Cifuentes Collection  China Part I #108

Wednesday, 26 March 2025 | Madrid, 12:00 CET

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251 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 10 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Specimen. (Pick: 85bs, SM: C294-241b). PMG66EPQ.

Starting price: 350€

252 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 25 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. (Pick: 86). Very Fine.

Starting price: 10€

253 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 25 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. (Pick: 86, SM: C294-242). PMG45.

Current bid: 90€
Starting price: 80€
2 / 2

254 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. Set of 5 notes of 50 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. (Pick: 87c(1). 87D(4)). Very Fine (4) to Extremely Fine (1).

Current bid: 12€
Starting price: 10€
2 / 2

255 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 50 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Specimen. (Pick: 87ds, SM: C294-243). PMG67EPQ (according to the PMG population report, it is the Top Pop banknote as of 15 February 2025).

Current bid: 352€
Starting price: 350€
3 / 2

256 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. (Pick: 88a, SM: C294-244a). PMG30 (stains).

Starting price: 50€

257 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. Set of 2 notes of 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Chungking. (Pick: 88b). Extremely Fine.

Starting price: 20€

258 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Chungking. (Pick: 88b, SM: C294-244a). PMG64.

Starting price: 35€

259 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Chungking. Attractive serial number. (Pick: 88c). Very Fine.

Current bid: 5€
Starting price: 5€
1 / 1

260 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Chungking. (Pick: 88c). Extremely Fine.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 5€

261 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Specimen. (Pick: 88as, SM: C294-244). PMG65EPQ*.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 450€

262 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 100 Yuan. 1940. Bank of China. Chungking. Specimen. (Pick: 88bs, SM: C294-244a). PMG67EPQ (according to the PMG population report, it is the Top Pop banknote as of 15 February 2025).

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 450€
Starting price: 450€
1 / 1

263 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 10 Cents. 1941. Bank of China. (Pick: 89a, SM: C294-250). PMG63.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 350€

264 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 20 Cents. 1941. Bank of China. (Pick: 90a, SM: C294-251). PMG64.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 350€

265 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1941. Bank of China. Specimen. (Pick: 91s, SM: C294-250). PMG63.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 350€

266 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. Set of 2 notes of 10 Yuan. 1941. Bank of China. Face and back specimen. (Pick: 92s1, 92s2, SM: C294-261). PMG65EPQ/64.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 225€

267 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 5 Yuan. 1941. Bank of China. (Pick: 93, SM: C294-262). PMG45.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 225€

268 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 10 Yuan. 1941. Bank of China. (Pick: 94a, SM: C294-264). PMG62 (stains).
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 350€

269 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. Set of 2 notes of 10 Yuan. 1941. Bank of China. Face and back specimen. (Pick: 94s1, 94s2). PMG64/66EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 225€

270 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 10 Yuan. 1941. Bank of China. (Pick: 95, SM: C294-263). PMG65EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 225€

271 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 50 Yuan. 1942. Bank of China. (Pick: 98, SM: C294-270). PMG25.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 80€

272 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 500 Yuan. 1942. Bank of China. (Pick: 99, SM: C294-271). PMG58.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 350€

273 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 500 Yuan. 1942. Bank of China. Specimen. (Pick: 99s, SM: C294-271). PMG63 (small tears).
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 650€

274 | Republic-Bank of China

CHINA. 1000 Yuan. 1942. Bank of China. (Pick: 100a, SM: C294-272). PMG25 (minor rust).
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 350€

275 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Dollar. 1 July 1913. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 110i, SM: C126- 31g). PMG30.
Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 700€
Starting price: 450€
9 / 4

276 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Dollar. 1 July 1913. Bank of Communications. Specimen. (Pick: 110s, SM: C126). PMG58EPQ (selvage included).
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 450€

277 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 5 Dollars. 1 July 1913. Bank of Communications. Specimen. (Pick: 111As, SM: C126-40). PMG50EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 450€

278 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 5 Dollars. 1 July 1913. Bank of Communications. Specimen. (Pick: 111s, SM: C126-32). PMG55EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 450€

279 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 5 Fen. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Specimen. (Pick: 112s, SM: C126-50). PMG65EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 225€

280 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Harbin. (Pick: 113a, SM: C126-51a). PMG35.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 100€

281 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Specimen. (Pick: 113s, SM: C126-51). PMG58.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 225€

282 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 2 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Kalgan. (Pick: 114b). Fine.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 50€

283 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 2 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Weihaiwei. (Pick: 114h, SM: C126-52h). PMG25 (minor stain, pinhole).
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 100€

284 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 2 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Weihaiwei. (Pick: 114h, SM: C126-52h). PMG35.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 120€

285 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 2 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Specimen. (Pick: 114s, SM: C126-52). PMG58.
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 250€

286 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 5 Choh. (1914ca). Bank of Communication. Specimen. (Pick: 115s, SM: C126-53). PMG63 (minor foreign substance).
Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 250€

287 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Tientsin. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116r1, SM: C126-78). PMG40.

Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 60€

288 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Chungking. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116e). More than Very Fine.

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 22€
Starting price: 20€
2 / 2

289 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Chungking. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116e). More than Very Fine.

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 20€
1 / 1

290 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Kiukiang. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116k). Fine.

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 460€
Starting price: 150€
6 / 3

291 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Shanghai. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116m). More than Very Fine.

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 23€
Starting price: 20€
3 / 2

292 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Shangha.i Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116m, SM: C126-73). PMG64.

Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 80€

293 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Shanghai. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116m, SM: C126-73). PMG64.

Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 80€

294 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Shanghai. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116o). More than Extremely Fine.

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 140€
Starting price: 80€
5 / 2

295 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Sian. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116q). Restored. Fine.

Automatically generated translation

Starting price: 120€

296 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Bank of Communications. Specimen. (Pick: 116s, SM: C126). PMG66EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 190€
Starting price: 180€
2 / 2

297 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Bank of Communications. Specimen. (Pick: 116s, SM: C126). PMG65EPQ.
Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 180€
Starting price: 180€
1 / 1

298 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Bank of Communications. Specimen. (Pick: 116s, SM: C126). PMG67EPQ (according to the PMG population report, it is the second highest qualified banknote as of 15 February 2025).

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 190€
Starting price: 180€
2 / 2

299 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. 1 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Shanghai. Bank of Communications. (Pick: 116t, SM: C126-73a). PMG66EPQ.

Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 120€
Starting price: 80€
5 / 4

300 | Republic-Bank of Communications

CHINA. Set of 8 notes of 5 Yuan. 1 October 1914. Bank of Communication. Tientsin. (Pick: 117s2). Fine.
Automatically generated translation

Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 20€
1 / 1