Online Coins Auction #85

Thursday, 20 July 2023 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

451 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN II. pentanumium. (Ae. 1.61g/14mm). 565-578 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 363). Obv: Monogram of Justinian II. Rev: Large E, front cross. Very Fine.
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452 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINIAN II. 1/2 Follis. (Ae. 6.20g/22mm). 569-570 AD Thessalonica. (Seaby 366). Obv: Justin II and Sophia seated facing each other, carrying a cruciferous globe and a sceptre, with legend around it. Rev: Large K, around legend. Very Fine.
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453 | Byzantine Empire

PHOCAS. 10 Numbers. (Ae. 2.58g/18mm). 604-605 AD Antioch. (Seaby 675). Obv: Phocas and Leontia front shelves carrying scepter, including cross, around legend: ON FOCA NE PE AV. Rev: Large cross, between: ANNO/III, above cross and below e. Very Fine.
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454 | Byzantine Empire

ALEXIS III COMNENUS. Trachy. (See 4.28g/28mm). 1197-1203. Constantinople. (Sear 2009). Obv: Christ Pantokrator enthroned from the front with the letters IC XC on both sides of the head. Rev: Alexius and St Constantine together, facing each other, holding a cruciform scepter between them. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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455 | Visigothic Kingdom

SISEBUTH (612-621). tremysis. (Au. 1.47g/18mm). Ispali (Sevilla). (CNV. 219.26; R. Sheet 275d). Obv: Bust from front, around legend: SISEBVTVS RE +. Rev: Bust from front, around legend: ISPALI PIVS +. Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, scarce like that.

The Ispali mint was one of the most productive on the peninsula and is characterized, fundamentally, by issues of gold tremises in very careful qualities, being minted throughout the entire Visigothic presence in the city. These issues begin with Leovigildo whose legend CVM DEO OPTINVIT SPALI differs from all subsequent ones that include only the name of the city. In this specific case, it also includes the word PIVS, which alludes to an attribute of the monarch himself, being able to find in other examples, too, the adjectives IVSTVS or VICTOR. The Ispali coin is highly influential not only in Baetica or Carthaginensis but even in areas as far away as Gallaecia.
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456 | Visigothic Kingdom

SUINTILA (621-631 AD). tremysis. (Au. 1.34g/20mm). Eliberri (Grenada). (CNV 288.3). Obv: Bust from front, around legend: + SVINTILARE. Rev: Bust from front, around legend: + PIVS ELIBER. Almost Extremely Fine. Scarce specimen.
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457 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

UMAYYA GOVERNORS PERIOD. Felus. (Ae. 2.15g/16mm). Al Andalus. (Vives 41; Thousands 33). Good Very Fine.
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458 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Abd al-Rahman I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.54g/30mm). 155H. Al Andalus. (Vives 53; Thousands 46). Good Very Fine. Former Gaspariño collection.
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459 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.47g/26mm). 24XH. Al Andalus. Period perforations. Very Fine.
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460 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Muhammad I. Dirham. (Ar. 2.56g/28mm). 268 H. Al-Andalus. (Vives 307; Frochoso 268.16). A name appears with a dubious reading above and below on reverse, the final letter looks like an S (without). Very Fine. Rare.
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461 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Abd al-Rahman III. dirham. (Ar. 2.33g/23mm). 326H. Al Andalus. (Vives 387; Frochoso 326.8d). Quoting Suhayd on IA Good Very Fine. Scarce.
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462 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Abd al-Rahman III. dirham. (Ar. 2.89g/23mm). 331H. Al Andalus. (Vives 397). Quoting Qasim. Good Very Fine.
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463 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Abd al-Rahman III. dirham. (Ar. 2.37g/23mm). 338H. Medina Zahara. (Vives 418). Quoting Qasim. Good Very Fine.
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464 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. dirham. (Ar. 2.34g/24mm). 346H. Madinat al-Zahra. (Vives 440; Frochoso 346, does not refer to these ornaments with this mint prefect). Quoting Ahmad on IA Good Very Fine.
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465 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Al-Hakam II al-Mustansir. dirham. (Ar. 2.79g/23mm). 358H. Madinat al-Zahra. (Vives 459; Frochoso 358.14d). Quoting Amir in II.A. Good Very Fine.
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466 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Al-Hakam II al-Mustansir. Dirham. (Ar. 3.00g/21mm). 358H. Madinat al-Zahra. (Vives 459; Frochoso 358.19d). Quoting Amir in II.A. Very Fine.
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467 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 2.56g/24mm). 379H. Andalus. (Vives 510). Almost Extremely Fine.
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468 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II al-Muayyad. dirham. (Ar. 3.32g/25mm). 389H. Al Andalus. (Vives 541; Frochoso 389.122d). Quoting Amir in II.A. and Muhammad on IA Good Very Fine.
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469 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 2.87g/26mm). 384H. Madinat Fas (Fez). (Vives 609; Miles 304a). Quoting Amir. Almost Very Fine.
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470 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 3.37g/23mm). 394H. Al Andalus. (Vives 580). Very Fine.
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471 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II al-Muayyad. dirham. (Ar. 3.17g/22mm). 394H. Al Andalus. (Vives 580; Frochoso 394.11d). Using Abd al-Malik in IA and ll.A. Good Very Fine.
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472 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II al-Muayyad. dirham. (Ar. 3.44g/23mm). 393H. Al Andalus. (Vives 577; Frochoso 393.53d). Citing Abd al-Malik in IA and ll.A. Good Very Fine.
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473 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 2.88g/24mm). In the date XX3 appears probably for (39)3. Madinat Fas (Fez). (Thousands 325th). Quoting Amir retrograde?. Almost Very Fine. Rare.
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474 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II al-Muayyad. dirham. (Ar. 4.03g/23mm). 396H. Al Andalus. (Vives 580; Frochoso 396.21d). Quoting Abd al-Malik in IA and ll.A. Good Very Fine.
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475 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 2.80g/24mm). 395H. Madinat Fas (Fez). (Vives 369; Miles 330c). Almost Very Fine. Very little.
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476 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 2.13g/23mm). Date units not visible. Madinat Fas (Fez). Scarce.
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477 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Sulayman al-Mustain. dirham. (Ar. 3.23g/24mm). 400H. Madinat Al-Zahra. (Vives 696; Prieto 19b; Frochoso 400.20d). Quoting Ibn Suhayd on IA Good Very Fine.
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478 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Sulayman al-Mustain. dirham. (Ar. 3.51g/24mm). 400H. Madinat Al-Zahra. (Vives 696; Prieto 19b; Frochoso 400.41d). Quoting Ibn Suhayd in IA Almost Extremely Fine.
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479 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CORDOBA, Hisham II. dirham. (Ar. 2.18g/24mm). 402H. Al Andalus. (Vives 703; Prieto 13b). Very Fine. Crack. Scarce.
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480 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

