Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 12:00h CET, from lot 1 to 835
  • Second session. 15:00h CET, from lot 836 to 2455

2401 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Interesting and varied set of 19 pieces minted in a wide chronological range, ranging from medieval coins to those of Alfonso XIII, passing through the period of the Spanish Monarchy. Includes coppers with reseals, silver specimens and some high quality coins. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2402 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL PERIOD AND SPANISH MONARCHY. Complete and beautiful collection displayed in an album and made up of more than 300 pieces, mainly bronzes and coppers, although there are also silver examples, which cover a good part of the history of Spain. Great variety of modules, monarchs, mint marks and dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2403 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set made up of 7 silver coins minted between the reigns of Felipe V and Carlos IV and in modules of 1/2 and 1 Real. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2404 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Set of 6 macuquina pieces to be identified from different modules and minted mainly in Mexico and Potosí. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2405 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Beautiful set of 11 pieces of 2 Reales minted under the reigns of Charles IV in 1808 (Madrid mint, 5, and Sevilla, 1) and Ferdinand VII in 1811 (Cádiz mint, 5). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2406 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set of 7 coppers, all different, minted in the reigns of Philip III and Philip IV in various mints. Includes pieces with remarks, some scarce. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2407 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set made up of 8 coppers from different periods that includes pieces with remarks and 2 examples of the scarce 8 Maravedís by José Napoleón de Segovia. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2408 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Set of 5 pieces minted in different modules and periods to be identified. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2409 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting and varied set made up of 28 coppers minted under different reigns (from the RRCC to Philip V) and with a great variety of modules and mints. Includes pieces with reseals to be classified. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2410 | Lots and collections

Interesting album composed of dozens of coppers and bronzes from different periods, mainly from the period of the Spanish Monarchy. Includes pieces with stamps, a small weight and 1 Peseta in silver from 1903. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2411 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Set consisting of 8 coins minted between the reign of Isabel II and the Second Republic. Different modules and dates, highlighting a good number of silver pieces. Good level of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2412 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Interesting collection made up of dozens of coins mainly from the Peseta Centennial, Spanish State and Juan Carlos periods. The set stands out for a good representation of silver pieces, especially Duros del Centenario, with a variety of dates and busts, and 100 Pesetas pieces from 1966. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.

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2413 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY. Interesting and varied set of 17 different coppers from both historical periods with a wide variety of modules and dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2414 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Varied set made up of around 60 coins, mostly coppers from the Spanish Monarchy with a wide variety of kings represented as well as modules and dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2415 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set made up of more than 40 silver pieces with a wide variety of modules and dates represented. Includes specimens minted from the time of Philip V to Alfonso XIII. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2416 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting rest of the collection made up of 59 pieces, the vast majority of which are in silver and with coinage from the reign of Philip III and Alfonso XIII. The collection is generally focused on a small module and highlights, by number, the coinages in the name of Charles III, Charles IV and Isabel II. Columnar pieces in different modules and interesting examples of 2 Reales also stand out. The set is completed with some foreign period pieces. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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2417 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Magnificent set of 5 pieces minted in the eras of Alfonso XIII, Second Republic and Civil War. All pieces encapsulated by NN Coins and NGC and in a very high level of conservation (all in Uncirculated). TO EXAMINE

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2418 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set of 7 pieces of different modules (includes 2 Duro coins), values ​​and materials (3 pieces in silver). Different states of conservation, including high grade pieces. None repeated. TO EXAMINE.
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2419 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Set of 5 silver pieces, 3 of them from the 5 Pesetas module. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2420 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Magnificent lot consisting of 11 coins of different modules, dates and materials in very high qualities ( Good Extremely Fine/ Uncirculated). 3 pieces encapsulated by NN Coins stand out. The set is completed with 1 Peseta from the Government of Euzkadi from 1937. TO EXAMINE.
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2421 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set of Centennial silverware with a wide variety of modules and dates. The set, 16 pieces in total, is completed with a couple of pieces from the Spanish Monarchy and the Second Republic. TO EXAMINE
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2422 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting and complete collection of more than 60 silver pieces of different dates and modules (includes 33 5 Peseta coins). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2423 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE. Rest of the Spanish State collection made up of dozens of coins, highlighting the 1 and 50 Pesetas module. TO EXAMINE.
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2424 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Set of 22 coins from different periods, including several silver pieces from the Peseta Centennial period. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2425 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Interesting set made up of more than 30 pieces from periods between the Centennial of the Peseta and the reign of Juan Carlos I. Variety of modules and materials, finding a good representation of silver pieces. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2426 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Extensive lot mainly composed of dozens of cartridges from both periods with a great variety of modules and values. The set includes several wallets, the set of 500 Pesetas in Tests from the FNMT as well as a small representation of foreign currencies. Different states of conservation.

