Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 12:00h CET, from lot 1 to 835
  • Second session. 15:00h CET, from lot 836 to 2455

Results for la category: "Roman Republic"

372 | Roman Republic

GENS VALERIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.21g/20mm). 45 BC Rome. (Crawford 474/2; FFC 1179). Anv: Laureate head of Apollo on the right, star above, hammer behind and legend: ACISCVLVS. Rev: Mermaid with the body of an eagle and the head of Minerva with a helmet on the right carrying a shield and two spears, in exergue: L VALERIVS, all within a laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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373 | Roman Republic

GENS VARGUNTEIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.84g/20mm). 130 BC Rome. (FFC 1183; Crawford 257/1). Anv: Head of Rome to the right, star in front, legend behind: M VARG. Rev: Jupiter in quadriga to the right with palm branch and beam of rays, in exergue: ROME. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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374 | Roman Republic

GENS VETURIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.76g/20mm). 137 BC central Italy. (Crawford 234/1; FFC 1186). Anv: Head of Mars to the right, behind X and legend: TI VET. Rev: Pig in the arms of a priest kneeling between two soldiers with spears and swords, above legend: ROME. Almost Very Fine.
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375 | Roman Republic

GENS VETURIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.51g/19mm). 137 BC central Italy. (Crawford 234/1; FFC 1186). Anv: Head of Mars to the right, behind X and legend: TI VET. Rev: Pig in the arms of a priest kneeling between two soldiers with spears and swords, above legend: ROME. Almost Very Fine.
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376 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.90g/18mm). 90 BC Auxiliary workshop of Rome. (Crawford 342/5b; FFC 1194). Anv: Laureate head of Apollo to the right, symbol in front, legend behind: PANSA. Rev: Minerva with spear and trophy driving chariot to right, in exergue: C VIBIVS CF. Good Very Fine.
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377 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR. Denarius. (Ar. 3.83g/18mm). 54-51 BC Mobile military mint. (Crawford 443/1; FFC 50). Anv: Elephant advancing to the right, snake in front, below legend: CAESAR. Rev: Simule, aspersorium, ax and apex. Extremely Fine. Remnants of original shine. Nice and rare specimen.
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378 | Roman Republic

POMPEY, the Great. As. (Ae. 18.40g/31mm). 45 BC (Crawford 471/1). Anv: Double-fronted Janus head, above I. Rev: Bow to right, below legend: IMP, above: CN MAG. Almost Very Fine.
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379 | Roman Republic

MARCO ANTONIO and LEPIDO. Lined denarius. (Ar-Ae. 3.82g/17mm). 43-42 BC Gaul. (FFC 1; Crawford 489/2). Anv: Lituo praefericulum and crow, around legend: M ANTON IMP. Rev: Symbol, apersorium, ax and apex, around legend: M LEPID IMP. Almost Very Fine.
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380 | Roman Republic

MARCO ANTONIO. Denarius. (Ar. 3.64g/18mm). 32-31 BC Flying mint. (Crawford 544). Anv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG. Very Fine/ Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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381 | Roman Republic

Set of 19 republican denarii from different families. TO EXAMINE.
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