Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 12:00h CET, from lot 1 to 835
  • Second session. 15:00h CET, from lot 836 to 2455

2351 | Medals

SPAIN. Antoni Tápies. "Tribute to the American Indigenous Peoples" (Ar. 100.61g/55mm). Tomás Francisco Prieto Award. 1991. Casa de la Moneda Foundation. Print run of only 40 units (6/40). Includes certificate of authenticity and original velvet case. Very scarce.

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2352 | Medals

SPAIN. Antonio Lopez. "The Man and the Free" (Ar. 124.80g/60mm). Tomás Francisco Prieto Award. 1992. Casa de la Moneda Foundation. Print run of only 40 units (6/40). Includes certificate of authenticity and original velvet case. Very scarce.

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2353 | Medals

SPAIN. Eduardo Arroyo. "Tribute to Tomás Francisco Prieto" (Ar. 182.76g/56mm). Tomás Francisco Prieto Award. 1993. Casa de la Moneda Foundation. Print run of only 40 units (6/40). Includes certificate of authenticity and original velvet case. Very scarce.

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2354 | Medals

SPAIN. Pablo Palazuelo. "Tribute" (Ar. 242.00g/59mm). Tomás Francisco Prieto Award. 1994. Casa de la Moneda Foundation. Print run of only 40 units (34/40). Includes certificate of authenticity and original velvet case. Very scarce.

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2355 | Medals

SPAIN. Andreu Alfaro. "Tomás Francisco Prieto Prize" (Ar. 114.32g/60mm). Tomás Francisco Prieto Award. 1995. Casa de la Moneda Foundation. Print run of only 40 units (5/40). Includes certificate of authenticity and original velvet case. Very scarce.

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2356 | Medals

SPAIN. XV Barcelona Boat Show (Ae. 58.31g/50mm). 1977. Santísima Trinidad Ship (1769-1805). Almost Extremely Fine.
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2357 | Medals

SPAIN. Commemorative medal of John XXIII. (Au. 7.03g/22mm). Spanish Coinages. 22 karat gold. PROOF. Includes certificate.
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2358 | Medals

SPAIN. JOHN XXIII (Au. 3.55g/20mm). Iberian Numismatics. Gold of 0.917 thousandths. PROOF. Includes official wallet and certificate of authenticity.
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2359 | Medals

SPAIN. Apollo XI. Moon landing (Au. 3.51g/20mm). 1969. Man in Space series. Iberian Numismatics. Gold of 0.917 thousandths. PROOF. Includes official wallet and certificate of authenticity.
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2360 | Medals

JUAN CARLOS I. Medal. (Au. 34.74g/45mm). SS.MM. ALFONSO XIII 1886·1941-VICTORIA EUGENIA 1887·1969. Numbered: "0452". Gold of 0.917 thousandths. PROOF.
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2361 | Medals

JUAN CARLOS I. Medal. (Au. 6.98g/24mm). SS.MM. ALFONSO XIII 1886·1941-VICTORIA EUGENIA 1887·1969. Gold of 0.917 thousandths. PROOF.
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2362 | Medals

Philatelic Treasures of the World. Collection consisting of 24 replicas of stamps in solid silver and gold plated. 925 thousandths silver. Includes original case, booklet and certificate of authenticity. PROOF quality.
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2363 | Medals

Collection called 25 Centuries of Numismatic Heritage and composed of 25 coins in silver and gold-plated silver that covers the entire history of numismatics from Ancient Greece to the 20th century. Includes original wooden case and explanatory booklet. TO EXAMINE.
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2364 | Medals

150 Years of the Seal in Spain. Commemorative collection consisting of 24 reproductions of stamps in solid 925 thousandths silver and gold-plated. Issued by Post and Telegraph. Includes original case, booklet and certificate of authenticity. PROOF quality.
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2365 | Medals

FRANCE, Napoleon I. Tistil Peace Commemorative Medal. (Ae. 36.30g/41mm). 1807. (Bramsen 640). Extremely Fine.
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2366 | Medals

FRANCE. Napoleon III (1852-1870). Imperial Society and Horticultural Center (Ae. 148.25g/67mm). Universal Exposition of 1855. Engraver: H. De Longueil. Issued to Mr. Carriere Juré. Extremely Fine. Presented in original case.
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2367 | Medals

FRANCE. Meaux Horticultural Society (Ar. 36.02g/42mm). 1867. Napoleon III. Engravers: A. Bescher and A. Borrel. Dedicated to MA Simar. Almost Extremely Fine. Beautiful patina.
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2368 | Medals

FRANCE. Centenary of the Ministry of Finance (Ae. 59.69g/50mm). S/D (1889). French Republic. Engraver: Oudiné/L. Bottée. Extremely Fine.
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2369 | Medals

