AMULET COLLECTION Sebastián Gaspariño #92

Thursday, 21 March 2024 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

1001 | Amulet

EMIRAL OR CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 6.47g/35x19mm). Possibly 9th-10th century. Rectangular plate with signs of having been folded in the form of a diptych and legends in archaic Kufic script. Anv: Six lines of very worn and difficult to read text. Rev: Nine lines of Quranic text: بسم ألله الر / حمن الرحيم /../../../../ ـ ـ لا إله إلّا / ألله الملك / لله واحد. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!...... there is no other god than God. The Power belongs to God One.) The piece presents remains of two fastening rings on the upper edge . (Amulets 400-N35. Type AI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1002 | Amulet

TAIFAS PERIOD OR LATER. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.93g/32x23mm). Possibly 11th-13th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded into a closed triptych. In both areas, legends divided into nine lines of Kufic writing with careless, or primitive, strokes that are difficult to read. (Amulets 39-G7. Type AI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1003 | Amulet

ALMORAVID PERIOD OR LATER. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 12.26g/42x32mm). Possibly 12th-14th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the form of a triptych and Quranic texts in elegant Kufic, with some flowery letters. Anv: Divided into six lines of which only the first is completely readable: بسم الله الرحمن الر / حيم ـ ـ ـ ـ. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!.....) Rev: Divided into seven lines: قل هو ألله أحد ألله / الصمد لم يلد / و لم يولد و لم / يكن له كفوا/ حسبي ـ أحد / ألله و هو السميح / العلي ـ ـ. (Say: He is the One God, the Eternal God, he did not beget and was not begotten, and has no equal. God is enough for me, He is the Benevolent, the Illustrious...). The upper part appears to be repaired-glued. (Amulets 44-G5. Type A-II, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1004 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.32g/36x24mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular plate of the "Names of God". The writing of both areas is done in simple Kufic, and their legends are distributed in eleven lines on the obverse and twelve on the back. (Amulets 59-G1. Type A-IV, same specimen). Good Very Fine. Very rare in this condition.
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1005 | Amulet

AMORAVID OR ALMOHADE PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 5.78g/39x24mm). Possibly 12th-13th century. Rectangular lead plate divided into two parts with signs of having been folded into a triptych. The upper part retains three suspension rings. The entire piece borders, on the front and back, a band running through a line of circles with a central point. The legends are divided into seven lines in each area, in what seems like a litany with the names of God. anv: ـ يا /قيوم يا رؤف / يا ا رب. Rev: مول ى يا باقي /يا ب ادئ يا نور . The writing is done in simple Kufic, with soft strokes and a tendency to curve, although rough and careless, without maintaining the baseline lines of writing. (Amulets 424-TN25. Type A-IV, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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1006 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 6.35g/28x25mm). Possibly 10th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the form of a diptych and remains of two fastening rings at the top. It presents linear Kufic writing, with straight strokes, with the ends of the tall letters finished with a bevel and swan neck endings. The Quranic text is divided into seven rather diffuse lines in Anv: .....بسم ألله الر / حمن الرحيم. And six on the back that are difficult to read. (Amulets 69-D3. Type A-IV, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1007 | Amulet

