Online Coin Auction #111

Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
  • Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420

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Results for la category: "Byzantine Empire"

3784 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN I. Pentanummium. (Ae. 2.18g/15mm). 518-527 AD Theoupolis (Antioch). (DOC 57; Seaby 111). Anv: Bust of Justin I right. Rev: Seated Tyche of Antioch facing the sanctuary; left E. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 15€

3785 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN I. Pentanummium. (Ae. 1.99g/15mm). 537-551 AD Antioch. (Seaby 241). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Justinian I right, legend around. Reverse: Large E with cross in the centre, letter A on the right. VF.
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Current bid: 15€
Starting price: 15€
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3786 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN I. 16 nummi. (Ae. 6.35g/23mm). 527-562 AD Thessaloniki. (Doc 98a). Obv: Crowned and armoured bust of Justinian I right, around legend: DN IVSTINIANVS PP AV. Rev: Large I between A and SP, above cross flanked by stars, in exergue: TЄSS. VF. Rare.
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Starting price: 25€

3787 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN I. Decanumium. (Ae. 6.35g/23mm). 527-565 AD Mint mark not visible. (DOC 352). Obverse: Crowned and armoured bust of Justinian I facing forward, holding globe and Cross in field on right, around legend: DN IVSTINIANVS PP AV. Rev: Large I; above Cross, on left: ANNO, on right: X/X/IIII. VF-.
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Starting price: 20€

3788 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN I. 1/2 follis. (Ae. 10.62g/27mm). AD 543/4 Nicomedia. (Seaby 203). Obverse: Crowned and armoured bust of Justinian facing forward, holding cruciferous globe left and shield in hand right, surrounding legend: DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVG. Rev: Large K; above Chrismon, on sides: A/N/N/O - X Ч/II (date), below NI. VF.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3789 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN I. Follis. (Ae. 14.15g/32mm). 527 AD Antioch. (Seaby 216). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Justinian I right, legend all around: DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVG. Rev: Large M, cross above and Γ below, stars on either side, in exergue: THEUP. VF-.
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Starting price: 30€

3790 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II and SOPHIA. 1/2 Follis. (Ae. 6.42g/24mm). 569 AD Theoupolis (Antioch). (DOC 169). Obv: Justin and Sophia seated facing forward, holding sceptre and globe, legend around. Reverse: Large K, cross above, ANNO-IIЧ on either side, and R below. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 30€

3791 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II AND SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 15.62g/31mm). 567-568 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 360). Obverse: Justin II and Sophia facing each other, around the legend: DN IVSTINVS PP AVG. Rev: M, above Latin cross, below: A, on the sides: ANNO-III, in exergue: CON. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 25€

3792 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II and SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 15.36g/30mm). 565-578 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 360). Obverse: Justin II and Sophia facing each other, around the legend: DN IVSTINVS PP AVG. Rev: M, above Latin cross, below: r, on the sides: ANNO-II/II, in exergue: CON. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 25€

3793 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II AND SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 14.08g/29mm). 565-578 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 360). Obverse: Justin II and Sophia seated facing each other, around the legend: DN IVSTINVS PP AVG. Rev: M, above Latin cross, below: A, on the sides: ANNO-IIII, in exergue: CON. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3794 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II AND SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 12.68g/31mm). 571-572 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 360). Obverse: Justin II and Sophia facing each other, around the legend: DN IVSTINVS PP AVG. Rev: M, above Latin cross, below: A, on the sides: ANNO-Ç1, in exergue: CON. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3795 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II and SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 13.44g/29mm). 565-578 AD Nicomedia. (Seaby 369). Obv: Justin II and Sophia seated facing each other, legend all around. Reverse: Large M, cross above and B below, between: ANNO-ÇI/II, in exergue: NIKO. VF-.
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Starting price: 25€

3796 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. 1/2 follis. (Ae. 5.08g/21mm). 582-602 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 497). Obv: Crowned bust and cuirass of Maurice Tiberius facing forward, legend around. Reverse: Large K; above Cross, on the sides: A/N/N/O - XX, below P. VF.
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Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 20€
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3797 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. 1/2 Follis. (Ar. 6.04g/22mm). 588-589 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 497; DOC 49b). Obv: Crowned and cuirassed bust of Maurice Tiberius holding a cross, around the inscription: DN MAVR TIBER PP AV. Rev: Large K, cross above, on the left: ANNO-II, below B. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 25€

