604 | Roman Empire

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English SUEVAS AUCTIONS, in the name of Valentinian III. Imitation tent. (Au. 1.53g/16mm). 424-455 AD Gallaecia. (Chaves 21). Anv: Diademed and draped bust to the right, around legend: DN VALENTINIANVS PF A. Rev: Crown with open sides, in the center cross inside laurea, above half a star, below legend: CONOB. Good Very Fine. Very rare example, a similar one was offered at Aureo & Calicó, Auction 263 (10-29-2014), Lot No. 1143, and was sold for €6,000

Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | 11:00

Lot 604

Starting price 4.000€