EMIRAL OR CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 8.16g/35x21mm). Possibly 9th-10th century. Rectangular lead plate divided into two parts and signs of having been folded into a triptych. It presents linear Kufic writing, with straight strokes, with perfectly drawn writing base lines. It contains ten lines on the obverse and nine on the back. The upper third is detached, dividing the piece into two parts. (Amulets 70-G33. Type A-IV, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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1008 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 11.80g/47x31mm.) Possibly 10th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the form of a diptych. A border of small diagonal scratch runs along the entire edge of both areas. Anv: Quranic text in linear Kufic: قل هو / ألله أحد ألله / الصمد لم يلد / و لم يولد / و لم / يكن له كفوا / أحد . (Say: He / is the Only God, God / Eternal, he did not beget / and was not begotten, / and has / no like / any). Rev: Quranic text in cursive Kufi of which we have only been able to obtain the transcription of the third line: .../.../ الملكية لله /.../.../... (... the reality is God ....). (Amulets 112-G3. Type A-IX, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1009 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.45g/43x24mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with no signs of having been bent. In both areas, framed by a narrow band in which a scratch motif is repeated, seven lines of Quranic text in elegant Kufic script, with the tall letters finished in a bevel. anv: عْبُدْ رَبَّكَ / حتّى ياتيك اليقين / حسبي ألله و كفل prayer and do not/be one of the careless/and worship your Lord/until death comes to you./God is enough for me and keeps me). Rev.: وت و سي كفيكهم / أللهُ وَ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الع َليمُ. (I fortify myself in the one who has/glory, and majesty,/and omnipotence and/trusted in the/Living one who does not/die. It will be enough for you against them/God, He is the one who hears everything, the one who knows everything) . One of the two circular elements on the upper edge is detached. (Amulets 369-N13. Type A-IV, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1010 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.85g/39x24mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with no signs of having been bent. In both areas, framed by a narrow band in which a scratch motif is repeated, seven lines of Quranic text in elegant Kufic script, with the tall letters finished in a bevel. anv: عْبُدْ رَبَّكَ / حتّى ياتيك اليقين / حسبي ألله و كفل prayer and do not/be one of the careless/and worship your Lord/until death comes to you./God is enough for me and keeps me). Rev.: وت و سي كفيكهم / أللهُ وَ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الع َليمُ in the/Alive that does not/die. It will be enough for you against them/God, He is the one who hears everything, the one who knows everything). (Amulets 370-N14. Type A-IV, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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1011 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 14.88g/52x30mm). Possibly 10th-12th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the shape of a triptych and two fastening elements at the top. In both areas, there are two Quranic texts divided into six lines of elegant Kufic writing, with floral decorations in some final letters and the shafts of the tall letters finished with a bevel. Anv: ..../قل هو ألله أحد ألله. (Say: He is the One God, the God...). Rev: ب سم ألله الرحمم الرحيم /...ـ. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful! /......) (Similar to Amulets 55 and 67. Type A-III/IV). Good Very Fine. Unpublished.
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1012 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 4.13g/26x19mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the shape of a triptych and remains of two fastening rings at the top. In both areas, five lines of well-executed linear Kufic writing. It runs along the entire edge of both areas, a band in which a motif of double diagonal scratch that draw triangles is repeated. On the front and back, another five lines of writing, but much more deteriorated. (Type AI/IV Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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1013 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 4.88g/32x20mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the shape of a triptych and two holding rings at the top, one of them blinded and with a central point. In both areas, legends in well-executed linear Kufic, which are divided into seven lines on the obverse and six on the reverse. (Type A-III/VII Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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1014 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 6.35g/28x25mm). Possibly 10th century. Rectangular lead plate divided into two equal parts as a result of having been folded in the form of a diptych. Anv: Framed in a dotted border, nine lines of linear Kufic writing. Rev: Apparently the same as the obverse, but much more degraded. (Type A-IV Amulets). Almost Very Fine.
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1015 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.57g/35x21mm). Possibly 10th century. Rectangular one-strap clamp. Anv: Inscribed a smaller rectangle longitudinally in which four epigraphic cartouches are inserted separated from each other and from the smaller sides of the rectangle by five smooth bands. The long sides of the piece grow towards the back to form the box in which the strap was inserted, fixed by a rivet from which the hole remains in the first of the epigraphic bands, which has almost completely lost its writing. The inscription, despite having lost the content of the first cartouche, should have read: لا اله ا / لا لله / محمد / رسول الله. (there is no other god / but God / Muhammad / is the Messenger of God). Rev: Anepigraph. (Amulets Type A-IV; Piece published in Manquso Nº14, page 169, by Tawfiq Ibrahim and Sebastián Gaspariño). Very Fine.
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1016 | Amulet

TAIFAS PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 14.80g/59x31mm). Possibly 11th century. Rectangular lead plaque with signs of having been folded in the shape of a closed triptych and three triangular battlements on the upper edge. Anv: Anepigraph. Rev: Quranic text in simple Kufic that develops in a wide band that borders the piece and in the two rectangles that make up the central cartouche, of which only the end can be read; above: لله (God) and below: الملك لله..... (.....the majesty belongs to God). Margin text: وت ـ ـ ــ / ـ ـ ـ ـ. (I take refuge in him who has glory, and majesty, and omnipotence/and I trust in the Living/who does not die...). (Amulets 84-G4. Type AV, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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1017 | Amulet