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. V Centenary of the Discovery of America (Ar. 155.49g/65mm). 1992. PROOF. Includes capsule.
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2370 | Medals

VATICAN, John XXIII. Medal. (Au. 17.44g/32mm). 1962. Second Vatican Council. PROOF.
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2371 | Medals

VATICAN, Paul VI. Medal. (Au. 17.53g/32mm). 1963. Second Vatican Council. PROOF.
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2372 | Medals

Nice set of 3 contemporary medals with different themes from Arab countries. Total weight: 13.66g. TO EXAMINE.
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2373 | Lots and collections

PRE-CURRENCY. Set of 4 pre-coins of different types. TO EXAMINE.
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2374 | Lots and collections

PRE-CURRENCY. Lot consisting of 20 ring-type coins of different sizes. TO EXAMINE.
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2375 | Lots and collections

Nice collection of ancient bronzes (sesterces, aces...) that includes pieces from Ancient Hispania, the High and Low Empire and even a Byzantine piece with an interesting variety of mint marks and emperors represented. Among the latter we find copies of Marcus Aurelius, Trajan, Hadrian and Antoninus Pius among others. Different states of conservation. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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2376 | Lots and collections

Set of two lined Iberian denarii and one Indo-Parthia drachma. TO EXAMINE.
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2377 | Lots and collections

Set consisting of 12 ancient bronzes to be identified from different periods and modules. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2378 | Lots and collections

Set of 30 ancient Greek, Roman and Iberian coins of different mints, modules and qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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2379 | Lots and collections

Interesting set of Greek, Iberian and Roman bronze coins from different mints and emperors of the late Roman Empire. TO EXAMINE.
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2380 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA. Set of 11 bronze coins from different Iberian mints, among which a broken Ace by Luco Augusto and a piece by Gades stand out. TO EXAMINE.
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2381 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA. Set of 15 Iberian bronze coins from different Hispanic mints, different modules and qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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2382 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA AND ROMAN EMPIRE. Beautiful and interesting set of more than 50 bronzes and fleeces from both periods that includes a wide variety of modules (aces, antoninians, semis, follis...), mints and emperors. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2383 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 7 Denarii from different emperors. TO EXAMINE.
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2384 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 6 Antoninians from different emperors. TO EXAMINE.
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2385 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set of 4 Sesterces minted in the periods of Trajan, Faustina II, Alexander Severus and Maximinus I. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2386 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 3 imperial bronzes of different modules, emperors as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2387 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set composed of 17 Roman bronzes from different periods, modules and emperors. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2388 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Beautiful and interesting set of 7 low-imperial coppers (Follis, Maiorinas and Nummus) from the 4th century AD and all minted by different emperors (Gratian, Theodosius I, Valens, Valentinian II...). Good general condition. TO EXAMINE.
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2389 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Lot consisting of 174 bronze coins of different Roman emperors, different modules, mint marks and qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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2390 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set of 14 imperial pieces where we find a variety of modules and materials: denarii, antonians, follis and maiorinas mainly as well as emperors represented. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2391 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Beautiful set consisting of 6 silver and copper coins (Dirhams and Felus) minted mainly under the reign of al-Hakam II and Muhammad I and highlighting among them the dirhams minted in Madinat al-Zahra. Different conservation states. TO EXAMINE
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2392 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Set of 3 Almohad coins of 1/2 Dirham (1) from Abd Al Mu'min and 2 of 1/4 Dirham (Anonymous, one of the fake period pieces). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2393 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Set of 3 Almohad coins of 1/2 Dirham (2) from Abd Al Mu'min and 1 of 1/4 Dirham (Anonymous). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2394 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Set of 4 Anonymous Almohad pieces, citing Al-Madi. Different weights, measurements as well as conservation states. TO EXAMINE.
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2395 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Set of 4 Anonymous Almohad pieces, citing Al-Madi. (Medina 20.1a). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2396 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Set of 4 Anonymous Almohad Dirhams, citing Al-Madi. Different weights, measurements as well as conservation states. TO EXAMINE.
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2397 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Interesting set made up of around 55 Anonymous Almohad Dirhams, with a variety of mint marks, styles, weights and measurements. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2398 | Lots and collections

HISPANIC ARABIC. Magnificent set made up of more than 120 Anonymous Almohad Dirhams, without a mint, with a variety of styles, weights and measurements. Includes some interesting specimens with Kufic writing. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2399 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Interesting set of more than 10 coins, both bronze and fleece, to identify. TO EXAMINE.
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2400 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Interesting set of 9 fleeces with a variety of kings and mints represented. Highlights include a Dinero Prieto from Alfonso X and a Crusader without a mint from Enrique II, among others. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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