3798 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. Follis. (Ae. 13.63g/30mm). 586-587 AD Nicomedia. (Seaby 512). Obverse: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Maurice Tiberius facing forward, carrying globe and shield, legend around. Reverse: Large M, above Latin cross, below A, on the left legend: ANNO, on the right: 4 and in exergue: NIKO. VF-.
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Current bid: 15€
Starting price: 15€
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3799 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. 40 Nummi. (Ae. 11.61g/27mm). 589-590 AD Cyzicus. (Seaby 518). Obverse: Bust with helmet and cuirass facing forward, carrying globe and shield, legend around: N MAVRICI TIBERI PP A. Reverse: Large M, below B, above cross, legend on the left: ANNO, on the right: Ç/III and in exergue: KYZ. VF.
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Starting price: 35€

3800 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. 40 Nummi. (Ae. 11.09g/30mm). 588-589 AD Cyzicus. (Seaby 518). Obverse: Bust with helmet and cuirass facing forward, carrying globe and shield, legend around: NM AVRI TBER PP. Reverse: Large M, below B, above cross, legend on the left: ANNO, on the right: X/II and in exergue: KYZ. VF.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3801 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. Follis. (Ae. 11.70g/31mm). Year X (591-592 AD). Theoupolis (Antioch). (Seaby 533). Obv: Bust of Maurice Tiberius facing forward with cuirass and crown, around legend: DN MAVRI CNP AVT. Rev: Large M, between: ANNO-X, above cross, below: r, in exergue: THEUPS. VF.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3802 | Byzantine Empire

MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. Solid. (Au. 4.33g/21mm). 583-601 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 478). Ob: Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice Tiberius facing forward holding cruciferous globe and shield, around legend: ON mAVGood TIb PP AVC. Rev: Standing angel facing forward holding long staurogram and cruciferous globe, below: CONOB, around legend: VICTORIA AVGG H. Very Fine. Cross-shaped graffiti on reverse. Cleaned.
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Current bid: 370€
Starting price: 370€
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3803 | Byzantine Empire

FOCAS. Follis. (Ae. 12.52g/32mm). 602-610 AD Nicomedia. (Seaby 659). Anv: Crowned bust of Phocas, dressed in consular habit, holding a map and Cross, around legend: δ m FOCAS PER AVC. Rev: ANNO / XXXX, in exergue: NIKO. Very Fine.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3804 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.31g/21mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend all around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend all around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ A. Extremely Fine. Beautiful example, rare as it is.
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Current bid: 430€
Starting price: 430€
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3805 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.42g/22mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross on three steps, below: CONOB, legend around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ Є. Extremely Fine. Remains of original shine. A beautiful and attractive example, rare as it is.
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Starting price: 430€

3806 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.44g/22mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend all around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend all around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ Є. Extremely Fine-.
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Starting price: 390€

3807 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.45g/21mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend all around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend all around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ H. Extremely Fine-.
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Starting price: 390€

3808 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.39g/21mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend all around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend all around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ H. Extremely Fine-/Good Very Fine.
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Starting price: 390€

3809 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.52g/21mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend all around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend all around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ I. Extremely Fine-.
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Starting price: 390€

3810 | Byzantine Empire

HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.47g/21mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ H. Extremely Fine. Beautiful example, rare as it is.
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Starting price: 430€

3811 | Byzantine Empire

THEOPHILUS. Semissis. (Au. 1.75g/16mm). 831-832 AD Syracuse. (Seaby 1674). Obv: Crowned bust of Theophilus facing forward, holding a cruciform globe, legend around: ΘEOFILOS. Rev: Frontal bust of Theophilus carrying a cross, legend around: ΘEOFILOS. Good Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, rare as it is.
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Current bid: 450€
Starting price: 450€
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3812 | Byzantine Empire

THEOPHILUS. Solid. (Au. 3.88g/16mm). 831-832 AD Syracuse. (Seaby 1670). Obv: Crowned bust of Theophilus facing front, holding cruciform globe, legend around: ΘEOFILOS. Rev: Frontal bust of Theophilus holding cross, legend around: ΘEOFILOS. Good Extremely Fine. Beautiful specimen, rare as it is.
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Starting price: 420€

3813 | Byzantine Empire

THEOPHILUS. Solid. (Au. 3.87g/16mm). 831-832 AD Syracuse. (Seaby 1670). Ob.: Crowned bust of Theophilus facing front, holding cruciferous globe, around legend: ΘEOFILOS. Rev.: Frontal bust of Theophilus carrying cross, around legend: ΘEOFILOS. Extremely Fine.
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Starting price: 400€