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2427 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Extensive and varied set made up of hundreds of coins from both periods and with a great variety of modules and dates represented. The set includes the official 500 Pesetas proof case "This is how a Coin is born" issued by the FNMT as well as part of the collection exhibited in the Pardo album. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2428 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Interesting set made up of dozens of pieces from both periods, including 25 100 Peseta coins from 1966 (*66,67,68 and 70) and 17 50 Céntimos from 1949 *51 with inverted arrows in good general conservation. The set is completed with some strips and a small selection of silver coins, both Spanish and foreign. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE

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2429 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Extensive and interesting collection of hundreds of Spanish coins focused mainly on the Spanish State and Juan Carlos I (although it also contains pieces from the Second Republic). The collection is presented in both sheets and official cartridges (around 60) with a wide variety of modules, values ​​and dates. The set includes an FNMT box with 400 50 cent coins from the Spanish State. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2430 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Extensive and very varied collection of hundreds of coins and composed of 24 cases (silver coins with denominations of Peseta, Ecus and Euros), cartridges (the 50 Pesetas from 1957 stand out), sets and around 90 official wallets from different years. Good general level of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2431 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Set consisting of 8 cases (6 of 2000 Pesetas and 2 of 5 Ecu) all different and an unopened box containing 400 50 Cent coins of the Spanish State. The set is completed with two ounces of pure silver from the Dictator Francisco Franco from 1975. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE

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2432 | Lots and collections

CONTEMPORARY. Set consisting of 11 cases (7 of 5 ECU, 3 of 1 ECU and 1 of 5000 Pesetas) without repetition except. Minting dates between 1989 and 1995. FNMT. Madrid. FDC quality. Includes original cases and certificates of authenticity. TO EXAMINE
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2433 | Lots and collections

CONTEMPORARY. Interesting set that includes 38 pieces, distributed individually, in sets and wallets, of 2 Euros commemorative of Andorra, San Marino, Vatican and Spain. No repeated piece or wallet. Great general state of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2434 | Lots and collections

Set of 34 contemporary silver coins of Juan Carlos I and Felipe VI, one of them presented in an official case with certificate. TO EXAMINE.
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2435 | Lots and collections

ESPAÑOL STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Extensive collection made up of hundreds of pieces and displayed in 5 albums with a great diversity of modules and dates. There are few pieces in the collection that are in good condition. Includes some coins from the Centennial of the Peseta and copies from the Second Republic and Civil War. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.

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2436 | Lots and collections

Extensive set made up of hundreds of pieces and displayed in 12 albums with Spanish currency from different periods, although the majority of the coins represented correspond to the Spanish State and the reign of Juan Carlos I. Great variety of modules, dates and materials. The set includes a good number of pieces with die-cut stars, so their examination is essential. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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2437 | World coins

GERMANY. Magnificent and extensive collection of silver medals made up of 304 pieces and displayed in 3 albums. The collection reflects the main milestones and historical figures of the Central European country. The average and approximate weight and measurement per piece are: 14.55g/36mm. PROOF finishes with representation of colored pieces. Total and approximate weight of the silver set: 4.5 kilograms. Excellent state of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2438 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Set of 17 foreign coins from Germany, the United States, England, Italy and Portugal, 15 of them silver. TO EXAMINE.
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2439 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Interesting set of 4 silver pieces of different modules minted in the United States, Sweden and Finland during the second half of the 20th century. High level of general conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2440 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Set of 4 coins from different countries (China, Cuba, Solomon Islands and Argentina) in silver with the theme of the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Olympic Games. Includes cases. PROOF
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2441 | Lots and collections

Interesting lot of dozens of silver coins from different countries, highlighting some pieces from the Peseta Centennial or about 50 French Francs. Approximate gross weight: 1.5 Kilograms. TO EXAMINE.
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2442 | Lots and collections

Interesting set of 62 silver coins from different periods, modules and countries, includes some reproductions. TO EXAMINE.
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2443 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Interesting set of 14 small module silver coins minted in different European countries, mainly between the 19th and 20th centuries (includes a medieval piece of Wensceslas II of Bohemia and 1 Kreutzer of Salzburg from 1626). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2444 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Magnificent collection of approximately 90 pieces, mostly in silver and in hard type module, with a wide variety of countries, dates and themes represented (especially those referring to the Olympic Games). Different states of conservation with a good number of copies in good or very good conservation, including some unopened blister packs and cases. TO EXAMINE.

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2445 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Interesting rest of the collection made up of approximately 200 foreign coins from different centuries (18th to 20th centuries), with a wide variety of countries, dates, modules and materials represented, including silver and some commemorative pieces. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2446 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Set of hundreds of world coins minted mostly in the 20th century and with a wide variety of countries and modules represented. The set is completed with a small representation of Roman coins. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2447 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Varied and interesting set made up of hundreds of coins minted, mainly, throughout the 20th century. Different countries, modules, dates and minting materials including a selection of silver pieces. Highlights a complete mini-collection of Five Cents and Quarter Dollars from the United States in different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2448 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN CURRENCY. Interesting rest of the collection, displayed in albums and sheets, made up of hundreds of coins and with a great variety of countries, modules and dates represented. The set highlights a nice, small selection of silver pieces and another Quarter Dollar from the United States. Different collection states. TO EXAMINE.

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2449 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN COINS. Interesting collection of hundreds of pieces displayed in albums and sheets that include a wide selection of Portuguese, Austrian, Russian and Benelux currency. Variety of modules and dates (mainly from the 20th century although we also find from the 19th century) in different materials including a good representation of silver pieces. Includes some scarce pieces. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2450 | World coins

EUROS. Pair of 2 Euro commemorative coins from Belgium (2016) and the Netherlands (2022). Presented in a case and coincard respectively. Uncirculated.

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