Online Coins Auction #85

Thursday, 20 July 2023 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

1 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Kyme. Ae10. (Ae. 3.92g/18mm). 350-250 BC (SNG Copenhagen 41-45). Obv: Eagle standing right, behind Greek legend. Rev: Jug with handle, entered KY. Very Fine.
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2 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Kyme. Ae10. (Ae. 1.26g/10mm). 350-250 BC (SNG Copenhagen 41-45). Obv: Eagle standing right, behind Greek legend. Rev: Jug with handle, entered KY. Very Fine.
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3 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Elaia. Ae10. (Ae. 1.23g/10mm). 340-300 BC (SNG Copenhagen 169-170; SNG von Aulock 1605). Obv: Head of Athens left. Rev: Spike within laurel wreath. Very Fine.
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4 | Ancient Greek coins

ATTICA, Athens. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 17.19g/23mm). 454-404 BC (SNG Copenhagen 31). Obv: Head of Athens with crested Attic helmet facing right. Rev: Owl standing right facing front, front: AOE, behind olive branch. Almost Uncirculated. Beautiful specimen, scarce like that.
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5 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF BITHINIA, Prousias II Kynegos. Ae21. (Ae. 5.82g/21mm). 182-149 BC (SNG Copenhagen 635). Obv: laureate head of Dionysos to right. Rev: Centaur playing lyre to right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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6 | Ancient Greek coins

BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Stater. (Ar. 6.40g/18mm). 480-430 BC (HN Italy 2104; SNG ANS 304). Obv: Tripod with feet of a lion on the left a heron standing, on the right a Greek legend. Rev: Tripod incuse. Almost Very Fine.
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7 | Ancient Greek coins

CAMPANIA, Neapolis. Drachm. (Ar. 6.61g/20mm). 275-250 BC (HN Italy 586). Obv: laureate head of a nymph to the left, symbol behind. Rev: Bull with male head to the right looking straight ahead, above Nike flying to the right with a laurel wreath, between the legs of the monogrammed bull. Almost Very Fine.
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8 | Ancient Greek coins

GALLIA, Massalia. Hemibolus? (Ae. 1.77g/13mm). 2nd century-1st century BC (SNG Copenhagen 810). Obv: laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Bull charging right, around Greek legend. Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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9 | Ancient Greek coins

INDO-SCITE KINGS, Azes I. Drachma. (Ar. 2.21g/16mm). 58-12 BC Taxila. (MAC 2234). Obv: Rider on horse to right, monogram in front, legend around. Rev: Athens front standing with shield and spear, between two monograms, around legend. Almost Extremely Fine.
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10 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miletus. 1/12 Stater. (Ar. 1.24g/9mm). 550-525 BC (SNG Kayhan 476-481). Obv: front part of lion to left. Rev: incused floral design. Almost Very Fine. Countermark on obverse.
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11 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miletus. Mite. (Ar. 1.11g/9mm). 6th-5th century BC (SNG kayhan 476/82). Obv: front part of lion to left. Rev: Incused star pattern. Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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12 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miletus. Dióbolo. (Ar. 1.13g/10mm). 600-500 BC (SNG Kayhan 476-81). Obv: Lion's head left. Rev: Incused star design. Good Very Fine.
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13 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miletus. Dióbolo. (Ar. 1.22g/10mm). 6th-5th century BC (SNG Von Aulock 2080). Obv: front part of lion to right. Rev: Incused star design. Very Fine.
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14 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Phokaia. Mite. (Ar. 1.24g/10mm). 521-478 BC (SNG von Aulock 1813/5). Obv: Female head with head left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse. Very Fine.
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15 | Ancient Greek coins

KYRENAIKA, Kyrene. Ae16. (Ae. 3.72g/16mm). 282-261 BC (SNG Copenhagen 1266). Obv: Diademed head of Apollo right. Rev: Kithara, around Greek legend, under lightning. Very Fine.
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16 | Ancient Greek coins

LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Mite. (Ar. 1.16g/10mm). 375-350 BC (HGC 4, 1003, Seaby 2325). Obv: Amphora with branches with leaf and bunch of grapes, around Greek letters. Rev: Star with central rosette. Good Very Fine. Rare specimen.

