Online Coin Auction #111

Thursday, 3 April 2025 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 3001 to 4071.
  • Second session. 15:00h CEST, from lot 4072 to 5420

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Results for la category: "Al Andalus coins"

3925 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ben Yusuf (500-537H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.71g/15mm). S/D. (Vives 1703; Peligro 926; Benito Cb41). Obv: 'Shahadah' in a semicircle and two lines. Rev: Ali is presented with the title of Amir al-Muslimin and without an heir, above in two lines: الله / ايــد. (God help). VF-. Two perforations.
Ex Jesus Vico, Auction 166 (2/22/2023) Gaspariño Collection, Lot 616.
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Starting price: 50€

3926 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali Ibn Yusuf (500-537H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.90g/14mm). S/D. Miknasa (Mequinez) / مكـناسة. (Vives 1707, Benito-Cc5). Obv: 'Shahadah' in four lines. Rev: It presents Ali with titles of Amir al-Muslimin and Nasir al-Din, below in a mint semicircle. VF+. Large module and good centering, unusual characteristics for this mint. Rare and extraordinary specimen.
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Current bid: 100€
Starting price: 100€
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3927 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, 'Ali ben Yusuf with Sir as heir (522-533H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.81/11mm). (Vives1771; Benito Ce10). Anv: 'Shahada' in three lines and mention of the heir. Rev: Presents Ali with the title of Amir al-Muslimin, above the expression: Allah Wali / الله ولي (God ''is the'' guardian). Very Fine.
Ex Jesus Vico, Auction 166 (2/22/2023) Gaspariño Collection, Lot 634.
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Starting price: 50€

3928 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali ben Yusuf and the Amir Sir (522-533H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.92g/11mm). S/D. (Vives 1774; Hazard 983; Benito Cf2). Obv: 'Shahada' in three lines and mention of the heir. Rev: Presents Ali with the titles of Amir al-Muslimin and Nasir al-Din. VF.
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Starting price: 25€

3929 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali ibn Yusuf. Quirate. (Ar. 0.86g/11mm). 522-533H. (Vives 1774; Benito Cf2). Citing the Emir Sir in AI. and the titles Amir al-Muslimin and Nasir al Din. VF+. Iridescent patina.
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Starting price: 20€

3930 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali ben Yusuf with Tashfin as heir (533-537H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.86g/12mm). S/D. (Vives 1824; Medina 139; Benito Cj3). Obv: 'Shahada' in three lines and mention of the heir. Rev: Presents Ali with titles of Amir al-Muslimin and Nasir al-Din. VF+. Dark patina.
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Starting price: 25€

3931 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, 'Ali B. Yusuf. Quirate. (Ar. 0.92/13mm). (Vives
1701; Benito2020-Cb37). No heir, with title of Amir al-Muslimin. Very Fine-. Two perforations.
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Starting price: 10€

3932 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.96g/12mm). 533-537H. (Vives 1827; Benito Cj7). Quoting Emir Tashfin in IA. Good Very Fine. Slight oxidation and bluish patina.
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Starting price: 20€

3933 | Al Andalus coins

HISPANO-ARABE. Interesting set consisting of 3 karats of 'Ali ben Yusuf, type Vives1701 and Benito Cb37. Obv: 'Shahada' in three lines. Rev: ولي (guardian)/ علي (Ali), with title of Amir al-Muslimin. Different modules, weights and qualities. TO BE EXAMINED.
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Starting price: 50€

3934 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS, Tashfin ben Ali with Ibrahim as heir (539-540H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.82g/12mm). S/D. (Vives 1885; Hazard 1035; Benito Db2). Obv: 'Shahada' in three lines and mention of the heir. Rev: Presents Tashfin with titles of Amir al-Muslimin and Nasir al-Din. VF.
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Starting price: 30€

3935 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS. Isahq Ibn 'Ali (540-541H). Quirate. (Ar. 0.94g/12mm). S/D. (Vives 1895 var; Benito E5). Obv: 'Shahadah' in four lines. Rev: Presents Isahq with titles of Amir al-Muslimin and Nasir al-Din. Extremely Fine. Scarce.
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Current bid: 50€
Starting price: 50€
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3936 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ishaq ben Ali. Quirate. (Ar. 0.99g/12mm). 540-541H. (Vives 1896; Benito C2). Extremely Fine. Rare and very beautiful specimen.
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Current bid: 50€
Starting price: 50€
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3937 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES. Ishaq Ibn Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.92g/11mm). 540-541H. Córdoba / قرطبة. (Vives 1894; Fbm E1). Very Fine-. Porosities. Scarce.
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Starting price: 60€

