Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 12:00h CET, from lot 1 to 835
  • Second session. 15:00h CET, from lot 836 to 2455

701 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Al-Hakam II al-Mustansir. Dirham. (Ar. 2.42g/21mm). 356H. Madinat al-Zahra. (Vives 455; Frochoso 356.23d). Quoting Abd al-Rahman in IIA. Good Very Fine.
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702 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, al-Hakam II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.43g/23mm). 357H. Medina Azahara. (Vives 458). Very Fine.
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703 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.40g/25mm). 366H. Al Andalus. (Vives 498; Frochoso 366.14d). Quoting 'Amir in the IIA. Good Very Fine.
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704 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.21g/23mm). 381H. Al Andalus. (Vives 514). Almost Very Fine.
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705 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.38g/24mm). 382H. Al Andalus. (Vives 515). Almost Very Fine.
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706 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II al-Muayyad. Dirham. (Ar. 2.58g/18mm). 382H. Al Andalus. (Vives 515). Citing Muhammad in IA and Amir in IIA. Very Fine.
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707 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.75g/23mm). 382H. Al Andalus. (Vives 517). Very Fine.
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708 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.79g/23mm). 385H. Al-Andalus.(Vives 520). Quoting 'Amir in the IIA. Almost Very Fine.
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709 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA, Hisham II al-Muayyad. Dirham. (Ar. 3.75g/25mm). 388H. Al Andalus. (Vives 538; Fronchoso 388.8d). Citing Amir in IIA and Muhammad in IA. Extremely Fine.
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710 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.54g/24mm). 388H. Al Andalus. (Vives 538). Citing Muhammad in the IA and 'Amir in the IIA. Very Fine. Crack.
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711 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.38g/24mm). 390H. Al Andalus. (Vives 545; Frochoso 390.103d). Citing Amir in IIA and Muhammad in lA. Extremely Fine.
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712 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 3.33g/24mm). 388H. Al Andalus. (Vives 596; Frochoso 388.13). No names in their areas. Almost Very Fine. Scarce. Former Gaspariño collection.
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713 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. Dirham. (Ar. 2.48g/25mm). 384H. Madinat Fas (Fez). (Vives 609; Miles 304a). Quoting Amir. Almost Very Fine.
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714 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Muhammad II al-Mahdi. Dirham. (Ar. 2.42g/24mm). 400H. Al Andalus. (Vives 684). Very Fine.
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715 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Sulayman. Dirham. (Ar. 3.25g24mm). 400H. Madinat Al-Zahra. (Vives 696; Prieto 19b). Citing Aben Suhaid in the IA and Waliy Al-'Ahd Muhammad in the IIA. Very Fine.
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716 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Lot of 8 dirhams. 7 of 'Abd al-Rahman III and 1 of Al-Hakam II. (1 Lined, fake vintage*). Years: 322?, 331, 334, 341, 342, 346, 349 and 352. Vives 383?, 397, 405, 422, 424, 440, 444 and 450. Good Fine/ Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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717 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.86g/14mm). Grenade. (Vives 2191; Medina 266.a, Hohertz2017-747). Variant with TA in IIA. Good Very Fine. Ex Document 12/18/2007, Lot No. 447.
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718 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/2 Dirham. (Ar. 0.87g/16mm). Gharnata (Granada). (Vives 2193, R. Lorente 60). Almost Very Fine.
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719 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARÍES DE GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.54g/12mm) Grenade. (Vives 2194; Medina 267.a, Hohertz2017-757). Very Fine. Ex Document 12/18/2007, Lot No. 448.
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720 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARÍES DE GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.44g/11mm). Grenade. (Vives 2194; Medina 267.a, Hohertz2017-757). Very Fine. Ex Aureo & Calicó 11/30/2011, lot number 3311.
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721 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARÍES DE GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.50g/12mm) Ceuta. (Vives 2199; Medina 267.e, Hohertz2017-760). Very Fine. Repaint in IIA. Limited.
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722 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA. Anonymous. Felus. (Ae. 3.06g/12mm) 881H. Grenade. (Vives 2218, Hohertz2017-780b). Very Fine.
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723 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF ALMERIA. Maan Ibn Sumadih (Banu Sumadih) 433-443H. Dirham. (Ar. 5.96g/23mm). Al Andalus. (Vives 1041; Prieto 354). Good Very Fine.
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724 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA DE BADAJOZ, Umar Al-Mutawakil. Fraction of Dirham. (Ae. 1.08g/16mm). 460-487H. (Vives does not cite; Fochoso III8). Very Fine.
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725 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO, Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.04g/15mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (French 163-170). Good Very Fine.
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726 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO, Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.11g/14mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (French 177). Good Very Fine.
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727 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TOLEDO TAIFA. Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.18g/16mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (French 178). Good Very Fine.
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728 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO, Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.49g/14mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (French 183-187). Very Fine.
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729 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO and VALENCIA, Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional electron dinar. (El. 1.66g/11mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (Prieto and Vives 342d). Good Very Fine. Limited.
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730 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF TOLEDO and VALENCIA. Yahya Al-Mamun. Fractional electron dinar. (El. 1.16g/12mm). 435-467H. Without mint. (Prieto and Vives 342d). Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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731 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

