Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST
- First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
- Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420
Results for la category: "Roman Empire"
3390 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Ae25. (Ae. 9.02g/25mm). 27 Fine. Uncertain mintage, Asia Minor. (RPC 2230; RIC 497). Obv: Uncovered head of Augustus right, surrounding legend: IMP CAESAR. Rev: CA within the circle, all within a laurel wreath. VF.
Ex Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 52 (01/10/2019), Lot 493.
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3391 | Roman Empire
DIVO AUGUSTUS. As. (Ae. 10.66g/28mm). 22-30 AD Rome. (RIC 81). Ob.: Radiant head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rev.: Altar closed by two doors, between Uncirculated, below: PROVIDENT. Very Fine.
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3392 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Dupondius. (Ae. 10.94g/27mm). 14-37 AD Rome. (RIC 81). Obverse: Radiant head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Reverse: Altar with closed doors, between: Uncirculated, below: PROVIDENT. Very Fine-. Repatinated.
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3393 | Roman Empire
AUGUST. Dupondius. (Ae. 11.01g/26mm). 14-37 AD Rome. (RIC 81). Anv: Radiated head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Rev: Altar with closed doors, between: Uncirculated, below: PROVIDENT. Very Fine-.
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3394 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.80g/14mm). 25-23 Fine Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1a). Obv: Head of Augustus right, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Very Fine.
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3395 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.49g/15mm). 25-23 Fine Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1a). Obv: Head of Augustus right, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Very Fine.
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3396 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.58g/14mm). 25-23 Fine Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1b). Obv: Head of Augustus left, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Good Fine.
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3397 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.78g/16mm) 25-23 Fine Emeritus. (RIC 7a). Obv: Head of Augustus facing right, legend all around: IMP CAESAR AVGVST. Rev: Celtiberian warrior helmet, between sword and double-edged axe, legend all around: P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR. VF-. Porous silver. Scarce example.
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3398 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.75g/20mm) 25-23 Fine Emeritus. (RIC 7a). Obv: Head of Augustus facing right, legend all around: IMP CAESAR AVGVST. Rev: Celtiberian warrior helmet, between sword and double-edged axe, legend all around: P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR. Good Fine. Minting gaps. Scarce example.
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3399 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.43g/18mm). 7-6 Fine (RIC 207). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus facing right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius standing facing forward, between them shield and spears, in field simpulo and lithuo, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT. Very Fine. Porosity.
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3400 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/18mm). 7-6 Fine (RIC 207). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius standing facing each other, between them shield and spears, in field simpulum and lithuo, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT. VF+. Light tone on obverse and dark patina on reverse.
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3401 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.39g/19mm). 13-14 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 222). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus facing right, surrounding legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Tiberius with eagle sceptre driving a quadriga facing right, surrounding legend: AVG F TR POT XV, in exergue: TI CAESAR. VF. Oxidations cleaned. Scarce specimen.
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3402 | Roman Empire
AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.23g/20mm). 29-27 Fine Brundisium or Rome. (RIC 265a). Obv: Naked head of Augustus right. Rev: Military naval trophy with helmet, breastplate, shield and crossed lances over prow right decorated with anchor and rudder, between: IMP-CAESAR. VF.
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3403 | Roman Empire
AGRIPPA. As. (Ae. 8.01g/25mm). 37-41 AD Rome. (RIC 58). Ob.: Laureate head of Agrippa, surrounding legend: M AGRIPPA LF COS III. Rev.: Neptune standing left carrying trident and dolphin holding cloak, in Uncirculated field. Very Fine-.
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3404 | Roman Empire
TIBERIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.89g/18mm). 14-37 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 30). Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius right holding sceptre, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTVS. Rev: Livia seated right, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Very Fine.
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3405 | Roman Empire
TIBERIUS. Denarius with a cover. (Ar-Ae. 3.05g/18mm). 14-37 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 30). Obverse: Laureate head of Tiberius facing right holding a sceptre, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTVS. Reverse: Livia seated right, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Very Fine-.
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3406 | Roman Empire
ANTONIA. Dupondius. (Ae. 12.06g/28mm). 41-42 AD Rome. (RIC 92). Obv: Bust of Antonia right, around legend: ANTONIA AVGVSTA. Rev: Claudius veiled and standing left with the simpulum, in field: Uncirculated, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Very Fine-.
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3407 | Roman Empire
ANTONIA. Dupondius (Ae. 12.47g/28mm). 41-42 AD Rome. (RIC 92). Obv: Uncovered bust to the right of Antonia, around legend: ANTONIA AVGUST. Rev: Claudius veiled and standing to the left with the simpulum, in field: Uncirculated, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Very Fine-.
