Online Banknotes Auction #100

Monday, 22 July 2024 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

1051 | Spanish Civil War Notes

ZALAMEA DE LA SERENA (BADAJOZ). 25 Céntimos. Julio de 1937. (González: 5845). Raro, para hacernos idea de la rareza de este billete en el catálogo González no esta fotografiado. BC.

1052 | Spanish Civil War Notes

ALBACETE. 1 Peseta. Octubre de 1937. Batallón de Obras y Fortificaciones. (González: 5892). SC-.

1053 | Spanish Civil War Notes

ARCHS (LERIDA). 25 Céntimos. (1937ca). (González: 6329). Muy raro. BC-.

1054 | Spanish Civil War Notes

BALAGUER (LERIDA). 50 Cents. August 5, 1937. (González: 6487). Rare waste, as a couple without guillotining, very spectacular. Uncirculated.
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1055 | Spanish Civil War Notes

BELLPUIG DE URGELL (LERIDA). 1 Peseta. (1937ca). Very low numbering (Nº000007)(González: 6982). Uncirculated.
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1056 | Spanish Civil War Notes

CASTELLTERSOL (BAGoodELONA). 15 Cents. (1937ca). (González: 7509). Uncirculated.
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1057 | Spanish Civil War Notes

GIUncirculatedLARENY (BAGoodELONA). 25 Cents and 1 Peseta. September 1937. Series A, both. (González: 8050, 8052). Very rare. Fine.
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1058 | Spanish Civil War Notes

GUIAMETS (TARRAGONA). 25 Cents, 50 Cents and 1 Peseta. August 7, 1937. (González: 8161/63). Rare complete series. Good Extremely Fine++/Very Fine-.
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1059 | Spanish Civil War Notes

TARRAGONA. 1 Peseta. May 18, 1937. 12 unguillotined bills. (González: 10086). Moth point. Uncirculated-/Good Extremely Fine++.
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1060 | Tokens

Set of 3 vouchers from the Esteban Buitrago Abad Bakery on Calle Santo, 34, Carrión de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), for 2, 3 and 5 loaves. Extremely Fine-.
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1061 | Tokens

5 Cent Voucher from the Criptana Commerce (Ciudad Real) by Jose Olmedo. Very Fine-.
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1062 | Lots and collections

Set of more than 15 notes from the Civil War, most of them Catalan, in various qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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1063 | Lots and collections

Set of more than 60 notes from the Civil War, it does not include Catalan notes, some are fantasies (ideal for study), it also includes 4 from supply services and 2 from the Bank of Spain from the Bilbao branch. TO EXAMINE.
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1064 | Lots and collections

Set of 83 bills from the Civil War, from different locations and in various qualities. TO EXAMINE.

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1065 | Lots and collections

Set of more than 25 fantasy bills from the Civil War from different locations, all made by the same forger, ideal for study or comparison. TO EXAMINE. (it is offered at a free exit price, in addition, all tickets are photographed with the sole objective of disseminating the information and keeping records on the network and preventing them from being sold as original tickets, these or similar copies).
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