ALMORAVID OR ALMOHADE PERIOD. Rectangular Amulet Fragment. (Pb. 8.00g/57x19mm). Possibly 12th-13th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded into a closed triptych. The piece is fractured in the center longitudinally and approximately 40% is preserved. Anv: Anepigraph. Rev: Koranic text in Kufic script, of good workmanship, with some handles finished with a bevel, which develops in a framing band and in the central field, where there must have been seven lines. (Only located the end of the margin: ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ الذي لا يموت). (Amulets 85-G6. Type AV, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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1018 | Amulet

ALMORAVID OR ALMOHADE PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 9.43g/38x31mm). Possibly 12th-13th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded into a closed triptych. (The lower third has been lost). Anv: Anepigraph. Re v: Quranic text in evolved Kufic, with some letters ending in a swan neck, which develops throughout the framing band and in a broad line that occupies the entire central field: لّا ألله....( God). Margin: تحصّنا يا محمّد / ـ ـ ـ ـ Հ ـ ـ ـي الذي لا ـ ـ ـ. (We fortify ourselves, O Muhammad!/.... that we do not......). (Amulets 86-G8. Type AV, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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1019 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 10.97g/38x34mm). Possibly 10th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded and with the lower sector appearing to be missing. In both areas, well-executed linear Quranic text in Kufic, which develops into an epigraphic band that borders the piece and a central field of which there are five lines on the obverse and six on the back. The piece preserves a hanging or suspension ring in the upper part, and on its sides, remains of two smaller ones. As well as, two small perforations just below them. (Amulets 364-N4. Type AV, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1020 | Amulet

ALMORAVID PERIOD OR LATER. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 16.40g/68x33mm). Possibly 12th-15th century. Rectangular lead plate divided into two parts with signs of having been folded in the form of a diptych. The piece preserves in the lower part, two of the three openwork triangular battlements that it must have had as a suspension element. Anv: Anepigragus. Rev: Quranic texts in elegant and well-written Kufic, which develops in an epigraphic band that surrounds the piece and frames, in turn, a central field divided into two parts. Central texts: لا إله إلّا ألله محمد / رسول ألله الملك / و الواحد لله. (There is no god but God. Muhammad / is the Messenger of God. The power / and Oneness is from God.) ائما با / لقسط لا إله إلّا هو / العزيز الحكيم. (In the name of God, there is no other god / that He and the angels and / those endowed with / knowledge proclaim with / truth: There is no other god but He, / the Mighty, the Wise). Margin: بسم ألله ال رحمم ام لى الحيّ الذّي ـ الحيّ الذّي لا يموت (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful! /... .....and I take refuge /.......... from royalty. / And I trust in the Alive who - the Alive who does not die e). (Amulets 365-N11. Type AV, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1021 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Folded amulet. (Pb. 26.90g/39x28mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate folded into a closed triptych. The piece presents elegant Kufic writing, with swan neck endings and the stems of the long letters finished with a bevel. As we can see in its visible part, the legends develop in a line along the entire band that delimits the piece and in a central sector with multiple lines. (AV Type Amulets). Very Fine.
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1022 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.83g/32x25mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded in the form of a diptych. Anv: Framed by a border of small scratch, Quranic text in linear Kufic divided into six lines: بسم ألله الر / حمم الرحيم /....ـ. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful! /....). Rev: Although very diffuse, a framing band with rest of the epigraphy can be seen, delimited on both sides by a border similar to that on the obverse and a central field practically erased. (Type A-III/VII Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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1023 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Folded amulet. (Pb. 6.90g/21x13mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. Rectangular lead plate folded into a closed triptych. The piece presents in its visible part a framing band with a dotted border and six lines of writing in well-executed linear Kufic. (Type A-IV Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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1024 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. "Mihrab" amulet. (Pb. 14.17g/30x24mm). Possibly 10th-12th century. Rectangular lead plate folded into a closed triptych. A so-called "mihrab" amulet, its visible part presents elegant Kufic writing, with the stems of the long letters finished in a bevel. The legends are distributed in a framing band, and a central field in the shape of a horseshoe arch that contains nine visible lines of writing inside. (Type A-VI Amulets). Good Very Fine. Very interesting.
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1025 | Amulet

