624 | Spanish Monarchy

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English CARLOS III, the Pretender (1700-1714). 2 Reales. (Ar. 4.78g/27mm). 1711. Barcelona. (Cal-2019-32). Good Very Fine.

The Pretender's minting occurs exclusively in the territories of the Crown of Aragon, not in vain it is in Barcelona where he established his court after disembarking in 1705. Juan Bautista Basset obtains the adhesion of the kingdom of Valencia for the cause; a year later the allied troops of the archduke take Zaragoza and in October of that same year, 1706, it is the kingdom of Majorca that recognizes him as king. He promised all of them "freedom, jurisdiction and privileges" in opposition to the centralizing policies of the Bourbons. Carlos III minted coins in Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Zaragoza and Majorca between 1705 and 1714.

Online Coins Auction #85

Thursday, 20 July 2023 | 15:00

Lot 624

Starting price 40€