Online Coin Auction #88

Monday, 4 December 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 12:00h CET, from lot 1 to 835
  • Second session. 15:00h CET, from lot 836 to 2455

Results for la category: "Roman Empire"

382 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. As. (Ae. 9.90g/26mm). 10-14 AD Nemasus Colony. (RIC 158). Anv: Laureate bust of Augustus on the left, behind laureate bust of Agrippa on the right, above: IMP, below: DIVI F. Rev: Crocodile on the right tied to a palm, in the field a laurel wreath, above COL-NEM. Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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383 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Dupondius. (Ae. 12.07g/27mm). 10-14 AD Gaul, Nemausus. (RIC 160). Anv: Laureate heads of Augustus and Agrippa, on both sides PP, around legend: IMP DIVI F. Rev: Crocodile on the right, behind palm tree, in field: COL-NEM. Very Fine. Crack
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384 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. As. (Ae. 9.78g/25mm). 6 AD Rome. (RIC 439). Anv: Head of Augustus to the right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNI C POT. Rev: Uncirculated, around legend: SX NONIVS Q VINCTILIAN III VIR. Good Fine.
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385 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.60g/15mm). 25-23 BC Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1a). Anv: Head of Augustus to the left, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing on the right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Very Fine.
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386 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.89g/13mm). 25-23 BC Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1b). Anv: Head of Augustus to the left, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing on the right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Very Fine.
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387 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.59g/14mm). 25-23 BC Emerita Augusta. (RIC 1b). Anv: Head of Augustus to the left, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing on the right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Almost Very Fine.
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388 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.43g/19mm). 18 BC Colonia Patricia. (RIC 120). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the left, around legend: CAESARI AVGVSTO. Rev: Triumphal chariot with eagle inside tetrastyle temple, between: SP-QR. Almost Very Fine.
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389 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.52g/17mm). 15-13 BC Lugdunum. (RIC 167a). Anv: Head of Augustus to the right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Charging bull to the right, in exergue: IMP X. Good Very Fine. Game. Scarce copy.
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390 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.52g/19mm). 11-10 BC Lugdunum. (RIC 187a). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Charging bull to the right, in exergue: IMP XII. Almost Very Fine.
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391 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.67g/18mm). 8 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 199). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Gaius Caesar on horse with sword, behind banners, above: C CAES, in exergue: AVGVS F. Very Fine.
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392 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/17mm). 7-6 BC Lugdunum. (RIC 207). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius shelves in front, including shield and spears, in field symbol and lituum, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIGN PRINC IVVENT. Almost Extremely Fine. Off center.
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393 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.68g/17mm). 7-6 BC (RIC 207). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius shelves in front, including shield and spears, in field symbol and lituum, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIGN PRINC IVVENT. Very Fine.
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394 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS and TIBERIUS. Semis. (Ae. 4.56g/19mm). 4-10 BC Thessalonica. (RPC 1565). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus to the right, legend around it. Rev: Head of Tiberius to right, legend around. Very Fine.
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395 | Roman Empire

JUDAEA, Agrippa I. Prutah. (Ae. 2.38g/17mm). 37-44 AD Jerusalem. (Seaby 5567). Anv: Umbrella-shaped canopy, legend around it. Rev: Three ears, legend around. Almost Very Fine.
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396 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS. Dupondius. (Ae. 13.43g/29mm). 14-37 AD Commagene. (RIC 89; RPC 3868). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius to the right, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTI F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Winged caduceus between double cornucopia, around legend: PONT MAXIM COS III IMP VII TR POT XXI. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
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397 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS, commemorative issue dedicated to Augustus. Sesterce. (Ae. 24.71g/35mm). 35-36 AD (RIC 63). Anv: Escudo with inscription: OB/CIVES/SER, inside a laurel wreath, below two crossed Capricorns, around legend: DIVO AVGVSTO SPQR. Rev: Uncirculated, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST PM TR POT XXXVII. Good Very Fine. Green patina. Rare specimen. The motif on the obverse recalls the granting of the "civic crown", made of oak leaves, to Augustus together with the mention "OB CIVES SERVATOS" in 27 BC. Originally, this crown was awarded to the soldier who had saved the life of a Roman citizen in combat. The Capricorns holding the shield allude to the symbol of the Zodiac under which Augustus was born.
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398 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.48g/18mm). 14-37 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 30). Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius on the right carrying scepter, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTVS. Rev: Livia seated on the right, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Very Fine.
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399 | Roman Empire

CLAUDIUS I. As. (Ae. 9.34g/28mm). 41-50 AD Rome. (IQR 100). Anv: Head of Claudius I to the left, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Rev: Minerva advancing to the right carrying spear and shield, between Uncirculated. Almost Very Fine.
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400 | Roman Empire

CLAUDIUS I. As. (Ae. 12.22g/27mm). 41-50 AD Rome. (IQR 100). Anv: Head of Claudius I to the left, around legend: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR P IMP. Rev: Minerva advancing to the right carrying spear and shield, between Uncirculated. Almost Very Fine.
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401 | Roman Empire