TAIFAS OR ALMORAVIDE PERIOD. "Mihrab" amulet. (Pb. 13.05g/27x22mm). Possibly 11th-12th century. Rectangular lead plate folded into a closed triptych. This Amulet, one of the so-called "mihrab" ones, presents elegant Kufic writing, with the shafts finished with a bevel and slight curvature at the ends and long letters. However, the design of the trilobed arch that occupies the center of the piece, as well as the beginning of the legend that frames it: ... / تحصّنت بذي العزّ. (I fortify myself in him who has majesty) coincide fully with Amulet No. 20, which makes us think that we may find ourselves facing a piece of the same mold. (Type A-VI Amulets). Good Very Fine.
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1026 | Amulet

EMIRAL OR CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 4.51g/35x22mm). Possibly 9th-10th century. Rectangular lead plate with signs of having been folded into a triptych shape and two triangular fastening elements at the top. In both areas, simple Kufic writing that is difficult to read and develops in nine lines on both the front and back. (Amulets, 98. Type A-VII, same specimen). Almost Very Fine.
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1027 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Lot of fragments of lead amulets. Different types, models and measurements. Among them, two copies of the Amulets page: 104 and 107. Good Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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1028 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Rectangular amulet. (Pb. 7.85g/16x12x4mm). Possibly 10th century. Small rectangular lead ingot with incised decoration. Anv: Three lines of writing in simple Kufic: لا إله إلّا / ألله محمّد / رسول ألله. (There is no other God than / God. Muhammad / is the Messenger of God). Rev: An eight-pointed star formed by two intersecting squares. (Amulets 377-N15. Type AX, same example). Very Fine.
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1029 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Circular amulet-pendant. (Pb. 4.14g/28x23mm). Possibly 10th century. Monetiform lead plate with remains of two fastening rings at the top. It runs along the entire edge of both areas, a border of small radial lines. Anv: Six-pointed star or seal of Solomon with legend in two lines: الملك / لله (Sovereignty belongs to God). The spaces between the outer border and the star are each occupied by a spike-shaped motif, with three points, facing outwards. Rev: Divided into six lines Quranic text in Kufic: أ / حد. (Say: He is the One God, the Eternal God, he did not beget and was not begotten, and has no equal). The piece has a fold break line at the top. (Amulets 121-G11. Type BI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1030 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 4.40g/26x22mm). Possibly 10th century. Circular lead plate with remains of suspension elements at the top. A border of small radial lines runs along the entire edge of both areas. Anv: Seal of Solomon outlined and a central point. Rev: Divided into four lines, Quranic text in linear Kufic: أحد. (Say: He is the One God, the Eternal God, he did not beget and was not begotten, and has no equal). (Type BI amulets). Very Fine.
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1031 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 2.10g/20mm). Possibly 10th century. Circular lead plate. A border of small diagonal lines runs along the entire edge of both areas. Anv: An ornate six-pointed star or seal of Solomon. The six spaces between the star and the circle are each occupied by a three-pointed spike pointed towards the center of the piece. In the center, a point. Rev: Divided into five lines Quranic text in Kufic: أحد. (Say: He is the One God, the Eternal God, he did not beget and was not begotten, and has no equal). (Amulets 124-G37. Type BI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1032 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 5.00g/25x24mm). Possibly 10th century. Circular lead plate with remains of suspension elements at the top. Anv: Eight-pointed star with an ornamented continuous line. Rev: Three lines of linear Kufic script at the top, and three six-pointed stars at the bottom. (BI/II type amulets). Very Fine.
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1033 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet with incised writing. (Ae. 1.22g/19mm). Possibly 10th century. Anv: Anepigraph. Rev: Surrounded by a fine dotted graph and divided into five lines, a very schematic Quranic text in Kufic: الصمد لم يلد و / لم يولد. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful! The Glory belongs to God. God is One, God is Eternal, he did not beget and was not begotten). (Amulets 133-G35. Type BI, same specimen). M Fine.
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1034 | Amulet

