Byzantine Empire

Automatically generated translation
HERACLIO and HERACLIO CONSTANTINE. Solid. (Au. 4.39g/21mm). 626-629 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 743). Obv: Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, facing each other, cross above, legend all around: dd NN hЄRACLIЧS Єt hЄRA CONSt PP AV. Rev: Cross potent on three steps, below: CONOB, legend all around: VICTORIA-AVϚЧ H. Extremely Fine-/Good Very Fine.
Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 11:00
Lot 3808
Starting price
Starting price 390€
Illustrative price in other currencies
$ 426
£ 328
CHF 375
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