JUDAEA, Antonio Félix. Prutah. (Ae. 2.67g/17mm). 52-59 AD Jerusalem. (RPC 4971). Anv: Two crossed shields on two crossed spears, legend around them. Rev: Palm tree with hanging fruits, legend around it. Very Fine.
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402 | Roman Empire

NERO. Ae21. (Ae. 6.15g/21mm). 56-68 AD Seleucis and Pieria. (RPC 4308). Anv: Laureate head of Nero to the right, around legend: IM NERO CLAV CAESAR. Rev: Uncirculated, inside laurel wreath. Very Fine.
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403 | Roman Empire

NERO. Semis. (Ae. 7.12g/20mm). 55-56 AD Seleucis and Pieria. (McAlee 286). Anv. Head of Nero to the right, around legend: IM NER CL AV CA. Rev: Uncirculated, inside laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine.
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404 | Roman Empire

NERO. As. (Ae. 14.34g/28mm). 67 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 596). Anv: Laureate head of Nero to the right, around legend: MIP NERO CAESAR AVG PM TR PP P. Rev: Securitas seated to right carrying scepter, decorated altar in front, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: SECVRITAS AVGVSTI. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine. Green patina.
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405 | Roman Empire

NERO. Sesterce. (Ae. 29.77g/36mm). 65 AD Rome. (RIC 572). Anv: Laureate head of Nero on the left, around legend: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR POT P P. Rev: Annona standing on the right carrying a cornucopia, in front Ceres seated on the left carrying a torch and wheat ear, among them a modio on the altar, at the rudder bottom, around legend: ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES. Good Very Fine. Repatinated.
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406 | Roman Empire

JUDAEA, Nero. Prutah. (Ae. 2.46g/17mm). AD 59-62 (Seaby 5627). Anv: Legend: NEP/WNO/C, inside laurel wreath. Rev: Spike, around legend: KAICAPOC. Almost Very Fine.
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407 | Roman Empire

GALBA. As. (Ae. 10.16g/29mm). 68-69 AD Tarraco. (RIC 70). Anv: Galba's laureate head on the right, globe below, around legend: SER GALBA IMP AVGVSTVS. Rev: Libertas standing on the left carrying pileo and scepter, between Uncirculated, around legend: LIBERTAS PVBLICA. Almost Very Fine.
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408 | Roman Empire

GALBA. Sesterce. (Ae. 26.60g/35mm). 68-69 AD Rome. (RIC 244). Anv: Laureate head of Galba to the right, around legend: SER GALBA IMP CAES AVG TR P. Rev: Rome seated to the left on a cuirass and leaning on a shield, between: Uncirculated, below: ROMA. Fine
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409 | Roman Empire

GALBA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.27g/19mm). 68-69 AD Rome. (RIC 118). Anv: Laureate head of Galba to the right, around legend: SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG PM TR P P. Rev: Concordia standing to left carrying branch and cornucopia, around legend: CONCORDIA PROVINCIARVM. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned. Scarce copy.
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410 | Roman Empire

GALBA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.38g/19mm). 68-69 AD Rome. (RIC 167). Anv: Head of Galba to the right, around legend: IMP SER GALBA AVG. Rev: Legend: SPQR/OB/ Uncirculated, inside laurel wreath. Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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411 | Roman Empire

VESPASIAN. Dupondius. (Ae. 26.26g/35mm). 71 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 1144). Anv: Radiated bust to the right of Vespasian, around legend: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG COS III. Rev: Pax standing on the left carrying a patera on the altar, caduceus and palm, between Uncirculated, around legend: PAX AVG. Almost Very Fine.
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412 | Roman Empire

VESPASIAN. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.71g/14mm). 69-79 AD Cappadocia, Caesarea-Eusebia. (RPC 1659). Anv: Laureate head of Vespasian on the right, legend around it. Rev: Victory advancing to the right with laurel wreath. Good Very Fine.
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413 | Roman Empire

VESPASIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.31g/18mm). 72-73 AD Rome. (RIC 356). Anv: Laureate head of Vespasian to the right, around legend: IMP CAES VESP AVG PM COS IIII. Rev: Religious elements: Symbol, scepter, jug and lituum, around legend: AVGVR TRI POT. Very Fine.
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414 | Roman Empire

TITUS. Sesterce. (Ae. 19.89g/33mm). 80-81 AD Rome. (RIC 144). Anv: Laureate head of Titus to the left, around legend: IMP T CAES VESP AVG PM TR PPP COS VIII. Rev: Felicitas standing on the left carrying a scepter and cornucopia, between Uncirculated, around legend: FELICIT PVBLIC. Very Fine. Cleaned and with artificial patina. Scarce copy.
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415 | Roman Empire

TITUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.26g/17mm). 79 AD Rome. (RIC 16). Anv: Laureate head of Titus on the left, around the legend: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M. Rev: Venus standing on the right with her back to him wearing a helmet and spear resting on a column, around the legend: TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII. Very Fine.
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416 | Roman Empire