Silver specimens from Locrida are really rare since from the year 338 BC after the defeat in the Battle of Chaeronea, against Philip II's Macedonia, they were prohibited from minting silver numerals, only a few small bronze mintings being known. around the time of his defeat. The Obolo module was equal to 1/6 of a Drachma.
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17 | Ancient Greek coins

LYDIA, Sardes. Ae16. (Ae. 4.62g/16mmm). 2nd century-1st century BC (SNG Copenhagen 470-482; SNG von Aulock 3125-3126). Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Mallet between Greek legend inside laurel wreath. Very Fine.
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18 | Ancient Greek coins

MACEDONIA, Amphipolis. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.74g/30mm). 167-149 BC (SNG Copenhagen 1311). Obv: Diademed bust of Artemis to the right carrying a bow and quiver over her left shoulder, all within a shield with Macedonian decorations. Rev: Mace between Greek legend, on it monogram AP, all within an oak crown, to the right lightning bolt. Good Very Fine.
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19 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip II. Ae21. (Ae. 5.34g/21mm). 359-336 BC (HGC 3, 882). Obv: laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Rider on horseback to right, below N and above Greek legend. Almost Very Fine. Double mintage on reverse.
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20 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip II. Ae21. (Ae. 6.95g/19mm). 359-336 BC (HGC 3, 882). Obv: laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Rider on horseback to right, below Greek letters and above Greek legend. Very Fine.
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21 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. (Ae. 3.82g/17mm). 323-319 BC Miletus. (Price 2131). Obv: Diademed male head right. Rev: Rider to right, in monogram field, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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22 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Kassander. Ae18. (Ae. 3.80g/18mm). 317-305 BC (HGC 3, 995). Obv: Head of Heracles in lion's skin to right. Rev: Lion lying right, legend around, letter N in front. Almost Extremely Fine/ Very Fine. green patina
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23 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Amphipolis. Ae22. (Ae. 8.36g/22mm). 2nd century BC (SNG Copenhagen 85). Obv: Frontal head of Gorgon. Rev: Athens advancing to the left carrying a spear and Nike, around a Greek legend. Very Fine.
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24 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Pella. Ae20. (Ae. 5.79g/20mm). AD 187-167 (HGC 3, 615). Obv: Helmeted head of Athens right. Rev: Bull to right, around Greek legend. Very Fine. green patina
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25 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Drachm. 336-325 BC Lampsakos. (Price 1406). Obv: Head of Hercules in lion's skin to right. Rev: Zeus seated to the left carrying an eagle and scepter, in front monogram: KI, under the throne monogram ME, behind Greek legend. Good Very Fine. off center Encapsulated by NGC Genuine.
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26 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Drachm. (Ar. 4.10g/17mm). 323-317 BC Magnesia. (Price P57). Obv: Head of Heracles in lion's skin to right. Rev: Zeus seated left carrying eagle and sceptre, under his monogamous throne. Very Fine.
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27 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Eastern European imitation drachma. Drachm. (Ar. 3.82g/19mm). 336-323 BC (Price 2324). Obv: Head of Heracles in lion's skin to right. Rev: Zeus seated left holding scepter and eagle, in front Greek monogram, behind Greek legend. Very Fine.
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28 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Perseus. Drachm. (Ar. 2.64g/15mm). 179-168 BC (HGC 6, 1453). Obv: Head of Helios facing right. Rev: Rosa, between PO, above Greek legend, left bow and quiver. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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29 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Tetradrachm. (Har. 17.15g/27mm). 323-317 BC (Price P181; HGC 3.1, 973f). Obv: Head of Heracles in lion's skin to right. Rev: Zeus seated to the left carrying an eagle and scepter, under the throne AY, in front M, around Greek legend. Extremely Fine. Two shear blows. Pretty and sparse like that.
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30 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip II. 1/12 Stater. (Au. 0.72g/9mm). 345-336 BC Pella. (SNG ANS 209-15; HGC 3., 857). Obv: laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Greek legend between lightning and lion's head from the front. Good Very Fine.
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31 | Ancient Greek coins

MYSIA, Pergamum. Ae22. (Ae. 8.61g/22mm). 200-133 BC (SNG Copenhagen 378; SNG Paris 1866-8). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus to right, below Greek legend. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning bolt to the right, in field r, below Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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32 | Ancient Greek coins

MYSIA, Pergamum. Ae17. (Ae. 4.91g/17mm). 2nd century BC (SNG Copenhagen 370-6; SNG von Aulock 137). Obv: Laureate head of Asklepios right. Rev: Serpent wrapped around a scepter, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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33 | Ancient Greek coins

MYSIA, Pergamum. Ae21. (Ae. 8.02g/21mm). 2nd century BC (SNG von Aulock 1374). Obv: Helmeted head of Athens right. Rev: Trophy composed of helmet and breastplate, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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34 | Ancient Greek coins

