Online Coin Auction #99

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 1 to 978.
  • Second session. 16:00h CEST, from lot 979 to 2235

801 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Muhammad II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.28g/24mm). 399H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 681; R.Frochoso 2009 399.42). Quoting Yahwar on AI. Very Fine. Warped
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802 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Muhammad II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.13g/24mm). 399H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 682; R.Frochoso 2009 399.4). Quoting Yahwar on AI. Good Very Fine.
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803 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Muhammad II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.15g/24mm). 400H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 688; R.Frochoso 2009 400.144). Quoting Ibn Maslamah on AI. Good Very Fine. Remnants of original shine.
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804 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Muhammad II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.90g/24mm). 400H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 688; R.Frochoso 2009 400.144). Quoting Ibn Maslamah on AI. Very Fine.
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805 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Sulayman. Dirham. (Ar. 3.63g/25mm). 400H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 691; R.Frochoso 2009 400.98). Quoting Ibn Maslamah on AI. Very Fine. Perforations.
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806 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Sulayman. Dirham. (Ar. 4.54g/24mm). 400H. Madinat al-Zahra / مدينة الزهرا. (Vives 696; R.Frochoso 2009 400.20). Citing Ibn Suhaid in IA and Muhammad in IIA. Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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807 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Sulayman. Dirham. (Ar. 3.76g/22mm). 400H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 691; R.Frochoso 2009 400.89). Quoting Ibn Maslamah on AI. Very Fine. Dark patina.
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808 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Hisham II (2nd reign). Dirham. (Ar. 2.87g/24mm). 403H. al-Andalus / الاندلس. (Vives 705; R.Frochoso 2009 403.1). Quoting Sa'id/Ibn Yusuf in IA. Very Fine. Slightly warped.
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809 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Lot of 8 dirhams. 7 of 'Abd al-Rahman III and 1 of Al-Hakam II. (1 Lined, fake vintage*). Years: 3, 22?, 331, 334, 341, 342, 346, 349 and 352. Vives : 383?, 397, 405, 422, 424, 440, 444 and 450. Good Fine/ Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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810 | Al Andalus coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Interesting lot of 9 dirham (7 from Abd al-Rahman III and 2 Hisham II). Different years, mint marks and modules. TO EXAMINE.
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811 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Aphtasies of Badajoz. Umar al-Mutawakkil Abu Hasfs. (455-487H). Pair of two fragments of Dirhams. Very Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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812 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. TOLEDO TAIFA. Yahya al-Ma'mun (435-467H). Fractional Dirham / Hamdus. (Ae. 2.46g/15mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1100; French 183/87; PrietoyVives 335). Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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813 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. TOLEDO TAIFA. Yahya al-Ma'mun (435-467H). Dinar fraction. (EI. 1.60g/13mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1100; Prieto and Vives 335). Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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814 | Al Andalus coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO, Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.49g/14mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (French 183-187). Very Fine.
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815 | Al Andalus coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO, Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.11g/14mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (French 177). Good Very Fine.
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816 | Al Andalus coins

