1038 | Spanish Monarchy

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CARLOS II (1665-1700). Filippo (Ar. 27.77g/40mm). 1694. Milan. (Vicenti 21). Very Fine. Strange.
With the end of the reign of Charles II, a territory was definitively lost, the Milanesado, which had belonged to the Spanish crown since the mid-16th century. The Treaty of Utrecht stripped Philip V of any hint of recovering this territory that would continue under the power of the Habsburgs but now under the Austrian crown. Leaving aside the child bust and the one minted with his mother Mariana of Austria in the regency period, the maturity and decadence of this reign are reflected in two specific busts and different on only two dates: 1676 and 1694. Pieces With enormous presence, struck with a hammer and with a characteristic irregular edge, these pieces are contemporary with the famous American macuquinas. The comparison between the two makes it clear to us the singular and special care with which the Italian mint masters carved these coins.
Online Coin Auction #99
Wednesday, 10 July 2024 | 11:00
Lot 1038