1104 | Seals

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English INDEPENDENT EMIRATE OF CÓRDOBA. Seal/Seal attributed to Muhammad I. (Pb. 7.16g/17x11X5mm). 238-273H. Anv: Two lines of emiral-style Kufic script: محمد بن / عبدالرحمن (Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Rahmān). Rev: Anepigraph. (Piece published in Manquso Nº 11, pages 45-46 by Sebastián Gaspariño and Tawfiq Ibrahim). Good Very Fine. Very rare, only known specimen of its type.

AMULET COLLECTION Sebastián Gaspariño #92

Thursday, 21 March 2024 | 11:00

Lot 1104

Starting price 150€