Set of 4 fractions of Dirham from different mints. TO EXAMINE.
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817 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Taifa of Sevilla. Muhammad al-Qadir. Fractional dirham. (Ve. 1.37g/15mm). 414-433H. (Prieto and Vives 394; French 22). Good Very Fine.
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818 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Taifa of Sevilla, Muhammad al-Qadi. Handus. (Ve. 0.71g/13mm). 414-433H. (French 22; Prieto 394). Very Fine. Limited.
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819 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Taifa of Sevilla. al-Mu'tamid Muhammad Ibn Abbad. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.37g/15mm). 433-461H. (Vives 947; French 33). Good Very Fine.
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820 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Taifa of Sevilla, Muhammad al-Mu'tamir. Handús. (Ve. 1.13g/15mm). 461-484H. (Vives 942; Prieto 405a). Very Fine. Limited.
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821 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. TAIFA OF CORDOBA. Anonymous. Handús. (Ve. 0.45g/10mm). No date or mint. (French 356/61). Good Fine.
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822 | Al Andalus coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. VALENCIA RATE. 'Abd al-Malik. (452-457/1060-1064). Dinar fraction. (Ar. 0.54g/10mm). Without date. (Prieto-176A, attributed to Almeria). Almost Very Fine. Limited. Scratch in IIA.
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823 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES. Ali Ibn Yusuf (500-537H). Dinar. (Au. 3.78g/25mm). 514H. Almería / المرية. (Vives 1645; Hazard 281). Good Very Fine.
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824 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDS, 'Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.92/13mm). (Vives
1701; Benito2020-Cb37). Without heir, with title of Amir al-Muslimin. Almost Very Fine. Two perforations.
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825 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES. Ali ibn Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.97g/12mm). 522-533H. (Vives 1774; Benito Cf2). Citing Emir Sir and the titles al-Muslimin and Nasir al Din. Good Very Fine. Slight rust on IA.
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826 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf, with heir Tasufin. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.92/13mm). (Vives 1822; Benito2020-Cj1). Good Very Fine.
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827 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf with the emir Tashfin. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.59g/10mm). (Vives 1824; Benito Cj3). Fine
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828 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES, Tasufin B. 'Ali. 1/2 Quirate. (Ar. 0.45g/9mm). No date or mint. (Vives 1873; Benito Da14). Very Fine. Limited.
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829 | Al Andalus coins

ALMORAVIDES. Isahq B. 'Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.87g/12mm). 540-541H. (Vives 1895; Benito E4). Very Fine.
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830 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.34g/9mm). Without mint. (Vives 2209, Hohertz 636). Very Fine.
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831 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Anonymous quoting Al-Madi. Dirham (Ar. 1.52g/15mm). No mint name. (Medina 20.1a). Good Very Fine.
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832 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. Dirham. (Ar. 1.28g/17mm). Millarés (Christian imitation of an Almohad Dirham). (Medina 201-bis). Very Fine.
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833 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Lot of 2 anonymous Dirhams, citing Al-Mahdi. Very Fine/ Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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834 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Anonymous in the name of Imam Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.55g/14mm). Fez / فاس. (Vives 2107; Hazard 1095). Very Fine.
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835 | Al Andalus coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous on behalf of Al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 1.46g/14mm). Bugia. (Vives 2100; Medina 201.d, Hohertz2017-597.a). Good Very Fine. Oxidation stains on IIA. Ex Aureo & Calicó, 01/27/2010, lot number 310.
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836 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Thousands. (Ar. 1.46g/17mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). Very Fine. Oxidation stains.
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837 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Thousands. (Ar. 1.30g/19mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). Good Very Fine.
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838 | Al Andalus coins

PILLOWS. Thousands. (Ar. 1.32g/18mm). 13th century. Christian imitation of an Almohad dirham in the name of Al-Mahdi. (Medina 201-bis; Hohertz 651). Very Fine. Oxidation stains.
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839 | Al Andalus coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA. Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.42g/11mm). Granada / غرناطة. (Vives 2194; Medina 267.a, Hohertz2017-757). Almost Very Fine.
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840 | Al Andalus coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA. Ali ibn Sa'd (868-889H). 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.52g/13mm). Granada / غرناطة. (Vives 2186; Hohertz 729). Very Fine.
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841 | Al Andalus coins

Dinar Weight, Anonymous. (Ae. 3.63g/11x12x4mm). Without date. Square shape with Kufic epigraphy. (Tonegawa Type-D60-69 var). Anv: Divided into two lines: ألعدل / لله (Justice is from God) with added lead and dot decoration. Rev: لله أ لعدل (Justice is from God). Good Very Fine. Rare and beautiful specimen.
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842 | Al Andalus coins

Interesting lot of 10 Arab weights. The set is divided into: 1/2 Uqiyya (2), 2 dinars (1), dinar (5), 1/2 dinar (1) and 1/4 dinar (1). Different modules, measurements and weights. TO EXAMINE.
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843 | Al Andalus coins