MYSIA, Parion. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.90g/13mm). 400-300 BC (SNG von Aulock 1319). Obv: Frontal head of Gorgon. Rev: Torus standing left looking right, econymous Greek letters. Very Fine.
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35 | Ancient Greek coins

MYSIA, Pergamum. Dióbolo. (Ar. 1.28g/11mm). 310-282 BC (SNG BN 1556-66). Obv: Head of Heracles in lion's skin to left. Rev: Statue of Pallas front standing carrying spear and shield, left Greek legend. Very Fine.
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36 | Ancient Greek coins

MYSIA, Pergamum. Cistóforo. (Ar. 11.81g/25mm). 180-133 BC (SNG BN 1707). Obv: mystical cist with a serpent, surrounded by ivy wreath. Rev: Two serpents entwined around quiver and bow, above and on the left monogram, on the right thyrsus. Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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37 | Ancient Greek coins

MOESIA, Thomas. Ae12. (Ae. 2.26g/12mm). 2nd century BC (AMNG 1.2, 2440; SNG Stancomb 278-9). Obv: laureate head right. Rev: Two front parts to right, around Greek legend. Very Fine. Former William Stancomb Collection.
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38 | Ancient Greek coins

MOESIA, Thomas. Ae17. (Ae. 3.06g/17mm). 2nd century AD (AMNG 1.2, 2550). Obv: draped bust of Tomos facing right with collected hair, around Greek legend. Rev: Veiled woman, standing to left, holding scepter and Nike on globe, around Greek legend. Good Very Fine.

Former William Stancomb Collection.
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39 | Ancient Greek coins

PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Stater. (Ar. 10.51g/19mm). 465-430 BC (SNG von Aulock 4477). Obv: Warrior advancing to the right carrying a spear and shield. Rev: Triskeles within incused square. Good Fine.
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40 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF PARTHIA, Mithradates III. Drachm. (Ar. 3.95g/18mm). 87-80 BC Ekbatana. (Sunrise 308; Sellwood 31.1). Obv: Diademed bust with tiara to left. Rev: Seated archer with bow to the right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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41 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF PERSIA, Darius II. Mite. (Ar. 0.35g/9mm). 1st century BC (Seaby 6208). Obv: Diademed bust with tiara to left. Rev: King standing left in front of altar. Very Fine.
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42 | Ancient Greek coins

PERSIA, Achaemenid Kingdom. Centuries. (Ar. 5.45g/16mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (BMC Arabia 22-25). Obv: Persian king advancing right. Rev: Incous. Almost Very Fine.
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43 | Ancient Greek coins

PERSIA, Achaemenid Kingdom. Centuries. (Ar. 5.35g/16mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (BMC Arabia 22-25). Obv: Persian king advancing right. Rev: Incous. Almost Very Fine.
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44 | Ancient Greek coins

PERSIA, Achaemenid Kingdom. Centuries. (Ar. 5.57g/15mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (BMC Arabia 22-25). Obv: Persian king advancing right. Rev: Incous. Almost Very Fine.
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45 | Ancient Greek coins

PERSIA, Achaemenid Kingdom. Centuries. (Ar. 5.39g/15mm). 420-350 BC Sardis. (BMC Arabia 175-177). Obv: Persian king kneeling to right carrying bow and dagger. Rev: Incous. Very Fine.
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46 | Ancient Greek coins

PERSIA, Achaemenid Kingdom. Centuries. (Ar. 5.11g/15mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (BMC Arabia 22-25). Obv: Persian king advancing right. Rev: Incous. Almost Very Fine.
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47 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Apameia. Ae23. (Ae. 6.86g/23mm). 100-50 BC (SNG Copenhagen 167). Obv: Bust of Athens with Corinthian crested helmet facing right. Rev: Eagle with a star on it, between it two helmets of discourses and resting on a Meander pattern, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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48 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Apameia. Ae23. (Ae. 7.91g/22mm). 100-50 BC (SNG Copenhagen 177). Obv: Head of Zeus right. Rev: Artemides front standing . Very Fine.
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49 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Eumeneia. Ae17. (Ae 4.84g/17mm). 200-133 BC (SNG Copenhagen 377-8). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Greek legend within laurel wreath. Very Fine.
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50 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. Ae16. (Ae. 5.86g/16mm). 133-167 BC (SNG Copenhagen 500). Obv: Diademed female bust to right. Rev: Double cornucopia, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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