Byzantine Empire

Automatically generated translation
MAURICIUS TIBERIUS. Solid. (Au. 4.33g/21mm). 583-601 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 478). Ob: Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice Tiberius facing forward holding cruciferous globe and shield, around legend: ON mAVGood TIb PP AVC. Rev: Standing angel facing forward holding long staurogram and cruciferous globe, below: CONOB, around legend: VICTORIA AVGG H. Very Fine. Cross-shaped graffiti on reverse. Cleaned.
Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 11:00
Lot 3802
Starting price
Current bid
Illustrative price in other currencies
$ 405
£ 311
CHF 356
Bids: 1 / Bidders: 1
This lot has been viewed 99 times