Interesting lot of 6 Hispanic Arab pieces from different periods (Emirate, Almohads and Nasrids). Different modules and stockings. TO EXAMINE.
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844 | Al Andalus coins

Extraordinary collection of Andalusian amulets. The set is made up of a total of 133 pieces that cover most of the known periods and variants of this type of pieces and are divided into: flat rectangular letters (19 + 5 fragments); monetiformes (41), case/tubes (17), spearhead blade (12), sword (3), ax (1), clappers (2), anthropomorphic (6: 3 torsos and 3 heads), zoomorphic (5 : 1 horse, 1 dove, 1 real and 2 turtles), bow pendant/headband (2) and various fragments (20). Different weights and measures. TO EXAMINE.
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845 | Islamic World

ARABIAN-BYZANTINE, Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus. Felus. (Ae. 3.64g/20mm). 65-86H. Hims (Emesa). (Walker 57; Album 3524). Anv: Crowned bust from the front carrying a cruciferous globe, legend around it. Rev: Large M, star above, on both sides: EMI-CHC, in Arabic character exergue. Almost Very Fine.
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846 | Islamic World

ABBASID CALIPHATE, Anonymous. Tabari Dirham. (Ar. 1.85g/23mm). 136 PYE/171H/787-8 AD Tabaristan. Obv: Bust with winged crown facing right of Sassanid type, legend in Palavhi: on the right, ABZUD (Growth) and on the left, GDH (Explendor). On the outside, at 2 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock, crescent and star. Bottom right the word palavhi: ADB (Excellent) and left NEK (Good). Rev: Fire altar flanked by two priests, on the right: Tapurstan (Tabaristan), and on the left year of minting: 136 PYE (Post Yazgard Era) within 3 borders, on the outside, at 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock crescent and star, and in the middle of these ornaments 3 points in the shape of a triangle. (Album73). Good Very Fine.
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847 | Islamic World

ABBASID CALIPHATE, Anonymous. Tabari Dirham. (Ar. 1.94g/24mm). 139 PYE/174H/792 AD Tabaristan. (Album 68). Obv: Bust with winged crown facing right of Sasanian type, behind legend in Palavhi: GDH (Explendor), in front MUQATIL in Arabic. On the outside, at 2 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock, crescent and star. Bottom right the word palavhi: ADB (Excellent) and left NEK (Good). Rev: Fire altar flanked by two priests, on the right: Tapurstan (Tabaristan), and on the left year of minting: 139 PYE (Post Yazgard Era) within 3 borders, on the outside, at 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock crescent and star, and in the middle of these ornaments 3 points in the shape of a triangle. Good Very Fine. Strange.
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848 | Islamic World

IDRISIES. Muhammad ibn Idris II. Felus. (Ae. 1.70g/18mm). 212H. (Pérez/Francés/Rodríguez 33). Ali at the bottom of the IIA and at the top symbol two palm trees. Good Very Fine.
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849 | Islamic World

ZANGIES OF ALEPPO. Sayf al-Din Ghazi II (564-572/1169-1176) Dirham. (Ae. 13.21g/28mm). 567H. Without Mint. (Album-1861.1). Very Fine.
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850 | Islamic World

ARTUQUÍES DE MARDÍN. Yülük Arslan Husam A-Din (580-597H). Dirham. (Ar. 15.43g/33mm). Mardin. 596H. Anv: Turkish soldier sitting facing forward with legs crossed, with severed head in left hand and brandishing sword in right hand; on the left: Nur al-Dim. Rev: In the center name and titles of the Abbasid caliph al-Nasir in three lines; around name and titles of the Ayyubid governor Az-Zahir Gazi; on the outer margin Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan date. (Mitchiner 1977-1042var.; Spengler/Sayles2-36.3; Album 1829.4). Almost Very Fine. Oxidations. Limited.
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