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3408 | Roman Empire
ANTONIA. Dupondius (Ae. 12.62g/27mm). 41-42 AD Rome. (RIC 92). Obv: Uncovered bust to the right of Antonia, around legend: ANTONIA AVGUST. Rev: Claudius veiled and standing to the left with the simpulum, in field: Uncirculated, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Fine.
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3409 | Roman Empire
CALIGULA. Sestertius. (Ae. 27.51g/33mm). 37-38 AD Rome. (RIC 37). Obverse: Laureate bust of Caligula facing left, around legend: C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT. Rev: Legend: SPQR/PP/OB CIVES/SERVATOS, within a laurel wreath. Very Fine-. Fields lowered.
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3410 | Roman Empire
CLAUDIUS I. Quadrant. (Ae. 4.15g/15mm). 41 AD Rome. (RIC 84). Anv: Modio, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. Rev: Uncirculated, around legend: PON M TR P IMP COS II. Very Fine.
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3411 | Roman Empire
CLAUDIUS I. Quadrant. (Ae. 4.15g/15mm). 41 AD Rome. (RIC 85). Obverse: Hand holding scales, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. Rev: Uncirculated, around legend: PON M TR P IMP COS DES IT. Very Fine/Good Very Fine.
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3412 | Roman Empire
CLAUDIUS I. As. (Ae. 10.68g/26mm). 41-50 AD Rome. (RIC 100). Obverse: Head of Claudius I left, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Reverse: Minerva advancing right carrying spear and shield, between Uncirculated. Very Fine.
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3413 | Roman Empire
DIVO CLAUDIUS. Antoninianus. (Ae. 4.83g/22mm). 270 AD Rome. (RIC 266 var). Anv: Laureate bust of Claudius II right, below two dots, around legend: DIVO CLAVDIO. Rev: Standing eagle right, around legend: CONSACRATIO. Very Fine.
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3414 | Roman Empire
NERO DRUSUS, in the time of Claudius I. Sestertius. (Ae. 28.47g/37mm). 41-50 AD (RIC 93). Obverse: Head of Claudius I left, surrounding legend: NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP. Reverse: Claudius I seated left on curule chair carrying branch, below arms, surrounding legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Fine-.
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3415 | Roman Empire
NERON. As. (Ae. 9.10g/29mm). 66 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 543). Obv: Head of Nero right, surrounding legend: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR PP P. Rev: Victory advancing left carrying shield with inscription: SPQR, between Uncirculated. Very Fine/Very Fine-. Verdigris spots.
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3416 | Roman Empire
NERO. Denarius. (Ar. 2.99g/18mm). 67-68 AD Rome. (RIC 68). Obv: Laureate head of Nero right, around legend: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P P. Rev: Legionary eagle between two standards. Good Fine.
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3417 | Roman Empire
NERO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.33g/18mm). 67-68 AD Rome. (RIC 72). Obv: Laureate head of Nero right, surrounding legend: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P P. Rev: Salus seated left carrying patera, between: SA-LVS. Very Fine-.
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3418 | Roman Empire
JUDAEA, Marcus Ambulus, under Augustus. Prutah. (Ae. 1.55g/16mm). 8-9 AD Jerusalem. (RPC 4955; Hendin 1329). Obv: Palm tree, between: LN. Rev: Ear of grain, around legend: KAICAPOC. VF.
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3419 | Roman Empire
JUDAEA. Pair of 2 Prutah of the procurators Pontius Pilate and Antonius Felix. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
3420 | Roman Empire
GALBA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.17g/17mm). 68 AD Possibly minted in Tarraco. (RIC 2). Obv: Galba on horseback left in military attire, above legend: GALBA IMP. Rev: Laureate and draped bust of Hispania right, grains in front, lances behind and shield below, above legend: HISPANIA. VF-. Defects on obverse. Rare specimen.
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3421 | Roman Empire
GALBA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.10g/19mm). 68-69 AD Rome. (RIC 211). Obv: Laureate head of Galba right, around legend: IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG. Rev: Salus advancing left carrying patera on altar and rudder, around legend: SALVS GEN HVMANI. Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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3422 | Roman Empire
VITELLIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.32g/20mm). 69 AD Tarraco. (RIC 36). Obv: Laureate head of Vitellius to the left, below a globe, around legend: A VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN. Rev: Victory advancing to the left with shield, around legend: VICTORIA AVGVSTI. VF-. Scarce specimen.
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3423 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Sestertius. (Ae. 24.44g/36mm). 71 AD Rome. (RIC 159). Obverse: Laureate head of Vespasian right, around legend: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM TR PPP COS III. Reverse: Captive standing right with hands tied behind his back, in front seated captive right, between them palm trees and behind shields, below: Uncirculated, above legend: IVDAEA CAPTA. VF-. Rare example.
