Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST
- First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
- Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420
Results for la category: "Medieval coins"
4049 | Medieval coins
ALFONSO XI (1312-1350). Novén money. (Ve. 0.94g/18mm). Lion. (Imperatrix A11:1.12; FAB-357.2). Obv: Castle with roundel above the right tower, below L, all within square beading, legend around: ALF REX CASTELLE. Rev: Lion rampant left with roundel in front, legend around: ET LEGIONIS. VF.
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4050 | Medieval coins
ALFONSO XI (1312-1350). Novén money. (Ve. 0.65g/17mm). Seville. (Imperatrix A11:1.19; FAB-358). Obv: Castle, below lying S, all within square beading, around legend: ALF REX CASTELLE. Rev: Lion passing to the left, around legend: ET LEGIONIS. Very Fine-.
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4051 | Medieval coins
ALFONSO XI (1312-1350). Novén money. (Ve. 0.71g/18mm). Toledo. (Imperatrix A11:1.35(50); FAB-359.1). Obv: Castle with T on door, all within square beading, legend around: AL REX CAS OLL E. Rev: Rampant lion to the left, legend around: ET LE GIO NIS R. Very Fine.
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4052 | Medieval coins
PETER I (1350-1368). 2 Maravedis. (Ve. 1.83g/24mm). Seville. (Imperatrix P1:8.11; FAB-388). Anv: Castle, below S, all within double globular graphics, around legend: PETRVS REX CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Rev: Rampant lion to the left within double globular graphics, around legend: PETRVS REX CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Very Fine-.
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4053 | Medieval coins
ENRIQUE II (1368-1379). Real. (Ar. 2.87g/25mm). Córdoba. (Imperatrix E2:22.22; FAB-403). Obv: Crowned EN anagram within pearl beading, around circular legend in two lines: DOMINVS MICHI ADIVTOR ET EGO D/PICIAM INIMICOS MEOS. Reverse: Quartered with castles and rampant lions on the left within quadrilobular beading, in the corners: COB-flower with 7 petals, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX CASTEL. Extremely Fine-. Two small lines on obverse, even so, this is a very rare specimen, especially in this precious quality.
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4054 | Medieval coins
HENRY II (1368-1379). Royal Fleece. (Ve. 2.44g/25mm). Unminted. (Imperatrix E2:15.68; FAB-432). Obv: Crowned bust facing forward between crowned E and N, all within circular border, legend around: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX CASTELLE. Reverse: Quartered with castles and rampant lions to the left, within quadrilobular border with four roundels, legend around: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX CASTELLE. VF
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4055 | Medieval coins
HENRY II (1368-1379). Crowned. (Ve. 0.93g/20mm). Burgos. (Imperatrix E2:20.4; FAB-486). Obv: Crowned bust of Henry II left, around legend: ENRICVS REX. Rev: Castle, below B, around legend: ENRICV REX CASTE. VF. Crack due to folding.
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4056 | Medieval coins
ENRIQUE II (1368-1379). Novén. (Ve. 0.85g/19mm). Zamora. (FAB-501.5). Obverse: Castle with CA below it, all within square bezel, around legend: ENRICVS REX C. Reverse: Lion rampant to the left, in front C and around legend: REX DEI GRAC. Very Fine.
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4057 | Medieval coins
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (Ae. 1.71g/23mm). Burgos. (Imperatrix E3:1.2; FAB-597). Obverse: Castle, below B, all within lobed beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX. Reverse: Lion rampant left within lobed beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX. VF.
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4058 | Medieval coins
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (Ae. 1.83g/24mm). Seville. (Imperatrix E3:1.11; FAB-602). Obv: Castle, below S, all within lobular beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS REX CASTELL. Rev: Lion rampant left, within lobular beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS REX LEGIONIS E. Very Fine.
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4059 | Medieval coins
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (Ae. 1.80g/23mm). Seville. (Imperatrix E3:1.10; FAB-602). Obv: Castle, below S, all within lobed beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA. Rev: Lion rampant left within lobed beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA. VF+.