3814 | Byzantine Empire

LEO VI. Follis. (Ae. 6.28g/24mm). 886-912 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1729). Obverse: Crowned and draped bust of Leo VI facing forward carrying akakia, legend around: LEON BASILEVS ROM. Reverse: Four-line legend: LEON/En TEO bA/SILEVS R/OMEOn. VF.
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Starting price: 25€

3815 | Byzantine Empire

CONSTANTINE VII Porphyrogenitus and ROMAN I. Follis. (Ae. 5.99g/26mm). AD 913-959 Constantinople. (Seaby 1760). Anv: Crowned bust of Constantine VII facing forward, holding cruciferous globe and labarum, legend around: RωMAҺ ЬASILЄVS RωM. Rev: RωmA/Һ' ЄҺ ӨЄω ЬA/SILЄVS Rω/mAIωҺ. VF.
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Current bid: 32€
Starting price: 25€
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3816 | Byzantine Empire

ANONYMOUS, times of Basil II and Constantine VIII. Follis. (Ae. 5.78g/25mm). 976-1025 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1813). Obverse: Bust of Christ facing forward holding the Gospel, in field: IC - XC, around: EMMA-NOVHΛ . Rev: IhSϤS / XRISTϤS / bASILЄϤ / bASILЄ. VF-.
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Starting price: 25€

3817 | Byzantine Empire

ANONYMOUS, Attributed to Romanos III. Follis. (Ae. 11.48g/27mm). 1028-1034 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1823). Obv: Bust of Christ facing forward with book and crucifix, between: IC-XC, around legend: ЄMMA NOVHA. Rev: Cross, on its quadrants Byzantine legend: IS-XS/ЬAS-ILЄ ЬAS-ILЄ. VF+.
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Starting price: 25€

3818 | Byzantine Empire

ANONYMOUS, attributed to Romanos IV. Follis. (Ae. 11.48g/29mm). 1068-1071 AD (Sear 1867). Obv: Nimbate bust of Christ facing forward, dressed in a tunic and himation, holding a scroll, in field: IC-XC. Rev: Nimbate bust of the Virgin facing forward and praying, in field: MHP-ΘV. Very Fine-.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3819 | Byzantine Empire

MICHAEL VII Ducas. Histamenon. (El. 4.31g/28mm). 1071-1078 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1869). Obv: Christ seated facing forward with Nimbus on throne, between: IC-XC. Rev: Bust of Michael VII facing forward carrying standard, above legend: +MIXAHΛ RACIΛ O Δ. VF-.
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Starting price: 250€

3820 | Byzantine Empire

JOHN II COMNENUS. Histamenon. (Au. 3.98g/24mm). 1118-1143 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1939). Abv: Christ seated facing on throne in tunic raising right hand and holding book, between: IC-XC. Rev: John II standing facing forward holding sceptre and dagger being crowned by the Virgin, legend around. VF-.
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Current bid: 185€
Starting price: 140€
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3821 | Byzantine Empire

JOHN II Comnenus. Histamenon. (Ae. 4.28g/24mm). 1118-1143 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1938). Obv: Christ seated facing front with Nimbus on throne holding book and raising hand, between: IC-XC. Rev: John II with the Virgin Mary standing facing front holding patriarchal cross, around legend: +IW ΔЄCΠΟTH. VF-.
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Starting price: 250€

3822 | Byzantine Empire

ANDRONICO II and MICHAEL IX. Histamenon. (Au. 3.64g/23mm). 1295-1320 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 2396). Obv: Virgin Mary praying within a wall with six towers. Reverse: Christ standing facing forward crowning Andronikos II and Michael IX kneeling on either side. VF-
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Current bid: 140€
Starting price: 140€
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3823 | Byzantine Empire

ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX. Histamenon. (Au. 4.16g/19mm). 1295-1320 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 2396). Obv: Virgin Mary praying within a wall with six towers. Rev: Christ standing facing forward crowning Andronicus II and Michael IX kneeling on either side. VF-.
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Starting price: 170€

3824 | Byzantine Empire

ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX. Histamenon. (Au. 2.77g/17mm). 1295-1320 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 2396). Obv: Virgin Mary praying within a wall with six towers. Rev: Christ standing facing forward crowning Andronicus II and Michael IX kneeling on either side. VF-.
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Starting price: 170€