Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 12:00h CET, from lot 1 to 835
  • Second session. 15:00h CET, from lot 836 to 2455

1 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Kyme. Hemiobolus. (Ar. 0.43g/8mm). 450-400 BC (SNG von Aulock 1623; SNG Copenhagen 31-3). Anv. Eagle head left, in front K. Rev: Square incussive. Very Fine.
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2 | Ancient Greek coins

ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, Cilicia. Tetartemorion. (Ar. 0.23g/6mm). 4th century BC (Sunrise 95). Anv: Persian king kneeling to the right carrying bow and arrow. Rev: Head of Athens with helmet on the left. Good Very Fine.
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3 | Ancient Greek coins

ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, Time from Xerxes I to Darios II. Centuries. (Ar. 5.31g/15mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (Sunrise 25). Anv: Persian king kneeling on the right carrying bow and spear and quiver on his back. Rev: Square incusus. Almost Very Fine.
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4 | Ancient Greek coins

ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, Time from Xerxes I to Xerxes II. Centuries. (Ar. 4.77g/16mm). 420-350 BC Sardis. (Carradice Type III). Anv: Persian king kneeling on the right with bow and arrow and quiver on his back. Rev: Square incusus. Almost Very Fine.
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5 | Ancient Greek coins

ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, Time from Xerxes I to Darios II. Centuries. (Ar. 5.23g/18mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (Sunrise 25). Anv: Persian king kneeling on the right carrying bow and spear and quiver on his back. Rev: Square incusus. Almost Very Fine.
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6 | Ancient Greek coins

ATTICA, Athens. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 17.14g/23mm). 454-404 BC (SNG Copenhagen 31). Anv: Head of Athens with Attic helmet with crest on the right. Rev: Owl standing on the right looking front, in front: AOE, behind olive branch. Extremely Fine.
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7 | Ancient Greek coins

ATTICA, Athens. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 17.19g/23mm). 454-404 BC (SNG Copenhagen 31). Anv: Head of Athens with Attic helmet with crest on the right. Rev: Owl standing on the right looking front, in front: AOE, behind olive branch. Almost Very Fine. Shear Strike.
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8 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF BITHINIA, Prusias II Cynegos. Ae17. (Ae. 3.91g/17mm). 182-149 BC Nicomedia. (HGC 7, 634). Anv: Laureate head of Prusias II to the right. Rev: Heracles standing on left leaning on mace, behind monogram, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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9 | Ancient Greek coins

CALABRIA, Taranto. Didrachm. (Ar. 6.23g/19mm). 281-240 BC (HN Italy 1026). Anv: Young man on horse walking to the left, in Ey field and Greek legend below. Rev: Taras carrying Nike and trident on left dolphin, behind bunch of grapes, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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10 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGDOM OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariobarzanes I Philoromaeus. Drachm. (Ar. 3.80g/15mm). 66-65 BC Eusebia. (Simonetta 44.3d). Anv: Laureate head of Ariobarzanes I to the right. Rev: Athens standing on the left carrying a spear and Nike, in front a star, around a Greek legend. Very Fine.
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11 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariarathes X Eusebes Philadelphos. Drachm. (Ar. 4.12g/16mm). 37-36 BC (Year 5). Mint A (Eusebeia). (BMC 2). Anv: Male laureate head to the right. Rev: Athens stands left carrying a scepter and Nike with a laurel wreath at her feet, shield and trophy, behind a monogram and E, around a Greek legend. Very Fine.
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12 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariarathes X Eusebes Philadelphos. Drachm. (Ar. 3.36g/16mm). Anv: Diademed head of Ariarathes Rev: Athens standing on the left carrying Nike with laurel wreath, spear and shield, breastplate in front, Greek legend around. Almost Very Fine.
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13 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Kaunos. Be12. (Ae. 1.63g/12mm). 350-300 BC (SNG Copenhagen 182). Anv: Bull charging to the right. Rev: Sphinx seated right between: KA. Very Fine.
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14 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Mylasa. Ae17. (Ae. 4.38g/17mm). 295-280 BC (SNG Copenhagen 1166). Anv: Three superimposed shields. Rev: Sword in sheath, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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15 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Mylasa. Hemiobolus. (Ar. 0.56g/7mm). 450-400 BC (SNG Copenhagen 379). Anv: Part in front of lion from the front. Rev: Scorpion inside an incussive square. Very Fine.
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16 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Mylasa. Tetartemorion. (Ar. 0.27g/5mm). 420-390 BC (SNG Kayhan 940-43). Anv: Front part of lion to left. Rev: Bird to right. Very Fine.
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17 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Mylasa. Tetartemorion. (Ar. 0.25g/6mm). 420-390 BC (SNG Kayhan 940-3). Anv: Lion's head to the left. Rev: Bird standing left inside incussive square. Good Very Fine.
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18 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Uncertain. Hemiobolus. (Ar. 0.21g/7mm). 4th century BC (SNG Kayhan 968-970). Anv: Front of bull to left. Rev. Two bulls charging. Very Fine.
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19 | Ancient Greek coins

