Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST
- First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
- Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420
Results for la category: "Lots and collections"
4576 | Lots and collections
SPAIN. Exceptional set consisting of a large number of coins, presented in albums and cases, minted during the periods of the Spanish State, Centenary of the Peseta and Contemporary Era. In the set we find a large number of silver pieces, mainly commemorative, highlighting the 3 issues of the Ibero-American Series, dozens of 2000 Pesetas pieces, Duros and small modules of the Centenary. Different states of conservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
4577 | Lots and collections
Exceptional set of hundreds of pieces with a huge number of silver and hard type coins. The set includes, by number, a large collection of Centenary coins and more than 200 pieces of 100 Pesetas from 1966 from the Spanish State. The set is completed with coins from the Spanish Monarchy, a good and varied assortment of foreign silver in which there are dollars, kookaburras, pandas and even some small ingots. Finally, there are 3 frames with medals and silver seals. Different states of conservation. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
4639 | Lots and collections
Magnificent collection made up of more than 3000 coins from different periods, mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries, although we also find a good number of examples from the 18th century with a huge variety of countries represented. The typology, theme, modules and dates of the collection are very extensive, highlighting, among others, the enormous quantity of pieces in silver and among them a good number of modules of the troy ounce or duro type. By country we find coins from the 5 continents with special mention for countries of the Commonwealth and former colonies. A great representation of European coins, among which we also find Spanish coins. The set is in a medium/high state of conservation in general, being the result of the work of a single collector and where we hardly find any repeated pieces. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE, the lot is sold as is.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5354 | Lots and collections
PRE-COIN. Interesting set of 25 annular pieces. 5th century-1st century Fine. Different modules, weights and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5355 | Lots and collections
Interesting set of 4 bronzes, of which 3 are Greek from Calabria, Brundisium and 1 Republican As of Janus. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5356 | Lots and collections
GREECE AND ROME. Interesting set composed of 5 different silver and lined pieces. Different modules, measurements and qualities. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5357 | Lots and collections
ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME. Interesting and varied collection of around 50 pieces from both periods, including, among its most notable, some denarii and antoninian coins, as well as a Greek hemidrachma. Different states of preservation. WANT TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5358 | Lots and collections
Set of 3 ancient bronzes, 2 Iberian pieces (Semis) and 1 from the Roman Republic (As, Janus Biphonte). Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5359 | Lots and collections
ANCIENT HISPANIA. Interesting set consisting of 9 bronzes, all from different mints. Great variety of modules and states of conservation. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5360 | Lots and collections
ANCIENT HISPANIA. Interesting and varied collection consisting of 16 bronzes from different mints in the south of the peninsula. Different sizes, weights and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5361 | Lots and collections
ANCIENT HISPANIA. A very interesting set consisting of 10 coins and 5 fragments from different Hispanic mints such as Ilici, Carmo, Cástulo and Cártago, among others. Different modules, weights and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5362 | Lots and collections
ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 8 small bronzes of different Roman emperors from both the High and Late Empire. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5363 | Lots and collections
ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set of 10 coins from the High Empire. Different sizes, weights and states of preservation. WELL EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5364 | Lots and collections
ROMAN EMPIRE. A very interesting set of 14 bronzes from the High Imperial period. A wide variety of emperors, mints and states of preservation are worth highlighting. WELL VIEWED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5365 | Lots and collections
ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set of 15 Roman and Berian coins. Different sizes, weights and states of preservation. WELL EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5366 | Lots and collections
ROMAN EMPIRE. A very interesting and varied set consisting of 24 bronzes, mostly from the High and Late Empire, as well as some Greek and Byzantine pieces. A wide variety of models and mints are worth mentioning. Different qualities and sizes. WELL VIEWED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5367 | Lots and collections
ROMAN EMPIRE. A very interesting set of 77 coins from the late Roman Empire. A great variety of emperors and mints are worth mentioning. Different sizes, weights and states of preservation. WELL VIEWED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5368 | Lots and collections
Very interesting collection of approximately 100 bronze and silver coins from different Iberian mints and emperors of the High and Low Roman Empire, including a Republican as, Roman sesterces of emperors such as Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius, an as of Vespasian or Iberian asses and a tetradrachm of Caracalla. MUST BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5369 | Lots and collections
Very interesting set of 11 coins from the ancient period. Some of the most notable are some silver pieces and a wide variety of modules and mints. Different sizes and states of preservation. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5370 | Lots and collections
HISPANO-ARABE. Very interesting set of 14 Almohad dirhams, Vives type 2088. The vast majority in excellent condition. Different modules and weights. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5371 | Lots and collections
MEDIEVAL PERIOD. Interesting set of 12 coins corresponding to the reigns from Alfonso VIII to Henry IV. It includes some pieces from the Kingdom of Portugal. Different models, mints and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5372 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY. Interesting and beautiful pair of period forgeries: 2 reales from 1708 of Charles III, the Pretender, and a Diner de Mallorca of Philip V. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5373 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY. Set of 3 small copper coins of different Spanish kings. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5374 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY. Interesting set consisting of 17 pieces, mostly horned from the kingdom of Navarre. Includes one medieval piece and one Arabic piece. Different sizes and qualities. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5375 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY. Interesting set of 39 copper coins displayed in a small album and minted from the time of the Catholic Monarchs to Alfonso XII. Varieties of modules, mints and dates as well as states of conservation. The set includes resealed pieces. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5376 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY. Very interesting set consisting of 37 coins spanning a wide chronology, between the reigns of the Catholic Monarchs and Charles III. It includes some silver and counterstamped pieces. Different modules, mints and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5377 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY. Interesting and varied set consisting of 41 pieces in silver and copper with a wide variety of modules, dates and reigns represented. Different states of conservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5378 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY AND THE CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Set of 4 silver coins from both periods. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5379 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY AND CENTENARY. Interesting and varied set consisting of 6 coins. Different kings, modules, mints and states of conservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5380 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY AND CENTENARY. Interesting set consisting of 13 copper coins of different modules minted during the reigns of Isabel II, Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII, as well as during the Provisional Government. Different modules and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5381 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY AND THE CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set of 27 very varied coins. Some of them are silver and resealed. Different modules, weights and states of preservation. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5382 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY AND CENTENARY. Very interesting and varied set consisting of 41 coins corresponding to the reigns of Isabel II, Amadeo I, Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII, as well as the Provisional Government. Different Modules and states of conservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5383 | Lots and collections
SPANISH MONAGoodHY AND THE CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting and varied collection of more than 70 coins from both periods, with hardly any duplicates and a good representation of silver coins. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5384 | Lots and collections
CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Set of 11 silver coins, 9 of them with a 5 Peseta denomination. Variety of dates and types. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5385 | Lots and collections
CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting collection displayed in an album and made up of approximately 80 pieces, with a large number of them in silver and in hard-type modules. Wide variety of dates and modules. Different states of conservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5386 | Lots and collections
SPAIN. A very interesting collection of dozens of coins minted by different kings of the Spanish Monarchy from the 16th to the 20th century. WORTH EXAMINING.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5387 | Lots and collections
Interesting collection made up of hundreds of pieces from very different periods, including everything from Iberian and Roman bronze pieces to cartridge pesetas or sealed bags from the time of Juan Carlos I, through to the medieval period or the Spanish Monarchy. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5388 | Lots and collections
SPAIN. Collection of hundreds of coins minted between the Centenary of the Peseta and the reign of Juan Carlos I. The lot includes around 40 silver coins, 12 of them Duro type. Different states of preservation. Total weight of the set, more than 11 kilograms. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5389 | Lots and collections
SPAIN. Interesting and extensive collection with pieces spanning from the Centenary of the Peseta period to the reign of Juan Carlos I. The latter period stands out, precisely, with a well-cared for and very complete collection displayed in albums that also includes a good number of silver coins of 2000 Pesetas. Different states of preservation, including a large part of the pieces in excellent condition. Also included is a batch of foreign coins from the 20th century. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5390 | Lots and collections
SPANISH STATE. Interesting set consisting of 15 coins with a variety of dates and different denominations (5 and 10 cents and 5, 25 and 50 Pesetas). High general level of conservation with qualities between Extremely Fine and Uncirculated. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5391 | Lots and collections
SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Set of 19 pieces, including several in silver with a variety of modules and dates. Different states of conservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5392 | Lots and collections
SPANISH AND CONTEMPORARY CONDITION. Interesting album composed of around 175 coins from both periods with high general conservation qualities and with interesting pieces. The 25 Pesetas from Castilla León 1995 (without Y) stand out, as well as a couple of 100 Pesetas pieces from 1966 in excellent condition as well as some Pesetas and multiples with few stars. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5393 | Lots and collections
SPANISH AND CONTEMPORARY STATE. Set of hundreds of coins from both periods, including cases, wallets and cartridges. Noteworthy are the presence of silver pieces and some extracted from cartridges. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5394 | Lots and collections
CONTEMPORARY. Set consisting of 2 pieces of 2000 Pesetas (one in a case and another in a blister, 1994 and 1996) and 2 proof portfolios (1976 and 1980). All pieces Uncirculated. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5395 | Lots and collections
CONTEMPORARY. Set of 7 silver coins of 2000 Pesetas with a variety of dates and themes. Excellent overall condition, including some in unopened capsules and blisters. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5396 | Lots and collections
Extraordinary set of 11 commemorative coins, mainly in silver, with values in Pesetas, Ecus and Euros. Variety of modules and themes, including cases and blisters. PROOF and FDC finishes. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5397 | Lots and collections
CONTEMPORARY. Interesting and extensive set consisting of 16 complete cases with values in Pesetas, Ecus and Euros. Wide variety of themes, with finishes in FDC and mainly PROOF qualities. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5398 | Lots and collections
CONTEMPORARY. Lot of 48 cases of 500 Pesetas "This is how a coin is born". XXV Anniversary of the Royal Wedding. 1987. FNMT. The lot is incomplete, missing all the silver ones. It includes 80 books, 100 steel medals, 62 copper medals and 39 of 500 pesetas. The lot is sold as is and cannot be returned. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5399 | Lots and collections
CONTEMPORARY. Extraordinary collection made up of more than 100 cases, portfolios and commemorative sets with a variety of modules, themes and dates and with values in Pesetas, Ecus and Euros. It includes a large number of silver coins with FDC and PROOF qualities as well as a small representation of copper coins from the Second Republic and maravedís from Ferdinand VII. A MUST-EXAMINE.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".
5400 | Lots and collections
Set of 5 coins minted in Japan (3), China (1) and Chile (1). Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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We remind you that this lot is marked "TO BE EXAMINED", as indicated in the conditions governing the sale of this auction, no returns will be accepted under any circumstances, so please refrain from placing a bid if you have not previously reviewed it and are prepared to accept this condition, in the event that you have not been able to examine the lot you waive your right to claim, the fact of bidding for the lot means that you declare that you have all the necessary information and that you expressly waive your right to claim, we recommend this lot to experienced and knowledgeable people, otherwise it is preferable to refrain from bidding. The lots "TO EXAMINE" are lots that have not been properly reviewed by our technical department, which may even contain some dubious pieces, poor preservation, etc, always have a very advantageous starting price and the seller accepts the risk that it may be sold at a price much lower than its market price, in the international arena is used the expression "as is".