3938 | Al Andalus coins

TAIFAS ALMOHADES. Anonymous. 1/3 Dirham. (Ar. 0.43g/11mm). Sabta (Ceuta) / سبتة. (Hohertz 663). Very Fine. Very rare.
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Current bid: 50€
Starting price: 50€
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3939 | Al Andalus coins

TAIFAS ALMOHADES, LOGoodA. Ibn Asli, Arráez de Lorca. Dirham. (Ae. 1.42g/16mm). 638-662 H. (Vives No citation; Hohertz 665; Fontenla 2014-Page 66, same copy). Anv: 'Sahada' in three lines within a circular graph: الله / اله الا / لا. Rev: 'Prophetic Mission of Muhammad' in four lines within a circular graph: الله / رسول / ج / محمد. Very Fine. Very rare.

This same piece not only appears as the main example of its typology in the 2014 book 'Las Cuuñaciones de Lorca' by Doctor Salvador Fontenla Ballesta. We also find it in the first study dedicated to them by the same author, 'Las monedas postalmohades de Lorca (Murcia)' , Numisma 251 (2007), pp. 249-260, figure 1.
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Current bid: 280€
Starting price: 250€
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3940 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS, Anonymous on behalf of Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.53g/15mm). S/D. (Hazard 1123 var; Hohertz 617). VF. A rare and very beautiful example. This piece features very striking ornamental Kufic calligraphy in the Hafsid style and is similar to the coins attributed to Abu Hafs 'Umar al-Murtada with the mintmark 'Al-Hadrat al-Muminiya al-Murtadiya' (Hohertz 563). Therefore, it was possibly minted at the same time by some governor of the area.
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Current bid: 60€
Starting price: 60€
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3941 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Abd al-Mu'min. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.75g/12mm). 524-558 H. S/D. (Vives 2113; Hazard 1068; Hohertz 550b). Decoration based on roundels, dots and Solomon's knot in IA. Extremely Fine-. Scarce and interesting specimen.
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Current bid: 70€
Starting price: 60€
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3942 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.34g/9mm). Without mint. (Vives 2209, Hohertz 636). Very Fine.
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Starting price: 15€

3943 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.37g/9mm). (Vives 2209, like Nazarí; Medina 203a; Hohertz 636). Anv: هدى الله / هو الهدى. (Allah's guidance / is the guidance). Rev: العا قبة / التقوا. (The reward of the hereafter / belongs to the devotees). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 42€
Starting price: 35€
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3944 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.22g/9mm). (Vives 2209, like Nazarí; Medina 203a; Hohertz 636). Anv: هدى الله / هو الهدى. (Allah's guidance / is the guidance). Rev: العا قبة / التقوا. (The reward of the hereafter / belongs to the devotees). Very Fine.
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Starting price: 35€

3945 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. 1/8 Dirham. (Ar. 0.11g/7mm). S/D. (Hohertz 645; Medina 203c, variant without mint). Anv: الله / حسبنا. (God is enough for me). Rev: Anepigraph. Very Fine. Strange.
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Current bid: 46€
Starting price: 45€
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3946 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS, Anonymous on behalf of Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.53g/15mm). S/D. (Hazard 1123; Album 496a; Hohertz 574). Kufic script. VF+.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3947 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous citing Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.54g/14mm). S/D. (Vives 2088; Medina 201.a; Hohertz 578). VG-. Fold in the corners. Excellent specimen.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3948 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS, Anonymous citing Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.55g/15mm). S/D. (Vives 2088; Medina 201.a; Hohertz 578, type E ornament). Singular ornament in place of mint. VF.
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Starting price: 20€

3949 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous citing Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.55g/14mm). S/D. (Vives 2088; Medina 201.a; Hohertz 578). Extremely Fine. Original gaps and luster.
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Current bid: 30€
Starting price: 30€
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3950 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous citing Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.50g/15mm). S/D. (Vives 2088; Medina 201.a; Hohertz 578). VF+. Interesting specimen.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3951 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous quoting Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.49g/14mm). S/D. (Vives 2088; Medina 201.a; Hohertz 578). Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3952 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous citing Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.44g/14mm). S/D. (Vives 2088 var; Hazard 1101 var; Hohertz 578 var, with type F decoration). Singular decoration in place of a mint flanked by Solomon's knots. It also presents an unusual execution of the Ta' marbuta, on the 3rd line of the IA. VF. Rare and interesting specimen for study.
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Current bid: 40€
Starting price: 40€
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3953 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous quoting Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.42g/15mm). S/D. (Vives 2088; Medina 201.a; Hohertz 578, type D ornament). Singular ornament in place of a mint. Very Fine. Slightly warped
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Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 20€
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3954 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Anonymous in the name of Imam Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.52g/14mm). Spark plug / بجاية. (Vives 2100; Hohertz 597a). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 35€
Starting price: 35€
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3955 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Anonymous in the name of Imam Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.55g/14mm). Fez / فاس. (Vives 2107; Hazard 1095). Very Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

3956 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Anonymous in the name of Imam Al-Mahdi. Dirham, African copy of the period. (Ar. 1.17g/12mm). Fez / فاس. (Types: Vives 2107 and Hohertz 601b). VF. Warped. Interesting piece for study.

