Conde de Orgaz Collection #101

Thursday, 26 September 2024 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

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101 | Fernando VII

FERNANDO VII (1808-1833). 320 Reales. (Au. 27,13g/35mm). 1822. Madrid SR. (Cal-2019-1778). MBC+. Restos de brillo original.

Entre el Sexenio Absolutista y la Década Ominosa se encuentra la primera gran experiencia liberal de la España contemporánea. El conocido como Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) es una vuelta a los valores de la Carta Magna de 1812 con unas Cortes de marcado carácter moderado. Esta moderación e intento de cambio de rumbo se aprecia también en la numismática del momento, que incluye una serie de cambios significativos y simbólicos que merecen la pena señalar: hay un cambio esencial en la leyenda con la aparición por vez primera del término Const o Constitución, pues, el rey durante este periodo queda sometido a ella. Por otro lado, y también en la leyenda, se sustituye el latín por el castellano como idioma oficial para estas acuñaciones. Por último, señalar los cambios iconográficos en el propio busto del rey que ahora no se presenta diademado o laureado sino de una manera mucho más sencilla y sin artificios o adornos que nos recuerden a un rey absolutista.

Starting price: 4.500€

102 | Fernando VII

FERNANDO VII (1808-1833). 8 Escudos. (Au. 26,75g/38mm). 1811. Santiago FJ. (Cal-2019-1865). Busto almirante. MBC+. Leves hojitas.

Current bid: 2.056€
Starting price: 1.800€
9 / 3 /

103 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 1 Maravedí. (Ae. 1.16g/15mm). 1842. Segovia. (Cal-2019-35). Good Extremely Fine. Small line on obverse. Scarce as is.
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Current bid: 75€
Starting price: 50€
8 / 4 /

104 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 1/2 Real (5 Tenths). (Ae. 17.71g/32mm). 1850. Segovia. (Cal-2019-155). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 28€
Starting price: 25€
3 / 2 /

105 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 1 Peseta. (Ar. 5.83g/25mm). 1837. Barcelona PS. (Cal-2019-272). Good Very Fine.

Within the framework of the Carlist Wars, and in the same way as the coppers with values ​​of 3 and 6 quarters, this emergency coin was minted to pay the Elizabethan troops who participated in said war. One of the novelties that we observe in the pieces minted during the first Elizabethan system or maravedí system is the inclusion in the legend of the term Const. (Constitution). From now on, the queen is by the grace of God but also by the Magna Carta itself. These pesetas were only minted in the years 1836 and 1837, with the former having a double variant depending on whether they have a spiked or fluted edge.
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Current bid: 280€
Starting price: 125€
16 / 8 /

106 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 20 Reales. (Ar. 25.61g/37mm). 1854. Madrid. (Cal-2019-596). Very Fine/Good Very Fine. Blow on obverse.
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Current bid: 125€
Starting price: 75€
11 / 6 /

107 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 2 Shields. (Ar. 25.86g/37mm). 1867. Madrid. (Cal-2019-647). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 110€
Starting price: 75€
8 / 6 /

108 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Weight. (Ar. 27.04g/38mm). 1834-1837. Crowned YII stamp on 8 Real coin minted in 1833 in Guanajuato MJ. (Cal-2019-668). Very Fine. Reseal to examine.
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Current bid: 260€
Starting price: 100€
12 / 6 /

109 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 20 Reales. (Au. 1.67g/15mm). 1861. Madrid. (Cal-2019-672). Extremely Fine-.
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Current bid: 191€
Starting price: 175€
5 / 4 /

110 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 2 Escudos. (Au. 1.65g/15mm). 1865. Madrid. (Cal-2019-675). VF+/VF. Scarce.
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Current bid: 156€
Starting price: 150€
5 / 3 /

111 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 40 Reales. (Au. 3.35g/18mm). 1864. Madrid. (Cal-2019-686). VF+.
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Current bid: 200€
Starting price: 175€
5 / 4 /

112 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 4 Escudos. (Au. 3.38g/18mm). 1865. Madrid. (Cal-2019-688). VF+.
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Current bid: 213€
Starting price: 175€
7 / 5 /

113 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 4 Escudos. (Au. 3,34g/18mm). 1867. Madrid. (Cal-2019-691). EBC-.

Current bid: 220€
Starting price: 175€
6 / 5 /

114 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 80 Reales. (Au 6.74g/ 21mm). 1836. Madrid CR. (Cal-2019-721). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 366€
Starting price: 300€
7 / 5 /

115 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Doubloon of 100 Reales. (Au. 8.27g/22mm). 1850. Madrid CL. (Cal-2019-757). Very Fine. Limited.

