Greek coins

Automatically generated translation
SASANID EMPIRE, Khusro II. Drachma. (Ar. 4.15g/32mm). Year 36 PYE/625-6 AD Mint: GD. (Göbl-III/3). Obv: Crowned and draped bust of Khusro II right, around legend on palavhi: on the right, ABZUD (Growth) and on the left, GDH (Splendour) all within a double circular bezel. On the outside, at 3h, 6h and 9h, crescent and star, and the word: APD' (praise). Rev: Fire altar flanked by two priests, on the right mint: GD, and on the left year of mintage: 36 (Post Yazgard Era) within 3 borders, on the outside, at 12h, 3h, 6h and 9h crescent and star. Extremely Fine-.
Online Coin Auction #111
Thursday, 3 April 2025 | 11:00
Lot 3069
$ 49
£ 38
CHF 43
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