VALENCIA RATE. Abd Al-Aziz, Al-Mansur. Fraction of electron dinar. (El. 1.39g/10mm). 411-452 H. (Vives 1065; Prieto 158). Good Very Fine.
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732 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

VALENCIA RATE. Abd Al-Aziz, Al-Mansur. Fraction of electron dinar. (El. 0.88g/10mm). 411-452 H. (Vives 1065; Prieto 158). Good Very Fine. Deposits.
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733 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

VALENCIA RATE. Abd Al-Aziz, Al-Mansur. Fraction of electron dinar. (El. 1.71g/12mm). 411-452 H. Vives 1065; Prieto 158. Almost Very Fine.
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734 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

UNCERTAIN TAIFA, Anonymous. Dinar fraction of electron. (El. 0.77g/11mm). (Codera and Zaidin (1897) 1047 bis; Ibrahim, Canto (2003) Supplement to the Kingdoms of Taifas, no. 169). Legend: From God the power and strength. Very Fine. Very scarce.
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735 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

UNCERTAIN TAIFA, Anonymous. Dinar fraction of electron. (El. 0.80g/12mm). (Codera and Zaidin (1897) 1047 bis; Ibrahim, Canto (2003) Supplement to the Kingdoms of Taifas, no. 169). Legend: From God the power and strength. Very Fine. Very scarce.
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736 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE (Abadíes de Sevilla). Al-Mutadid (433-461H). Fractional dirham (Ar. 1.07g/13mm). (French does not mention, Tipo Prieto y Vives 396 but variant with legend: Al Háyib/Ben Abbad, his dynastic affiliation, in II.A). Good Very Fine. Very rare.
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737 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

KINGDOMS OF TAIFAS. Aphtasies of Badajoz. Umar al-Mutawakkil Abu Hasfs. (455-487H). Pair of two fragments of Dirhams. Very Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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738 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

HISPANIC ARABIC. Amulet. (Ae. 4.57g/25mm). 10th-12th century. Anv: Kufic writing in three lines. Rev: Decoration with ornate six-pointed star. Very Fine.
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739 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIFAL OR TAIFAS PERIOD. Monetiform lead, amulet with pseudo-epigraphic legends. (Pb. 3.87g/25mm). Gaspariño group lll. Good Very Fine.
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740 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Yusuf bin Tashfin. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.66g/10mm). (Vives 1536; Hazard 895). Very Fine. Dark patina.
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741 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Yusuf ibn Tashfin. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.73g/13mm). 480-500H.(Vives-1538; Hazard 893). Almost Very Fine. Limited.
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742 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali Ibn Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.94g/10mm). 500-537H. (Vives 1695; Hazard 918; Benito Cb25). Very Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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743 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDS, 'Ali B. Yusuf. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.92/13mm). (Vives
1701; Benito2020-Cb37). Without heir, with title of Amir al-Muslimin. Almost Very Fine. Two perforations.
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744 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf with the emir Sir. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.92g/11mm). (Vives 1774; Hazard 983; Benito Cf2). Very Fine.
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745 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali Ibn Yusuf and the Emir Sïr. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.93g/11mm). 522-533H. (Vives 1775; Hazard 982). Very Fine.
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746 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali B. Yusuf, with heir Tasufin. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.92/13mm). (Vives 1822; Benito2020-Cj1). Good Very Fine.
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747 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Iskhaq ibn Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.91g/12mm). (Vives 1896; Hazard 1041). Good Very Fine.
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748 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ishaq ben Ali. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.95g/12mm). (Vives 1896). Good Very Fine.
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749 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf and the emir Sir. Get rid of yourself. (Ar. 0.98g/10mm). (Vives does not cite; Hazard does not cite; Benito Ce13). Reverse legend: "ayadhu Allah". Very Fine.
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750 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDS, 'Ali ibn Yusuf (500-537H). Dinar. (Au. 4.14g/25mm). Aghmat. 511H. (Vives 1563; Hazard 170). Good Very Fine. Encapsulated by NGC.
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