JULIA TITI. Dupondius. (Ae. 12.14g/26mm). 80-81 AD Rome. (RIC 398). Anv: Draped bust of Julia Titi to the right, around legend: IVLIA IMP T AVG F AVGVSTA. Rev: Vesta seated on the left carrying Victory with a laurel wreath and scepter, between Uncirculated, in exergue: VESTA. Almost Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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417 | Roman Empire

DOMITIAN. As. (Ae. 10.02g/27mm). 95-96 AD Rome. (RIC 810). Anv: Laureate head of Domitian to right, around legend: IMP CAES DOMI AVG GERM COS XVII CENS PER P P. Rev: Virtus standing to right carrying spear and parazonium, between: Uncirculated, around legend: VIRTVTI AVGVSTI. Almost Very Fine.
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418 | Roman Empire

DOMITIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.01g/18mm). 95 AD Rome. (RIC 772). Anv: Laureate head of Domitian to the right, around legend: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TR P XIIII. Rev: Minerva standing on the left carrying a spear and lightning bolt, at her feet a shield, around the legend: IMP XXII COS XVII CENS PP P. Almost Extremely Fine/ Very Fine. Cleaned.
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419 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Dupondius. (Ae. 13.35g/27mm). 98-99 AD Rome. (RIC 398). Anv: Radiated head of Trajan to the right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M. Rev: Abundantia seated to left carrying patera and double cornucopia, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: TR POT COS II. Almost Very Fine/ Good Fine. Cleaned. Remains of oxidations.
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420 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Dupondius. (Ae. 12.51g/28mm). 107-108 AD Rome. (RIC 576). Anv: Radiated bust with drape on left shoulder of Trajan to right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS VP P. Rev: Hexastyle temple, inside statue of Pax, below: Uncirculated, around legend: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPLE. Very Fine. Repatinated.
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421 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.14g/18mm). 100 AD Rome. (RIC 32). Anv: Laureate head of Trajan to the right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM. Rev: Heracles standing on pedestal carrying mallet, around legend: PM TR P COS III P P. Very Fine.
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422 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 2.59g/18mm). 102 AD Rome. (IQR 60). Anv: Laureate head of Trajan to the right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM. Rev: Victoria advancing to the left carrying a laurel wreath and palm, around legend: PM TR P COS IIII P P. Almost Very Fine.
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423 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.09g/18mm). 103-111 AD Rome. (RIC 91). Anv: Laureate head of Trajan to the right, around legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P P. Rev: Aeternitas standing to left carrying in both hands the heads of Moon and Sun, between: AET-AVG, around legend: COS VPP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC. Almost Very Fine.
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424 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.48g/18mm). 107-110 AD Rome. (RIC 115 var). Anv: Laureate bust of Trajan with drape on left shoulder, around legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P. Rev: Rome standing on left carrying Victory with laurel wreath and spear, around legend: COS VPP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC. Good Very Fine. Off center.
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425 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.36g/18mm). 107-108 AD Rome. (RIC 128). Anv: Drapery of Trajan's laureate with draping on the left shoulder, around the legend: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P. Rev: Victoria standing on the left carrying a laurel wreath and palm, around the legend: COS VPP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC. Very Fine.
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426 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.23g/19mm). 116-117 AD Rome. (RIC 315). Anv: Laureate and draped bust of Trajan to the right, around legend: IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC. Rev: Fortuna seated on the left carrying a rudder and cornucopia, in exergue: FORT RED, around legend: PARTHICO PM TR P COS VI PP SPQR. Almost Very Fine.
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427 | Roman Empire

TRAJAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.18g/19mm). 114-117 AD Rome. (RIC 317). Anv: Laureate and draped bust of Trajan to the right, around legend: IMP CAES TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC. Rev: Fortuna seated on the left carrying a helm and cornucopia, in exergue: FORT RED, around legend: PM TR P COS VI PP SPQR. Very Fine.
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428 | Roman Empire

HADRIAN. Quadrant. (Ae. 3.19g/14mm). 117-161 AD Rome. (RIC 32). Anv: Helmet of Mercury. Rev: Caduceus with wings, between Uncirculated. Almost Very Fine.
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429 | Roman Empire

HADRIAN. Semis. (Ae. 4.37g/20mm). 125-127 AD Rome. (RIC 685). Anv: Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian to the right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Rev: Rome seated on breastplate to left carrying Victory with laurel wreath and spear, behind shield, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: COS III. Very Fine.
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430 | Roman Empire

HADRIAN. Sesterce. (Ae. 27.92g/32mm). 130-133 AD Rome. (RIC 1865var). Anv: Draped bust of Hadrian to the right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Rev: Hadrian standing on the right carrying a book and shaking hands with Hispania kneeling to the left, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: RESTITVTORI IHSPANIAE. Very Fine. Scarce.
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431 | Roman Empire

HADRIAN. Denarius. (Ar. 3.08g/18mm). 119-123 AD Rome. (IQR 80). Anv: Laureate bust, draped and cuirassed, of Hadrian on the right, around legend: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG. Rev: Aequitas standing on the left carrying scales and cornucopia, around legend: PM TR P COS III. Almost Very Fine.
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