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4060 | Medieval coins
ENRIQUE III (1390-1406). White. (Ae. 1.93g/24mm). Seville. (Imperatrix E3:1.14; FAB-602.2). Obv: Castle, below S, within double polylobed beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS REX CASTEL. Rev: Rampant lion left within polylobed beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS REX CASTELL. VF. Attractive specimen.
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4061 | Medieval coins
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (Ae. 1.79g/22mm). Toledo. (Imperatrix E3:1.12; FAB-603). Anv: Castle, below S, within polylobular beading, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA RE. Rev: Lion rampant left within polylobular beading, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA RE. Very Fine.
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4062 | Medieval coins
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (Ve. 1.80g/23mm). Toledo. (Imperatrix E3:1.23; FAB-603). Obv: Castle, below T, all within lobular beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Lion rampant left within lobular beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA. VF+.
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4063 | Medieval coins
JOHN II (1406-1454). White. (Ve. 1.79g/23mm). Coruña. (Imperatrix J2:1.43; FAB-626). Obv: Castle within lobular beading, below scallop shell, surrounding legend: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Lion rampant left within lobular beading, surrounding legend: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. VF.
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4064 | Medieval coins
JOHN II (1406-1454). White. (Ae. 1.81g/22mm). Basin. (Imperatrix J2:1.38; FAB-627). Obv: Castle, below: bowl, all within lobular beading, legend around: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Lion rampant left within lobular beading, legend around: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. VF.
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4065 | Medieval coins
JOHN II (1406-1454). White. (Ae. 1.56g/22mm). Burgos. (Imperatrix J2:1.4; FAB-628). Obv: Castle, below B, within lobular beading, around legend: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Lion rampant left within lobular beading, around legend: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. VF.
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4066 | Medieval coins
JOHN II (1406-1454). White. (Ae. 1.81g/22mm). Toledo. (Imperatrix J2:1.30; FAB-628). Obv: Castle, below T, within lobular beading, around legend: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Lion rampant left within lobular beading, around legend: IOHANES DEI GRACIA REX. VF.
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4067 | Medieval coins
JOHN II (1406-1454). Toledo. Gored. (Ve. 0.68g/17mm). (Imperatrix J2:4.2, FAB 634). Anv: Crowned bust of John II to the left, around legend: IOANES DEI GR. Rev: Castle, below T, around legend: IOANES DEI GR. Very Fine-.
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4068 | Medieval coins
ENRIQUE IV (1454-1474). 1 Real. (Ar. 3.09g/27mm). Seville. (Imperatrix E4:28.10; FAB-713.1). Obv: Monogram HEN, crowned within lobular beading, surrounding legend: XPS VINCIT XPS REGNAT XPS. Rev: Quartered with castles and lions within lobular beading, surrounding legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX CAS. VF-. Repaired.
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4069 | Medieval coins
HENRY IV (1454-1474). White rhombus. (Ve. 1.20g/20mm). Ávila. (Imperatrix E4:31.8; FAB-827). Obv: Castle, below A, all within beading, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRA. Rev: Rampant and crowned lion to the left, all within beading, around legend: XPS VINCIT XPS REGNAT. Very Fine-.
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4070 | Medieval coins
ENRIQUE IV (1454-1474). White rhombus. (Ve. 0.94g/18mm). Seville. (Imperatrix E4:31.31; FAB-834). Obverse: Castle, below S, all within beading, legend around: ENRICVS DEI GR. Reverse: Lion rampant and crowned left, all within beading, legend around: XPS VINCIT XPS. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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4071 | Medieval coins
HENRY IV (1454-1474). White rhombus. (Ve. 1.10g/18mm). Basin. (Imperatrix E4:31.54; FAB-835.1). Obverse: Castle, below bowl, all within square beading, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACI. Reverse: Rampant and crowned lion to the left, all within square beading, above C, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA. VF.
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