CARIA, Mylasa. Drachm. (Ar. 4.02g/17mm). 310-300 BC (Price 2479). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin. Rev: Zeus seated left carrying scepter and eagle, Greek legend behind, monogram in front and EY below the throne. Almost Very Fine.
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20 | Ancient Greek coins

CILICA, Tarsus. Ae22. (Ae. 7.34g/22mm). 164-27 BC (SNG France 128-94). Anv: Head of Tyche with turret on the right. Rev: Zeus seated on the left carrying a scepter, Greek legend in front, two Greek monograms behind. Very Fine.
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21 | Ancient Greek coins

CILICIA, Nagidos. Mite. (Ar. 0.87g/10mm). 400-380 BC (SNG BnF 6-12; SNG Levante 3). Anv: Head of Aphrodite to the left. Rev: Bearded head of Dionysos to right. Very Fine.
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22 | Ancient Greek coins

CILICIA, Tarsus. Mite. (Ar. 0.70g/10mm). 387-381 BC (SNG BnF 234). Anv: Head with crown on the right. Rev: Baaltars standing left carrying eagle and scepter, around Aramaic legend. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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23 | Ancient Greek coins

CILICIA, Tarsus. Mite. (Ar. 0.64g/11mm). 380-373 BC (SNG Paris 309). Anv: Female head looking slightly to the left. Rev: Bearded head to right with helmet and crest. Very Fine.
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24 | Ancient Greek coins

CILICIA, Tarsus. Mite. (Ar. 0.62g/9mm). 380-373 BC Pharnabazos. (SNG Paris 306; SNG Levante 90). Anv: Female head from the front between two fish. Rev: Male bearded head on left with helmet. Very Fine.
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25 | Ancient Greek coins

CILICIA, Tarsus. Mite. (Ar. 0.56g/9mm). 378-372 BC (SNG BnF 278-281). Anv: Female diademed head on the right. Rev: Bearded male head with helmet on the right, legend in front. Very Fine.
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26 | Ancient Greek coins

PHENICIA, Plows. Ae16. (Ae. 3.02g/16mm). 2nd century BC (HGC 10, 88). Anv: Laureate head of Zeus to the right. Rev: Bow to right, around Phoenician legend. Almost Very Fine.
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27 | Ancient Greek coins

GAUL. Be14. (Ae. 3.29g/14mm). 2nd century-1st century BC Volcae Tectosages. Rev: Cross with central point, in the quadrants: crescent and axe. Very Fine. Probably unpublished, rare specimen.
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28 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Ephesus. Be13. (Ae. 2.12g/13mm). 390-300 BC (BMC 58-66). Anv: Bee between E and W. Rev: Deer standing left looking right. Almost Very Fine.
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29 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Magneisa ad Maeandrum. Ae20. (Ae. 4.61g/20mm). 2nd century-1st century BC (SNG Copenhagen 846). Anv: Diademed female head on the right. Rev: Warrior galloping to the right carrying a spear, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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30 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Mite. (Ar. 1.24g/11mm). 350-325 BC (SNG Tübingen 2924 var; Klein 408 var). Anv: Laureate head of Apollo to the right. Rev: Front part of bull to left, above Greek letters. Very Fine.
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31 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miletos. Diobolus. (Ar. 1.14g/10mm). 600-500 BC (SNG Kayhan 476-81). Anv: Lion's head to the left. Rev: Incuso starry design. Very Fine.
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32 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miletos. Diobolus. (Ar. 1.12g/9mm). 6th century-5th century BC (SNG Von Aulock 2080). Anv: Front part of lion to right. Rev: Incuso starry design. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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33 | Ancient Greek coins

