Online Coin Auction #99

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 1 to 978.
  • Second session. 16:00h CEST, from lot 979 to 2235

2151 | Medals

SPAIN. El Cid Campeador (Au. 16.02g/30mm). Acuñaciones Españolas SA Includes original case and certificate of authenticity. Uncirculated.

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2152 | Medals

SPAIN. Spanish Gold Coin Collection. Minting of replicas of 17 iconic coins of Spanish numismatics (from the RRCC to Alfonso XIII) in gold, minted in gold-plated silver. PROOF. Includes original case, explanatory sheets and certificate of authenticity.
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2153 | Medals

SPAIN. Case composed of 9 silver medals (1 with gold plating) commemorating The Popes of the 20th Century. (Average weight/measurement per piece, 16.60g/35mm). Includes original case, certificate of authenticity issued by Acuñaciones Ibéricas and biographical booklet on the history of the 9 pontiffs. PROOF. TO EXAMINE.
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2154 | Medals

SPAIN. Case composed of 5 commemorative silver medals of Great Spanish Painters. (Total weight of the set: 66g). Includes original case and certificate of authenticity issued by Acuñaciones Ibéricas. PROOF. TO EXAMINE.
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2155 | Medals

SPAIN. Case composed of 6 silver medals (Total weight of the set: 150g) commemorating the World Heritage. Includes original case and certificate of authenticity issued by Taber Coinages. PROOF. TO EXAMINE.
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2156 | Medals

Philatelic Treasures of the World. Collection consisting of 24 replicas of stamps in solid silver and gold plated. 925 thousandths silver. Includes original case, booklet and certificate of authenticity. PROOF quality.
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2157 | Medals

SPAIN. Kings of Spain Collection composed of 17 1st law silver medals (999 thousandths) covered with 1st law gold. Average weight and measurement per piece: (Ar. 9.05g/28mm). PROOF. Includes wooden display stand.
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2158 | Medals

Collection 25 centuries of Numismatic Heritage. Issuance of replicas of 25 iconic coins of world numismatics in silver and gold-plated silver. Silver of 0.925 thousandths. PROOF. Includes original case and certificate of authenticity.
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2159 | Medals

GERMANY. Collection of silver medals composed of around 54 pieces and displayed on two Lindner trays. The collection reflects the main milestones and historical figures of the Central European country. The average and approximate weight and measurement per piece are: 9.20g/33mm. PROOF finishes with representation of colored pieces. Total and approximate weight of the silver set: 460 grams. Excellent state of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2160 | Medals

GERMANY. Set of 11 silver medals commemorating the main milestones and historical figures of the country. Total weight of the set 163g. Perfect state of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2161 | Medals

PRINCIPALITY OF ANDORRA. Case composed of 8 commemorative silver medals from the XVI Albertville Winter Games and Barcelona 1992 Summer Games. Modules of 20 diners (X6) and 10 diners (X2). 1988. Includes original case (deteriorated) and certificate of authenticity issued by Vegueria Episcopal Servei D' Emisions. PROOF. TO EXAMINE.
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2162 | Medals

AUSTRIA. Vienna Universal Exhibition. (Ae. 156.13g/71mm). Franz Joseph I. Engraver: J. Tautenhayn. Good Extremely Fine. Presented in a damaged case.
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2163 | Medals

AUSTRIA. Coronation of Emperor Ferdinand I (1835-1848). (Ar. 5.48g/20mm). 1835. Good Very Fine.
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2164 | Medals

NETHERLANDS. Dismantling of the city of Antwerp (Pb. 39.40g/46mm). 1577. (Van Loon I 238). Almost Very Fine.

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2165 | Medals

ISRAEL AND MEXICO. Commemorative medal of the joint exhibition of coins of both countries. (Ar. 33.81g/40mm). 1979. Extremely Fine.
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2166 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT GREECE. Set of 3 Greek bronzes from different places and types. TO EXAMINE.
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2167 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA. Interesting set of 9 coins from the Cástulo mint. Different modules, measurements and weights. TO EXAMINE.
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2168 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA. Interesting set of 4 coins from different mints. Variety of modules and measurements. TO EXAMINE.
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2169 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Pair of two denarii from Caracalla and Septimius Severus and a follis from Constantine I. TO EXAMINE.
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2170 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 8 Follis of different emperors and mints. Various qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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2171 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 12 small bronzes of different emperors of the late empire, different mints and reverses. TO EXAMINE.
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2172 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Magnificent set made up of 98 pieces (89 Antoninians and 9 reproductions of Denarii) minted in different periods. Those minted in the names of Gallienus and Salonina stand out by number. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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2173 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set of 3 imperial bronzes of different modules, emperors as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2174 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set made up of a total of 12 pieces between sesterces and aces. Different emperors, modules and measurements. TO EXAMINE.
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2175 | Lots and collections

IMPERIO ROMANO. Interesante conjunto de 17 piezas de Bajo Imperio. Diferentes calidades, módulos y medidas. A EXAMINAR.

