIC 60). Obverse: Laureate bust of Hadrian facing right with drapery over left shoulder, legend all around: IMP CAES TRAIANO AVG DIVI TRA. Reverse: Justitia seated left holding sceptre and patera, exergue: IVSTITIA, legend all around: PARTH F DIVI NER NEP PM TR P COS. Very Fine.
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3469 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.22g/18mm). 119-122 AD Rome. (RIC 78). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian right, around legend: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG. Rev: Roma seated on breastplate left wearing laurel wreath and lance, around legend: PM TR P COS III. Very Fine-.
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3470 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ae. 3.39g/20mm). 120-121 AD (RIC 102). Obv: Laureate bust of Hadrian facing right with light draping on right shoulder, surrounding legend: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG. Rev: Libertas standing left holding sceptre and pileus, between: LIB-PVB, surrounding legend: PM TR P COS III. Very Fine.
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3471 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.20g/18mm). 119-123 AD Rome. (RIC 173). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian facing right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Genius standing left carrying cornucopia and patera over lit altar, around legend: COS III. VF.
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3472 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.90g/18mm). 137 AD Rome. (RIC 290). Obv: Head of Hadrian to the right, around the legend: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Rev: Veiled Hadrian standing to the left with a tripod patera, around the legend: VOTA PVBLICA. Very Fine.
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3473 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.02g/18mm). 121-123 AD Rome. (RIC 541). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian right, around legend: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG. Rev: Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory and sceptre, around legend: PM TR P COS III. Very Fine.
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3474 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.11g/17mm). 121-123 AD Rome. (RIC 542): Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian right, around legend: IMP CAES TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG. Rev: Roma seated left carrying spear and Victory, shield behind her, around legend: PM TR P COS III. Very Fine.
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3475 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.85g/19mm). 125-128 AD Rome. (RIC 729). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian facing right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Diana standing right carrying arrow and bow, around legend: COS III. VF-.
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3476 | Roman Empire
HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.28g/18mm). 136 AD Rome. (RIC 2199). Obv: Laureate head of Hadrian facing right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Rev: Fides standing right, carrying basket of fruit and ears of grain, around legend: FIDES PVBLICA. Very Fine.
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3477 | Roman Empire
SABINA. Denarius. (Ar. 2.78g/18mm). 130-133 AD Rome. (RIC 398). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Sabina facing right, all around legend: SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVGVST. Rev: Concordia seated left carrying patera, all around legend: CONCORDIA AVG. Very Fine.
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3478 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. As. (Ae. 10.59g/26mm). 143-144 AD Rome. (RIC 738). Anv: Laureate bust of Antoninus Pius right, surrounding legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III. Rev: Libertas standing right holding pileus and sceptre, between Uncirculated, in exergue: LIBERT, surrounding legend: IMPERATORI II. Good Very Fine.
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3479 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Dupondius. (Ae. 13.11g/27mm). 140-144 AD Rome. (RIC 660a). Obverse: Radiated head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III. Reverse: Genius of the Senate left, holding olive branch and sceptre, in field: Uncirculated, around legend: SALVS AVG. Very Fine. Cleaned.
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3480 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIUS. Sestertius. (Ae. 21.22g/32mm). 145-161 AD Rome. (RIC 774). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, surrounding legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P. Rev: Antoninus Pius seated on a dais left, flanked by an official and Liberalitas, a citizen before him, in exergue: LIBERALITAS/AVG IIII, above: COS IIII. Good Fine. Cleaned.
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3481 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Sestertius. (Ae. 24.48g/32mm). 150-151 AD Rome. (RIC 886). Obverse: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P. Reverse: Aequitas standing left carrying scales and cornucopia, between: Uncirculated, around legend: COS IIII. Very Fine-.
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3482 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Sestertius. (Ae. 24.75g/32mm). 141-143 AD Rome. (RIC 914). Obverse: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XVII. Reverse: Salus seated left with patera on altar with snake, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: INDVLGENTIA AVG COS IIII. Very Fine-.
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3483 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Denarius. (Ar. 2.78g/18mm). 141-143 AD Rome. (RIC 64). Obv: Laureate bust of Antoninus Pius facing right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III. Rev: Clementia standing left with patera and sceptre, around legend: CLEMENTIA AVG. Good Very Fine.
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3484 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.17g/18mm). 143-144 AD Rome. (RIC 111b). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III. Rev: Victory standing left wearing a laurel wreath and palm, around legend: IMPERATOR II. Very Fine.
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3485 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Denarius. (Ar. 2.83g/19mm). 143-144 AD Rome. (RIC 111b). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III. Rev: Victory standing left wearing a laurel wreath and palm, around legend: IMPERATOR II. Very Fine-.
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3486 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.23g/17mm). 140-143 AD Rome. (RIC 127). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P. Rev: Aequitas standing left carrying scales and sceptre, around legend: COS IIII. Very Fine. Porosities.
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3487 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 2.69g/17mm). 145-147 AD Rome. (RIC 156). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius facing right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P. Rev: Liberalitas standing left carrying cornucopia and standard, in exergue: LIB III, around legend: TR POT COS IIII. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3488 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.40g/18mm). 154-155 AD Rome. (RIC 240). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XVII. Rev: Fortuna standing right carrying rudder and cornucopia, around legend: COS IIII. Very Fine.
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3489 | Roman Empire
ANTONINUS PIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.44g/18mm). 159-160 AD Rome. (RIC 304). Obv: Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right, around legend: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XXIII. Rev: Salus standing left holding sceptre and feeding snake on altar, around legend: SALVS AVG COS IIII. Very Fine.
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