JUDAEA, Samaria. Mite. (Ar. 0.83g/11mm). 401-365 BC Sidon. (HGC 10,240). Anv: Phoenician galley sailing to the left. Rev: Persian king standing right with dagger fighting with lion. Almost Very Fine.
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34 | Ancient Greek coins

JUDAEA, 1st Jewish War (66-70 AD). Shekel. (Ar. 13.17g/22mm). Year 2 (67-68 AD). Jerusalem. (Hendin 1358; Meshorer 193). Anv: Omer Cup with pearl decoration, around Hebrew legend. Rev: Stem with three pomegranates, around Hebrew legend. Good Very Fine. Aggressive cleaning stripes.
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35 | Ancient Greek coins

LICIAN LEAGUE, Masikytes. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.74g/15mm). 27-23 BC (RPC 3310). Anv: Laureate head of Apollo to the right. Rev: Kithara, between MA, to the right trident head, all within incused square. Very Fine.
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36 | Ancient Greek coins

LYDIA, Sardis. Ae11. (Ae. 1.59g/11mm). 4th century BC (Pergamon 524). Anv: Laureate head of Dionysus to the left. Rev: Cántaro, between FS. Very Fine.
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37 | Ancient Greek coins

LYKAONIA, Laranda. Mite. (Ar. 0.65g/13mm). 324-323 BC (SNG von Aulock 5422). Anv: Baaltars seated on the left carrying ears of wheat and a bunch of grapes and a scepter. Rev: Front part of wolf to right, crescent above downwards. Very Fine.
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38 | Ancient Greek coins

LYKAONIA, Laranda. Mite. (Ar. 0.70g/12mm). 324-323 BC (SNG BnF 443; SNG Levante 223). Anv: Baaltars seated on the left carrying a bunch of grapes and ears of grain and a scepter. Rev: Front part of wolf to right, crescent above. Very Fine.
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39 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. 1/4 Unit. (Ae. 1.72g/12mm). 336-323 BC Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Greek legend between gavel and quiver. Very Fine.
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40 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGDOM OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Ae15. (Ae. 5.22g/15mm). uncertain mint. 336-323 BC (Price 304). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Greek legend, between mallet and quiver with bow. Almost Very Fine.
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41 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Ae17. (Ae. 5.53g/17mm). 323-317 BC Salamis. (Price 3061). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Greek legend between bow and quiver and mallet and caduceus. Very Fine.
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42 | Ancient Greek coins

REIGN OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Ae16. (Ae. 3.85g/16mm). 323-315 BC Salamis. (Price 3162). Anv: Macedonian Escudo with head of Górogola. Rev: Helmet with crest, between letters. Very Fine.
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43 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaeus. Ae19. (Ae. 5.74g/19mm). 323-317 BC Mint uncertain. (Price 126). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Rider on horse to the right, behind and below Greek monograms. Very Fine.
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44 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Ae17. (Ae. 4.42g/17mm). 323-319 BC Miletos. (Price 2131). Anv: Male laureate head to the right. Rev: Young man on horseback to right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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45 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Ae16. (Ae. 4.04g/16mm). 323-317 BC Uncertain mint of western Asia. (Price 2803). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right inside a Macedonian shield. Rev: Macedonian helmet, on the left Greek monogram, on the right caduceus. Very Fine.
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46 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, times between Philip III and Antigonos I Monophthalmos. Ae21. (Ae. 5.87g/21mm). 323-310 BC (Price 2800). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Greek legend between bow with quiver and mallet and dagger. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
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47 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Demetrios I Poliorketes. Ae11. (Ae. 2.23g/16mm). 300-395 BC Salamis. (SNG Copenhagen 1194). Anv: Head of Athens to the right. Rev: Bow to right, above BA. Almost Very Fine.
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48 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Demetrios I Poliorketes. Ae17. (Ae. 2.75g/17mm). 290-283 BC (SNG Apha Bank 956). Anv: Head of Athens to the right with Corinthian helmet. Rev: Bow to right, front double axe, above: BA, below monogram. Very Fine.
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49 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGDOM OF MACEDONIA. Ae21. (Ae. 6.27g/21mm). 168 BC (HGC 3.1, 334). Anv. Laureate head of Strymon on the right. Rev: Trident between monograms, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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50 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGDOM OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Drachm. (Ar. 4.21g/18mm). 323-319 BC Kolophon. (Price 1769). Anv: Head of Heracles with lion skin on the right. Rev: Zeus seated left carrying eagle and scepter, lyre in front and throne A below, Greek legend behind. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned on reverse.
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