CALIFAL/TAIFAS PERIOD. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 4.11g/25x26mm). XXI century. Circular lead plate with remains of suspension elements at the top. It runs along the entire edge of both areas, a border of small diagonal lines. Obv: A flower with six petals decorated with circles with a central point. Rev: Divided into six lines Quranic text in Kufic: أ / حد. (Say: He is the One God, the Eternal God, he did not beget and was not begotten, and has no equal). (Amulets 125-G12. Type BI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1035 | Amulet

ALMOHADE PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 5.84g/32x38mm). Possibly 13th-15th century. Circular piece of large size and good art, which has a small suspension ring at the top. Both obverse and reverse appear divided into two parts by a thin incised circular fillet. The band that remains on the outside is in turn limited on the edge by another smooth circular fillet, also engraved. The obverse has an epigraphic inscription engraved on the outer band, in elaborate Kufic, with the edges of the tall letters ending in a bevel: هو ألله احد (ألله) الصمد ما يلد (و ما) يولد. (He is the only God, eternal (God). He did not beget, nor was he begotten (nor was he) begotten) and in the central field a six-pointed star formed by the intersection of two equilateral triangles. The reverse is similar, with the exception that the central star is somewhat larger and has in its center a smooth circular field with a central point: الملك لـلله الاحد الصمد- - -د يلد اى. (the power belongs to God, Only, Eternal.....). (BI type amulets; piece published in Manquso nº8, pages 80-81). Very Fine.
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1036 | Amulet

ALMOHADE PERIOD. Monetiform amulet with incised writing. (Ae. 1.43g/25mm). Possibly 12th century. Anv: Bordered by a double linear fillet, which has a double-line square inscribed in which the central epigraphic field is developed, with five lines of illegible schematic Kufic. The top and bottom segments also appear to contain writing, equally illegible. While those on the right and left are decorated with a wavy line that seems to imitate writing. Rev: Anepigraph. (Amulets 363-N3. Type BI, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1037 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet with incised writing. (Ae. 8.43g/26mm). Possibly 10th century. Anv: Very schematic Quranic text in Kufic. The epigraphic field is divided into an outer border and a central field with six lines. Rev: Anepigraph. (Similar to Amulets 133. Type BI). Good Very Fine.
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1038 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 9.90g/36x33mm). Possibly 10th-15th century. Large circular piece with elaborate calligraphy that undoubtedly had a suspension element in its upper part of which remains remain. Both areas have the same layout, limited on the outside by two triple linear fillets that leave a narrow smooth band between them. Another triple circular fillet divides the interior into two large areas that support the epigraphic field: The exterior is a band in which a succession of the word اليمن appears. (luck) that is repeated six times on the front and five on the back, in magnificent Kufic calligraphy with the "num" finished in a swan neck and the stems of the long letters finished in a bevel. The central field contains four lines of Kufic pseudo-writing and a thicker central dot. The top line is separated from the rest by a thin linear fillet, and the bottom line is inverted. (Type B-III Amulets; Piece published in Manquso nº8, pages 79-80). Good Very Fine.
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1039 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 3.67g/27mm). Possibly 10th century. In both areas, three lines of linear Kufic writing, with the stems of the long letters finished with a bevel. The legends are a succession of the letters "lam" and "alif" with some letters between them, which must form a kind of litany, possibly of a magical nature. The only visible difference between both areas is the external circular band that contains a dotted motif on the obverse and a motif of small oblique scratch on the reverse. (Amulets 356-N10. Type B-III, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1040 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 3.88g/24x26mm). Possibly 10th-11th century. In both areas, a quadruple decreasing linear graph. In the center of the front and back three lines of Kufic writing, but with different legends that are difficult to read. The piece has a small perforation in the upper part between the graphics. (Type B-III Amulets). Almost Very Fine.
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1041 | Amulet

EMIRAL OR CALIFAL PERIOD. Monetiform amulet-pendant. (Pb. 2.34g/21x18mm). Possibly 9th-10th century. Anv: A fillet runs along the entire edge in which a motif of small radial lines is repeated. In the center, three lines of linear Kufic writing. Rev: Anepigraph. The piece retains in the upper part, remains of two fastening rings. (Type B-III Amulets). Very Fine.
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1042 | Amulet

CALIFAL OR LATER PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Ae. 9.60g/30x32mm). Oval bronze plate with incised writing. The legends made in Kufic are divided into seven lines on the obverse and four on the back. (Type B-III Amulets). Very Fine. Very interesting.