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3424 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. As. (Ae. 12.21g/27mm). 77-78 AD Rome. (RIC 1011). Obv: Laureate head of Vespasian left, surrounding legend: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN COS VIII. Rev: Spes advancing left carrying flower, between: Uncirculated. Very Fine-. Repatinated.
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3425 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Dupondius. (Ae. 14.16g/29mm). 71 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 1159). Obverse: Radiant head of Vespasian right, surrounding legend: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III. Reverse: Victory advancing right with laurel wreath over prow, between: Uncirculated, surrounding legend: VICTORIA NAVALIS. Very Fine-.
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3426 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.33g/19mm). 70 AD Rome. (RIC 6). Obv: Laureate head of Vespasian right, around legend: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Rev: Mars advancing right carrying spear and legionary eagle, around legend: COSITER TR POT. VF. Rare specimen.
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3427 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.73g/19mm). 70 AD Rome. (RIC 27). Obv: Laureate bust of Vespasian facing right, around legend: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Rev: Pax seated left with olive branch and caduceus, around legend: COS ITER TR POT. Very Fine.
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3428 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.88g/18mm). 69-79 AD Rome. (RIC 29). Obv: Laureate head of Vespasian right, around legend: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Rev: Seated Pax left holding branch and caduceus, around legend: COSITER TR POT. Very Fine-/Good Fine.
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3429 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.87g/17mm). 71 AD Rome. (RIC 46). Obv: Laureate head of Vespasian right, around legend: IMP CAES VESP AVG P M. Rev: Vesta seated left carrying simpulum, between: TRI-POT. Very Fine-. Dark patina.
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3430 | Roman Empire
VESPASIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.40g/18mm). 73 Fine (RIC 547). Obv: Laureate head of Vespasian right, around legend: IMP CAES VESP AVG CEN. Rev: SPQR within laurel wreath. VF+. Scarce example with a very well-centred mintage.
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3431 | Roman Empire
TITUS. Dupondius. (Ae. 11.90g/27mm). 74 AD Rome. (RIC 813d). Anv: Laureate bust of Titus facing right, around legend: T CAESAR IMP PONT. Rev: Winged caduceus flanked by double cornucopia, around legend: TR POT COS III CENSOR. VF. Oxidations. Scarce.
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3432 | Roman Empire
TITUS. Hemidrachma. (Ar. 1.50g/14mm). 79-81 AD Cappadocia, Caesarea. (RPC 1661). Obv: Laureate head of Titus right, surrounding Greek legend. Reverse: Victory advancing right with laurel wreath. VF-.
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3433 | Roman Empire
DOMITIAN. Sestertius. (Ae. 22.02g/30mm). 85 AD Rome. (RIC 258). Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian to the right, with Aegis on his shoulder, legend around: IMP CAES DOMITIAN AVG GERM COS XI. Reverse: Domitian standing to the left with spear, receiving the shield of Germania kneeling before him, in field: Uncirculated. Very Fine-.
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3434 | Roman Empire
DOMITIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.08g/17mm). 80 AD Rome. (RIC 51). Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian facing right, around legend: CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII. Reverse: Helmet on throne, around legend: PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS. VF.
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3435 | Roman Empire
DOMITIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.17g/20mm). 88-89 AD Rome. (RIC 659). Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian facing right, surrounding legend: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TR P VIII. Reverse: Minerva standing left carrying spear and thunderbolt, behind shield, surrounding legend: IMP XVII COS XIIII CENS PP P. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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3436 | Roman Empire
DOMITIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.98g/20mm). 88-89 AD Rome. (RIC 668). Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian facing right, surrounding legend: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TR P VIII. Reverse: Minerva standing advancing to the right on the prow carrying a spear and shield, at her feet an owl, surrounding legend: IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS P P. Good Very Fine/Very Fine.
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3437 | Roman Empire
DOMITIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.45g/19mm). 90-91 AD Rome. (RIC 721). Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian facing right, surrounding legend: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TR P X. Reverse: Minerva standing left holding thunderbolt and spear, shield behind, surrounding legend: IMP XXI COS XV CENS PP P. Very Fine.
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3438 | Roman Empire
DOMITIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.18g/19mm). 95 AD Rome. (RIC 773). Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian facing right, around legend: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TR P XIIII. Reverse: Minerva standing left carrying spear and shield, around legend: IMP XII COS XVI CENS PP P. Very Fine.
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3439 | Roman Empire
NERVA. As. (Ae. 9.92g/27mm). 97 AD Rome. (RIC 69). Obv: Laureate head of Nerva right, surrounding legend: IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TR P COS II DESIG NIII P P. Rev: Clasped hands, below Uncirculated, surrounding legend: CONCORDIA EXEGoodITVVM. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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