2176 | Lots and collections

Parejas de álbumes de la colección "Jesús de Nazaret monedas auténticas de su época". Álbumes completos a falta de una sola moneda. Incluye algunos certificados de autencidad. Buena conservación general. A EXAMINAR.

2177 | Lots and collections

MONARQUÍA ESPAÑOLA. Interesante conjunto formado por 5 monedas de 8 Reales acuñados durantes los reinados de Carlos IV (4) y Fernando VII (1) en las cecas de Lima y México. Diferentes estados de conservación. A EXAMINAR.

2178 | Lots and collections

MONARQUÍA ESPAÑOLA. Interesante conjunto compuesto por 27 piezas en plata de diferentes módulos, cecas y periodos. Sin piezas repetidas, destacando 2 ejemplares de 8 Reales. Diferentes estados de conservación. A EXAMINAR.

2179 | Lots and collections

MONARQUÍA ESPAÑOLA. Interesante conjunto formado por cuatro columnarios de módulo de 1 y 2 Reales acuñados bajo los reinados de Felipe V (1735 México), Fernando VI (1755 Lima) y Carlos III (1767 Potosí). Diferentes estados de conservación. A EXAMINAR.

2180 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Set of approximately 200 8 Maravedís coins, mainly from 1661 (Felipe IV) and from the Cuenca mint. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2181 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Magnificent and varied set of 58 coppers minted during the Austrian and Bourbon times with an extraordinary typology, dates and mint marks. Virtually no repeated parts, including some re-stamps and with a very acceptable average quality. Interesting for study. TO EXAMINE.
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2182 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set of 20 small and medium module silver coins minted between the time of Philip V and Isabel II. No repeated specimen. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2183 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Set of 5 coppers of different modules minted during the reigns of Carlos III, Fernando VII and Isabel II. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2184 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set made up of 31 silver pieces of different modules and with a wide variety of dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2185 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set made up of 14 coins from different periods, modules and materials. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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2186 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Set of dozens of coppers from both periods, with a wide variety of modules and dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2187 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set made up of 27 coins of the 1 and 2 Pesetas modules minted during the periods of the Provisional Government and the reigns of Alfonso XII and XIII. Includes some rare pieces such as the Peseta from 1882, 1894 or 1905. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2188 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Nice set consisting of 12 coins of the 2 Pesetas module minted on various dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2189 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting small rest of the collection made up of 12 pieces of different modules, dates and materials. 5 Hard type pieces stand out. No repeated copies. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2190 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA AND SPANISH STATE. Interesting set made up of 30 pieces, mostly in silver, with a wide variety of modules and dates. 14 tough type pieces stand out. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2191 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA AND SPANISH STATE. Interesting set consisting of 14 silver pieces (10 of them hard type) with a variety of dates as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2192 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA AND SPANISH STATE. Extensive and varied collection made up of 144 Duro coins from both historical periods. In the set we find pieces from the Provisional Government (14), Amadeo I (50 with *71,74 and 75) Alfonso XII (9), Alfonso XIII (7) and F. Franco (60 with *66,67,68 and 69 , it is last punched). The set is completed with 4 foreign coins also in silver. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE

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2193 | Lots and collections

II REPUBLIC AND CIVIL WAR. Set consisting of 13 coins minted during this period with a wide variety of modules. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2194 | Lots and collections

II SPANISH REPUBLIC AND STATE. Set displayed in an album and made up of more than 100 coins with a wide variety of modules and dates represented. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2195 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Extensive collection made up of hundreds of coins from both periods and with a great variety of modules, dates and stars represented. Although there are pieces in all degrees of conservation in the set, we highlight the existence of many of them in excellent condition and taken directly from cartridges. Includes a small set of bills. TO EXAMINE.
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2196 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Interesting set made up of more than 40 pieces from both periods, with a variety of modules, dates and materials (including 4 silver pieces). Good general level of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2197 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Set of hundreds of coins, fundamentally, from both periods with an enormous variety of modules and minting dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2198 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Magnificent lot with coinage from both periods where 44 silver coins of the 100 Pesetas modules of 1966 (41) and 2000 Pesetas (3) stand out. Different states of conservation with special mention to a good part of the 100 Pesetas pieces taken directly from the cartridge (1966 *66). TO EXAMINE.
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2199 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Extraordinary set made up of hundreds of coins in cartons, strips, wallets and cases minted in both periods (there is also a small remainder of pieces prior to these periods). This set is of special interest to collectors of this period since, although there are pieces in all qualities, pieces in Uncirculated conditions and with patina are abundant. They also stand out for an interesting selection of wallets (including *73, missing the value of 25 Pesetas) and numerous silver commemorative pieces of the 200 Pesetas of 1989. TO EXAMINE.
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2200 | Lots and collections

Beautiful and interesting set composed of 14 ancient coins (Iberian and Roman) of various modules and with variants and minting errors. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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