Around 1850 the traditional initials of the cities began to give way to stars that, depending on the number of points, would indicate the mint of the piece. This is, therefore, one of the last coinages with the traditional Madrid crowned M. The golden coinage of the moment corresponds to the 100 Reales, or Doubloons of 100 Reales as they were known exclusively in the first ones of 1850 and 1851.
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Current bid: 560€
Starting price: 400€
7 / 4 /

116 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 100 Reales. (Au. 8.37g/22mm). 1862. Seville. (Cal-2019-805). Extremely Fine.
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Current bid: 600€
Starting price: 300€
10 / 7 /

117 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 10 Shields. (Au. 8.32g/22mm). 1868 *18-73. Madrid. (Cal-2019-41). Minted during the period of the First Republic. Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 455€
Starting price: 300€
12 / 9 /

118 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). 1 Weight. (Au. 1.68g/15mm). 1865. Manila. (Cal-2019-829). Very Fine. Scarce.

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Current bid: 190€
Starting price: 175€
3 / 3 /

119 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 2 Pesos. (Au. 3,35g/18mm). 1861. Manila. (Cal-2019-836). MBC. Rayas.

Current bid: 240€
Starting price: 175€
6 / 6 /

120 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). 4 Pesos. (Au. 6,73g/21mm). 1861. Manila. (Cal-2019-852). MBC. Rayas.

Current bid: 400€
Starting price: 350€
3 / 2 /

121 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). Proclamación en Algeciras. (Ar. 5,85g/25mm). 1834. (V. 736). EBC-. Limpiada. Escasa.

Current bid: 100€
Starting price: 90€
4 / 2 /

122 | Isabel II

ISABEL II (1833-1868). A los defensores del Sitio de Bilbao. (Ae. 27,93g/41mm). 1836. Marca de grabador: V.F. (V. 773). MBC+. Limpiada.

Current bid: 42€
Starting price: 40€
2 / 2 /

123 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Royal Wedding (Ae. 24.25g/37mm). 1846. Barcelona. (PN 661). Extremely Fine.
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Starting price: 25€

124 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Birth of the Prince of Asturia. (Ae-Oversilver. 210.90g/72mm). 1857. Barcelona. Engraver: F. Casal. (VQ 14333-var metal). Very Fine.
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Current bid: 70€
Starting price: 70€
1 / 1 /

125 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Visit of the Queen to Andalusia and Murcia. (Ae. 53.08g/52mm). 1862. Malaga. Engraver: José Gallardo. (V. 428 var). Good Very Fine. Cleaned.
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Current bid: 65€
Starting price: 50€
2 / 2 /

126 | Isabel II

ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Interesting and beautiful set made up of 32 medals with various motifs and themes (proclamations, coming of age, royal wedding...). Minted in different metals and with different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 300€

127 | Amadeo I

AMADEO I (1871-1873). 5 Pesetas. (Ar. 24.99g/37mm). 1871 *18-71. Madrid SDM. (Cal-2019-1). Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 58€
Starting price: 40€
6 / 4 /

128 | Alfonso XII

ALFONSO XII (1874-1885). 10 Pesetas. (Au. 3.22g/19mm). 1878 *18-78. Madrid EMM. (Cal-2019-65). Good Very Fine. Marks.
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Current bid: 241€
Starting price: 175€
13 / 9 /

129 | Alfonso XII

ALFONSO XII (1874-1885). 25 Pesetas. (Au. 8.06g/24mm). 1877 *18-77. Madrid DEM. (Cal-2019-68). Extremely Fine.
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Current bid: 440€
Starting price: 325€
7 / 4 /

130 | Alfonso XIII

ALFONSO XIII (1885-1931). 20 Pesetas. (Au. 6.46g/21mm). 1887 *19-62. Madrid PGV. (Cal-2019-171-Spanish State). Official re-striping. Good Extremely Fine. Minor scratches. Mintage of only 11 thousand units.
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Current bid: 360€
Starting price: 300€
6 / 4 /

131 | Alfonso XIII

ALFONSO XIII (1885-1931). 20 Pesetas. (Au. 6.45g/21mm). 1896 *19-62. Madrid MPM. (Cal-2019-173-Spanish State). Official recoinage. Good Extremely Fine.
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Current bid: 355€
Starting price: 300€
4 / 4 /

132 | Alfonso XIII

ALFONSO XIII (1885-1931). 1 Weight. (Ar. 24.94g/37mm). 1897. Manila SGV. (Cal-2019-122). Good Very Fine.
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Current bid: 160€
Starting price: 120€
5 / 4 /

133 | Alfonso XIII

ALFONSO XIII (1885-1931). 10 Centavos. (Ar. 2,44g/18mm). 1896. Puerto Rico PGV. (Cal-2019-125). MBC.