Uniquely, in addition to the typical roundels, this piece contains in the lower left corner of both areas a tiny ornament in the shape of an initial ''ʿayn'' which is possibly a counting mark.
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Starting price: 35€

3957 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous quoting Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.54g/14mm). Malaga / مالقة? (Vives 2095; Hazard 1113; Hohertz 589). Very Fine. Scarce.
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Current bid: 50€
Starting price: 50€
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3958 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous citing Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.44g/15mm). Undetermined mint. (Vives 2088 var; Hazard 1101 var; Hohertz 578 var). VF. Interesting specimen.
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Current bid: 41€
Starting price: 35€
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3959 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Lot of 2 anonymous Dirhams, citing Al-Mahdi. Very Fine/Fine. TO BE EXAMINED.
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Starting price: 20€

3960 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Millarés. (Ar. 1.24g/14mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651var). Isolated letter 'Sin' instead of the mint mark, with three-dot decoration in both areas. VF+. Interesting specimen.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3961 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Millarés. (Ar. 1.45g/15mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). VF+. Attractive specimen.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3962 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Millarés. (Ar. 1.31g/16mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). VF+. Attractive specimen.
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Starting price: 20€

3963 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Thousands. (Ar. 1.41g/15mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). Good Very Fine. Warped Nice specimen.
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Starting price: 25€

3964 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Thousands. (Ar. 1.52g/15mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3965 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Thousands. (Ar. 1.51g/15mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). Good Very Fine. Warped Nice specimen.
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Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
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3966 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Millarés. (Ar. 1.32g/18mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). VF. Oxidation marks.
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Starting price: 15€

3967 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADS. Millarés. (Ar. 1.46g/17mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). VF. Oxidation marks.
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Starting price: 15€

3968 | Al Andalus coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.86g/16mm). Granada / غرناطة. (Vives 2191; Medina 266.a, Hohertz2017-747). With “ta”, abbreviation of the word ta'ālà / تعالى which means “exalted be.” Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 40€
Starting price: 40€
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3969 | Al Andalus coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA. Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.42g/11mm). Granada / غرناطة. (Vives 2194; Medina 267.a, Hohertz2017-757). Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 20€

3970 | Al Andalus coins

TAIFAS PERIOD OR LATER. Coin-shaped amulet. (Pb. 1.44g/10mm). Possibly 11th-13th century. (Type B amulets, Group III). On both the obverse and reverse, 4 lines of linear Kufic writing surrounded by a double circular border. VF. Two perforations.
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Starting price: 15€

3971 | Al Andalus coins

2 Dinar Ponderal, Anonymous. (Ae. 7.54g/12x7.8mm). Undated. Hexagonal prism shape with semicircular ridge on each edge and Kufic epigraphy. (Tonegawa Type-D8). Obv: In single line: معدل (Adjusted). Rev: Anepigraph. VF+. Very rare and attractive specimen.

According to our sources and in proportion to the pieces studied and published, the 2 Dinar weights are much rarer than the 1 and 1/2 Dinar weights. Even more so with this design.
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Current bid: 60€
Starting price: 60€
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3972 | Al Andalus coins

Dinar Ponderal, Anonymous. (Ae. 3.88g/11x8mm). Undated. Square shape with Kufic epigraphy. (Tonegawa Type-D46). The same phrase repeated several times on both obverse and reverse: العدل لله (Justice is from God). VF+.
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Starting price: 25€

3973 | Al Andalus coins

Dinar Ponderal, Anonymous. (Ae. 3.92g/11x10x4mm). Undated. Square shape with Kufic epigraphy. (Tonegawa Type-D27-69). Obv: One line in Kufic and dot decoration. Rev: Anepigraph. VF+.
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Current bid: 31€
Starting price: 25€
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3974 | Al Andalus coins

Interesting set of 3 1 and 1/2 Dinar weights, square in shape with Kufic inscriptions on both sides. Different variants, sizes and states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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Starting price: 45€