Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST
- First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
- Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420
Results for la category: "Islamic World"
3977 | Islamic World
OMEYA CALIPHATE OF DAMAUncirculatedUS. Anonymous. Felus. (Ae. 4.05g/19mm). Post-reform period, possibly Damascus. Religious legends in both areas. VF. Interesting specimen.
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3978 | Islamic World
Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus. Al-Walid Ibn 'Abd al-Malik. Dirham. (Ar. 2.96g/27mm). 90H. Marw/ مرو. (Walker 490; Album 128; Klat 587b). Extremely Fine. Scarce. Remnants of original shine.
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3979 | Islamic World
Umayyad Caliphate. Walid I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.39g/26mm). 90H. Al-Taimara (Isfahan, Iran). (Klat 206). Good Very Fine. Strange.
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3980 | Islamic World
UMAYYAH CALIPHATE OF DAMAUncirculatedUS. Al-Walid Ibn 'Abd al-Malik. Dirham. (Ar. 3.03g/26mm). 92H. Wasit / واسط. (Walker 536; Album 128; Klat 687). VG-. Remains of original luster. Light tone.
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3981 | Islamic World
OMEYA CALIPHATE OF DAMAUncirculatedUS. Al-Walid Ibn 'Abd al-Malik. Dirham. (Ar. 2.89g/27mm). 94H. Wasit / واسط. (Walker 538; Album 128; Klat 692). VG-. Remains of original luster.
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3982 | Islamic World
OMEYA CALIPHATE OF DAMAUncirculatedUS. Al-Walid Ibn 'Abd al-Malik. Dirham. (Ar. 2.89g/27mm). 95H. Wasit / واسط. (Walker 538; Album 128; Klat 690a). VG-. Remains of original luster.
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3983 | Islamic World
Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus. Suleiman Ibn 'Abd Al-Malik. Dirham. (Ar. 2.97g/27mm). 99H. Damascus / دمشق. (Walker 376; Klat 343). Extremely Fine. Light tone.
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3984 | Islamic World
ABBASSI CALIPHATE. Salih ibn 'Ali (Time of Al-Mansur). Fals (Ae. 3.61g/23mm). 146H. Khazanat Halab. (Album 289). Very Fine-.
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3985 | Islamic World
ABBASID CALIPHATE, Anonymous. Tabari dirham. (Ar. 1.96g/23mm). 125 PYE/160H/776-7 AD Tabaristan. (Album73). Obv: Bust with winged crown facing right, Sassanian type, legend in palavhi: on the right, ABZUD (Growth) and on the left, GDH (Explendour). On the outside, at 2 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock, crescent and star. Below right the word palavhi: ADB (Excellent) and on the left NEK (Good). Rev: Fire altar flanked by two priests, on the right: Tapurstan (Tabaristan), and on the left: year of minting: 125 PYE (Post Yazgard Era) within 3 borders, on the outside, at 12h, 3h, 6h and 9h crescent and star, and in the middle of these borders 3 triangular-shaped dots. VF.
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3986 | Islamic World
ABBASSI CALIPHATE. Al-Mahdi. Felus. (Ae. 2.44g/20mm). 166H. Madinat al-Salam. (Albun 307.1). Good Very Fine.
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3987 | Islamic World
ABBASID CALIPHATE, Al-Rashid. Dirham. (Ar. 2.71g/22mm). 193H. Al-Salam. (Album 221.1). Up in IIA. 'rabbī Allah' / ربي الله. Good Very Fine.
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3988 | Islamic World
IDRISIES. Muhammad ibn Idris II. Félus. (Ae. 1.70g/18mm). 212H. (Pérez/Francés/Rodríguez 33). Ali at the bottom of the IIA and at the top a symbol of two palm trees. VF+.
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3989 | Islamic World
Rompers. Ashrafi. (Au. 3.40g/16mm). S/D. Without mint. (Album 1027). Very Fine.
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3990 | Islamic World
ERETNÍES. Anonymous. Akce. (Ar. 1.82g/20mm). Undated. Arzinyan. (Album 2320.2). Extremely Fine.
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3991 | Islamic World
GURIES. Gyat al-Din Muhammad B. Sam (558-599H). Dirham. (Ar. 4.76g/29mm). Undated. Ghazna. (Album 1770). Very Fine-. Repaint.
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3992 | Islamic World
ZANGIES OF ALEPPO. Sayf al-Din Ghazi II (564-572/1169-1176) Dirham. (Ae. 13.21g/28mm). 567H. Without Mint. (Album-1861.1). Very Fine.
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3993 | Islamic World
ARTUKI OF MARDIN. Yülük Arslan Husam A-Din (580-597H). Dirham. (Ar. 15.43g/33mm). Mardin. 596H. Obv: Turkish soldier seated facing forward with cross-legged, with severed head in left hand and brandishing sword in right hand; left: Nur al-Dim. Rev: In the centre name and titles of the Abbasid caliph al-Nasir in three lines; around name and titles of the Ayyubid governor Az-Zahir Gazi; in the outer margin Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan date. (Mitchiner 1977-1042var.; Spengler/Sayles2-36.3; Album 1829.4). VF-. Oxidations. Scarce.
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3994 | Islamic World
SELYUKIS OF RUM. Ghiyath al-Din Kay Khusraw II bin Kay Qubadh (634-644H). Dirham. (Ar. 2.88g/23mm). 639H. Konya. Obv: Lion advancing to the right and personification of the sun above, surrounding legend in the form of an arch. Rev: Legend. (Album 1218; Broome 272 D(i)a). VF. Scarce.
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3995 | Islamic World
MERINÍES. 'Abd Al-Haqq II. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.82g/15mm). 823-869H. Unminted. (Hohertz 829, marked RR). Obv: Sura Al-A'raf, verse 89. Rev: Features Sultan 'Abd Al-Haqq / عبد الحق, with the title of Amir al-Muslimín. VF. Dark patina. Rare.
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3996 | Islamic World
MERINIDES. 'Abd Al-Haqq II. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.72g/17mm). 823-869H. Cup / تازى. (Hohertz 828, marked RRR). Obv: Surah Al-A'raf, verse 89. Rev: Features Sultan 'Abd Al-Haqq / عبد الحق, with the title of Amir al-Muslimín and the mint mark on the last line. VF. Beautiful gold tone. Very rare.
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3997 | Islamic World
MERINÍES. Anonymous. 1/3 Dirham. (Ar. 0.40g/11mm). Without mint. (Hohertz 853). Anv: لا قوة الا / بالله. Rev: الأمر كله / لله وحده. Good Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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3998 | Islamic World
MERINÍES. Anonymous. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.80g/16mm). 823-869H. Madinat Asilah / بمدينة اصيلا. (Hohertz 881, marked RR). Anv: Our leader is / God / Exalted be He. Rev: Coined / Madinat / Asilah. Very Fine. Dark patina. Strange.
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