Current bid: 66€
Starting price: 50€
4 / 4 /

134 | Alfonso XIII

ALFONSO XIII (1885-1931). 40 Cents. (Ar. 9.78g/27mm). 1896. Puerto Rico. (Cal-2019-127). Good Fine.
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Current bid: 170€
Starting price: 70€
9 / 6 /

135 | Alfonso XIII

ALFONSO XIII (1885-1931). 1 Weight. (Ar. 24.75g/37mm). 1895. Puerto Rico PGV. (Cal-2019-128). Very Fine-. Limited.
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Current bid: 370€
Starting price: 200€
10 / 6 /

136 | Miscellaneous

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.60g/22mm). 317 AD Aquileia. (RIC 7). Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Licinius I right, surrounding legend: IMP LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left holding a ray and sceptre, in exergue: AQS, surrounding legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Extremely Fine. Slight minting gap on reverse. Nice specimen.
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Current bid: 38€
Starting price: 35€
2 / 2 /

137 | Miscellaneous

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 2.93g/17mm). 317-320 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 9). Ob: Laureate and cuirassed bust facing left of Licinius I carrying mappa, globe and sceptre, around legend: IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left carrying Victory with laurel wreath and sceptre, in campor laurel wreath, behind: Γ, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG. VF+. Green patina.
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Starting price: 20€

138 | Miscellaneous

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.04g/22mm). 315-316 AD Heraclea. (RIC 13). Anv: Laureate bust of Licinius I to the right, around legend: IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing on the left carrying Victory with a laurel wreath and scepter, at his feet eagle on the right with a laurel wreath, in exergue: HTЄ, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG. Extremely Fine-. Loose coinage.
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Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 20€
1 / 1 /

139 | Miscellaneous

LICINIO I. Follis. (Ae. 3,28g/18mm). 321-324 d.C. Alejandría. (RIC 28). Anv: Busto radiado y con coraza de Licinio I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS P F AVG. Rev: Júpiter estante a izquierda portando Victoria con corona de laurel y cetro, detrás cautivo, delante águila con corona de laurel, en campo: X/IIΓ, alrededor leyenda: IOVI CONSERVATORI. MBC+.

Current bid: 20€
Starting price: 20€
1 / 1 /

140 | Miscellaneous

LICINIO I. Follis. (Ae. 3,28g/23mm). 312-313 d.C. Tesalónica. (RIC 60 var). Anv: Cabeza laureada de Licinio I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG. Rev: Júpiter estante a izquierda portando Victoria con corona de laurel y cetro, a sus pies águila con corona de laurel, en exergo: TSЄ, alrededor leyenda: IOVI CONSERVATORI. EBC. Acuñación floja.

Starting price: 20€

141 | Miscellaneous

LICINIO I. Follis. (Ae. 4,83g/21mm). 312-313 d.C. Ostia. (RIC 77b). Anv: Busto laureado y con coraza de Licinio I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP LICINIVS P F AVG. Rev: Genio estante a izquierda portando pátera y cornucopia, en exergo: MOSTQ, alrededor leyenda: GENIO POP ROM. MBC-. Escaso.

Starting price: 25€

142 | Miscellaneous

LICINIO I. Follis. (Ae. 2,68g/20mm). 320-321 d.C. Siscia. (RIC 160). Anv: Cabeza laureada de Licinio I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rev: Leyenda: VOT/XX, dentro de corona de laurel, debajo: BSIS estrella, alrededor leyenda: DN LICINI AVGVSTI. EBC-/EBC. Vano en reverso.

Current bid: 25€
Starting price: 25€
1 / 1 /

143 | Miscellaneous

LICINIUS I. Interesting set of 10 Follis of Licinius I with different busts and reverses. TO EXAMINE.
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Current bid: 100€
Starting price: 100€
1 / 1 /

144 | Miscellaneous

VISIGOTHIC KINGDOM. Collection consisting of 45 different replicas, mainly from Trientes, and named after a great variety of kings. Total weight of the set: 61.42 g. Different states of preservation. TO BE EXAMINED.
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Current bid: 2.500€
Starting price: 450€
9 / 4 /

145 | Miscellaneous

DEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA. 'Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.43g/27mm). 227H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 181; Frochoso 199.8). Very Fine- Two perforations.
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Starting price: 20€

146 | Miscellaneous

DEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA. Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.67g/26mm). 231H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 198; Frochoso 231.1). Very Fine. Drilling.
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Starting price: 30€

147 | Miscellaneous

DEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA. 'Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.02g/24mm). 236H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 210; Frochoso 236.1). Very Fine-. Two perforations.
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Starting price: 20€

148 | Miscellaneous

DEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA. 'Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.08g/24mm). 238H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 221; Frochoso 238.11). Very Fine.
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Starting price: 35€

149 | Miscellaneous

DEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CORDOBA. Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.37g/25mm). 238H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 222; Frochoso 238.10). VF. Perforation.
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Starting price: 35€

150 | Miscellaneous

DEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CORDOBA. Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.64g/27mm). Illegible unit, possibly 247H. al-Ándalus / الاندلس. (Vives 255; Frochoso 247.5). VF-.
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Starting price: 30€