Online Coin Auction #99

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 | Madrid, 11:00 CEST

  • First session. 11:00h CEST, from lot 1 to 978.
  • Second session. 16:00h CEST, from lot 979 to 2235

1001 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). Pair of 2 maravedis. 1602 and 1606. Segovia. (Cal-2019-184 and 191). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1002 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 4 Maravedis. (Ae. 2.88g/20mm). 1606. Segovia. (Cal-2019-261). Very Fine. Good centering.
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1003 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 4 Maravedis. (Ve. 5.16g/27mm). 1602. Coruña C. (Cal-2019-255). VIII Countermark on reverse. Almost Very Fine. Missing in blank.
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1004 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 8 Maravedis. (Ae. 6.17g/28mm). 1600. Segovia C. (Cal-2019-261). Countermark with value XII maravedis. Very Fine.
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1005 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 8 Maravedis. (Ae. 5.95g/28mm). 1607. Segovia. (Cal-2019-321). Good Very Fine.
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1006 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 8 Maravedis. (Ae. 5.73g/28mm). 1618. Segovia. (Cal-2019-338). Good Very Fine.
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1007 | Spanish Monarchy

Pair of two coins of 8 Maravedís from Segovia from the years 1612 (Felipe III) and 1624 (Felipe IV). TO EXAMINE.
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1008 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 1 Real. (Ar. 3.24g/16mm). Date not visible (1620 or 1621). Toledo P. (Cal-2019-559/560). Good Fine. Scarce copy.
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1009 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621). 1 Real. (Ar. 3.18g/18mm). Date not visible. Sevilla B. (Cal-2019-Type 109). Good Fine. Scarce copy.
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1010 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1556-1598). 2 Reales (Ar. 6.62g/24mm). Date not visible. Sevilla B. (Cal-2019-Type 134). OMNIVM type. Good Fine.
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1011 | Spanish Monarchy

FELIPE III (1598-1621) 2 Reales (Ar. 6.31g/25mm). 1599. Mint mark not visible. Omnivm type. Good Fine.
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1012 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP III (1598-1621)? 4 Reales. (Ar. 10.63g/28mm). Date not visible. Toledo C? (Cal-2019-Type 156?). Fine Oxidations. Scarce copy.
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1013 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP II (1556-1598). 4 Reales. (Ar. 13.76g/33mm). Date not visible. Toledo M. (Cal-2019-Type 180). Very Fine.
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1014 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP II (1556-1598). 8 Reales (Ar. 27.73g/38mm). S/D. Potosi. (Cal-2019-Type 195). Good Very Fine. Beautiful bluish patina.
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1015 | Spanish Monarchy

1 Real Macuquino (Ar. 3.03g/18mm). Piece to identify. Good Fine.
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1016 | Spanish Monarchy

SPANISH MONARCHY. Set of 2 machines with different modules (1/2 real and 2 reales). Minted under the Austrians. Different stages of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1017 | Spanish Monarchy

ALBERT AND ISABEL (1598-1621). 1 Patagon. (Ar. 25.60g/36mm). 1617. Antwerp. (Vicenti 349). Very Fine. Limited.
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1018 | Spanish Monarchy

ALBERT AND ISABEL (1598-1621). 1 Patagon. (Ar. 28.06g/37mm). S/D. Antwerp. (Vicenti 355). Very Fine. Nice tone. Remains of verdigris.
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1019 | Spanish Monarchy

ALBERT AND ISABEL (1598-1621). 1 Patagon. (Ar. 27.87g/41mm). S/D. Tournai. (Vicenti 379). Almost Very Fine.
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1020 | Spanish Monarchy

ALBERT AND ISABEL (1598-1621). Double Albertin. (Au. 5.15g/27mm)*. 1602. Tournai. (Vicenti 462). Encapsulated by PCGS AU Detail. * Theoretical weight and measurement.
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1021 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 4 Gored. (Ae. 5.13g/18mm). Date barely visible. 1622? Pamplona. (Cal-2019-Type 19). Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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1022 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 8 Maravedis. (Ve. 5.30g/22mm). 1624. Segovia. (Cal-2019-380). Almost Very Fine.
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1023 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 8 Maravedis. (Ae. 5.71g/28mm). 1625. Segovia. (Cal-2019-390). Resealed in 1641 with value XII (Cal-2019-517). Very Fine. Warped
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1024 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). Rail fragment with 1 16 Maravedís coin. (Ae. 3.50g/26mm). Madrid. Assayer's mark not visible. 1661. (Cal-2019-Type 134). MD mintmark under the shield. Very Fine. Scarce piece in which two gripping points can be seen on the back.
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1025 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 16 Maravedis. (Ae. 4.37g /26mm). 1664. Madrid Y. (Cal-2019-481). Good Very Fine.
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1026 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 16 Maravedis. (Ae. 4.14g/20mm). 1662. Trujillo M. (Cal-2019-505). Assayer and mint on the left. Very Fine.
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1027 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 16 Maravedís (Ae. 4.65g/27mm). 1663. Valladolid M. (Cal-2019-510). Very displaced coinage. Start of the next visible rail coin. Good Very Fine.
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1028 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 16 Maravedís (Ae. 3.80g/25mm). Mint not visible. 1661. Coinage noticeably displaced leaving a couple of rail grip points. Good Very Fine.
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1029 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). Set of 66 resealed Philip IV coppers, all of them classified by the collector. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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1030 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). Divuite. (Ar. 2.25g/20mm). 1624. Valencia. (Cal-2019-813). Almost Very Fine.
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1031 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). Jeton (Ae. 4.20g/27mm). 1624. Brussels. (Dugniolle 3810). Good Fine.