Former Cayón Auctions. 07/04/2019, lot number 166.
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1043 | Amulet

ALMORAVID PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 3.70g/23x22mm). Possibly 12th century. In both areas, legends in Kufic with good relief and cursive elements, distributed in an outer circular epigraphic band and an inner circle inscribed in two lines, open at the top, which seems to be generated by the extension of two letters. Beginning of the circular legend on the obverse: و العزّ و ال. (and glory and God?) The piece has two circular perforations at the top. (A mules 151-G10. Type B-III, same example). Very Fine.
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1044 | Amulet

ALMORAVID OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 6.44g/31X33mm). Possibly 12th-15th century. Circular lead plate with very elegant Kufic writing, of good relief, with cursive elements and the shafts of the tall letters finished with a bevel. The legends are distributed in the same way in both areas. A circular band on the outside and a central field, which contains four lines on the obverse and three on the back. (Amulets 362-N1. Type B-III, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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1045 | Amulet

CALIFAL PERIOD. Circular amulet-pendant. (Pb. 5.07g/24x29mm). Possibly 10th century. A border of small radial lines runs along the entire edge of both areas. Anv: Six-pointed star or seal of Solomon richly ornamented with a motif of circles and dots. Rev: Divided into six lines Quranic text in simple Kufic with careless lines. (Similar Amulets 139-F25. Type B-III). Good Very Fine.
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1046 | Amulet

TAIFAS OR ALMORAVIDE PERIOD. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 4.15g/25mm). Possibly 11th-13th century. Both on the front and on the back three decreasing concentric circles with double graphics. The first borders the piece, and with the second delimits a circular epigraphic band. Between the second and the third there is a narrow strip free of decoration, and inside the third is the central epigraphic field divided into three lines and a central point. (Amulets 143-G34. Type B-III, same specimen). Good Very Fine.
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1047 | Amulet

TAIFAS PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 5.31g/25mm). Possibly 11th-13th century. The piece is limited in both areas by a square border, of which the lower part is not visible. It is formed by a smooth interior fillet in which a line of points follow one another. On the outside, a band develops in which slightly inclined lines follow one another. Anv: Divided into six lines, Quranic text in Kufic with some gaps: بسم ألله الرحمن ا / لرحيم ـ ـ ـ ـ و من / الحمد ـ ـ ـ. (In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful... and who praises her...). Rev: Divided into five lines Quranic text in Kufic with some gaps: الذّ ي /ــ ـ ـ ـ (Praise be to him who ....propose, and good is your thing. There is no other god than the one who....). This curious piece undoubtedly corresponds to a rectangular amulet struck in a round coin. The result is that the bottom part of the border is missing, possibly with some lines on each side, and the borders on the other three sides are cut. (Amulets 382-N16. Type B-III, same specimen). Very Fine.
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1048 | Amulet

TAIFAS PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 4.08g/27mm). 11th-13th century. In both areas, three decreasing concentric circles with double graphics. The first borders the piece, and delimits with the second a circular epigraphic band in linear Kufic, in which a succession of what appears to be the word الد? is repeated. Between the second and the third there is a narrow strip free of decoration , and inside the third a central epigraphic field divided into four lines in which the same inscription on the border seems to be repeated, but much more schematic. The piece has an oval perforation at the bottom. (Similar to Gaspariño 143. Type B-III). Almost Very Fine.
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1049 | Amulet

TAIFAS PERIOD OR LATER. Monetiform amulet. (Pb. 2.96g/21mm). Possibly 11th-13th century. In both areas, two concentric circles with double graphics and pseudo-epigraphic writing. The first borders the piece, and with the second delimits a circular epigraphic band. The second contains a central epigraphic field divided into three lines. (Similar to Amulets 143. Type B-III). Very Fine.
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1050 | Amulet

ALMOHADE PERIOD. Amulet/Seal. (Pb. 25.80g/39x35x3mm). Possibly 13th-14th century. Globular lead plate with intaglio decoration. Anv: In the center, negative of an Almohad dirham bordered with rich vegetal decoration. Legend: (There is no god if not God/destiny is all from God/there is no power other than with God). Rev: Anepigraph. Good Very Fine. Very rare. Unpublished.
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