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1032 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1665). 1 Charles. (Ar. 1.41g/18mm). 1622. Besançon. (Vincenti 1639). Very Fine.
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1033 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1655). Ducaton. (Ar. 29.59/42mm). 1650. Antwerp. (Vicenti 1338). Almost Very Fine.
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1034 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP IV (1621-1655). Ducaton. (Ar. 28.95/42mm). 1650. Antwerp. (Vicenti 1338). Almost Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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1035 | Spanish Monarchy

REAPERS WAR (1640-1652). Whether. (Ae. 3.75g/21mm). Date not visible, 1643 or 1644. Barcelona. (Cal-2019-Type 20). First bust of Louis XIV. Very Fine.
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1036 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS II (1665-1770). 2 Reales. (Ar. 6.02g/26mm). 1682. Segovia. (Cal-2019-442). Good Very Fine. Beautiful tone. Limited.
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1037 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS II (1665-1700). Filippo (Ar. 27.49g/41mm). 1676. Milan. (Vincenti 19). Very Fine. Complete date and assayer's mark. Scarce and interesting.

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1038 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS II (1665-1700). Filippo (Ar. 27.77g/40mm). 1694. Milan. (Vicenti 21). Very Fine. Strange.

With the end of the reign of Charles II, a territory was definitively lost, the Milanesado, which had belonged to the Spanish crown since the mid-16th century. The Treaty of Utrecht stripped Philip V of any hint of recovering this territory that would continue under the power of the Habsburgs but now under the Austrian crown. Leaving aside the child bust and the one minted with his mother Mariana of Austria in the regency period, the maturity and decadence of this reign are reflected in two specific busts and different on only two dates: 1676 and 1694. Pieces With enormous presence, struck with a hammer and with a characteristic irregular edge, these pieces are contemporary with the famous American macuquinas. The comparison between the two makes it clear to us the singular and special care with which the Italian mint masters carved these coins.
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1039 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS II (1665-1700). 1 Tari. (Ar. 5.49g/27mm). 1684. Naples AG/A. (Vicenti 168). Almost Very Fine.
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1040 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS II (1665-1700). Tari. (Ar. 5.67g/27mm). 1687. Naples AG-A. (Vicenti 171). Extremely Fine/ Good Extremely Fine. Beautiful patina.

Some historians speak of the existence of Charles II in an “Italian key.” A monarch who would differ in several factors from the same peninsular Charles II or the king of the Indies. The Italian Charles II, his court, his dynasty, is intimately and inextricably linked to the Italian art of the moment. This creates a peculiar relationship between art and power that can be observed in all cultural orders and where numismatics is no exception. The care and beauty with which mint masters and assayers, such as Andrea Giovane and Antonio Ariani, mint these specimens, is therefore no coincidence. Italy, more specifically Naples, had become a true artistic laboratory that sought not only to reach high levels of beauty but also to project a positive image of both the Crown and the king himself. And so we find, for example, these reverses where, in harmony, elements as disparate as a western orb crowned with an intersecting cornucopia and fascia coexist. No new element or one that we do not already know, on the contrary, we find fully consolidated decorative elements (something more traditional in numismatics than a cornucopia or a fascio?) whose objective is none other than to show an air of continuity and positivism to this reign.
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1041 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS II (1665-1700). Patagonian. (Ar. 27.76g/43mm). 1685. Brussels. (Vincenti 423). Very Fine. Nice patina.
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1042 | Spanish Monarchy

CARLOS III, the Pretender (1700-1714). 2 Reales. (Ar. 4.72g/27mm). 1711. Barcelona. (Cal-2019-32). Very Fine.
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1043 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1 Treseta. (Ae. 3.16g/22mm). 1711. Valencia. (Cal-2019-10). Very Fine.
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1044 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 2 Maravedis. (Ae. 3.86g/23mm). 1718. Barcelona. (Cal-2019-52). Good Very Fine. Nice tone.
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1045 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1 Maravedi. (Ae. 2.13g/20mm). 1718. Barcelona. (Cal-2019-98). Almost Very Fine.
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1046 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1/2 Real. (Ar. 1.23g/16mm). 1719. JJ Basin. (Cal-2019-105). Very Fine.
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1047 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1/2 Real. (Ar. 1.45g/15mm). 1735. Madrid JF. (Cal-2019-184). Good Very Fine.
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1048 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1/2 Real. (Ar. 1.40g/16mm). 1746. Madrid AJ. (Cal-2019-188). Very Fine. Limited.
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1049 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1 Real (Ar. 2.92g/20mm). 1717. Madrid J. (Cal-2019-434). Very Fine.
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1050 | Spanish Monarchy

PHILIP V (1700-1746). 1 Real. (Ar. 2.40g/20mm). 1726/1. Madrid A. (Cal-2019-436). 6 out of 1 on the date. Good Very Fine.
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