HAMMUDIES, al-Qasim al-Ma'mun (407-412H). Dinar. (Au. 3.84g/23mm). Madinat Sabta (Ceuta). 409H. (Possibly the third known for type Album 364; Prieto 71b (only 1 known)). Citing Yahya as heir on obverse. Another copy of the same stamp auctioned by Maison Palombo in auction 8, lot 84, was sold for €3,700 plus their respective commissions. Very Fine. Very rare.
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481 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NAZARIES OF GRANADA, Anonymous. 1/4 Dirham. (Ar. 0.36g/10mm). Gharnatha (Grenada). (Vives 2207). Very Fine.
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482 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Amiríes de Almería. Abd al-Aziz al-Mansur. Fractional dinar. (Au. 0.49g/10mm). (Medina 81-82). Almost Extremely Fine.
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483 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Aftasíes of Badajoz. Umar al-Mutawakil (460-487H). Fractional dirham. (Ae. 0.61g/13mm). (Vives 1007; Prieto 378a). Very Fine.
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484 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Aftasíes of Badajoz. Umar Al-Mutawakkil abu Hafs (460-487H). Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.23g/14mm). (Vives does not quote; French 45-47). Good Fine. Concretions. Limited.
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485 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Abadies of Sevilla. Muhammad ibn Abbad (414-433H). Fractional dirham. (Ae. 0.69g/12mm). (Prieto 394). Very Fine. Scarce.
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486 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Abadies of Sevilla. Al-Mutamid ibn Abbad. Fractional dirham. (Ae. 1.30g/17mm). Type minted in Murcia. (Vives 988; Prieto 429). Good Very Fine.
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487 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Du-l-Nuníes of Toledo. Al Mamun Yahya (435-467H). Fractional dirham. (Ar. 1.72g/20mm). (46)7H. Type minted in Medina Córdoba. (Prieto 339). Good Very Fine. Very scant.
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488 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFAS OF THE CALIPHATE, Hudis of Zaragoza. Al-Mustain Ahmad ll (476-503H). dirham. (Ae. 5.54g/24mm). (48)5H. Saraqusta. (Vives 1226; Prieto 271d). Good Very Fine. Rare.
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489 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

TAIFA OF SEVILLE, Abbad ibn Muhammad, Al-Mutadid (Abbadies). dirham. (Ar. 1.78g/24mm). 436H. Al Andalus. (Vives 883; Prieto-395b). Good Fine. Scarce.
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490 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali Ibn Yusuf and Emir Tashfin. 1/4 Quirate. (Ar. 0.36g/9mm). 533-537H. (Vives 1813; Hazard 1010, all describe it as 1/2 carat). Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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491 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Anonymous. 1/2 Quirate. (Ar. 0.46g/9mm). No date or mintmark. (Vives 2010; Benedict V2). Legend prophetic mission of Muhammad. Very Fine. Limited.
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492 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali ibn Yusuf. 1/2 Quirate. (Ar. 0.47g/9mm). (Delgado p. 106). Very Fine. Very scant.
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493 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Tashfin. 1/2 Quirate. (Ar. 0.46g/9mm). (Vives does not quote; Hazard 1024). Almost Very Fine.
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494 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Abu Bakr Ibn Umar. Quit. (Ar. 0.92g/12mm). 450-480H. (Vives 1443; Hazard 888). Very Fine.
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495 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf with the emir Sir. Quit. (Ar. 0.96g/11mm). (Vives 1768; Hazard 976; Benito Ce8). Very Fine.
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496 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf with the emir Sir. Quit. (Ar. 0.91g/12mm). (Vives 1774; Hazard 983; Benito Cf2). Very Fine.
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497 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf with the emir Sir as heir. Quit. (Ar.0.93g/11mm). Ceuta. (Vives 1778; Hazard 973). Very Fine. Very rare.
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498 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDES, Ali ibn Yusuf and the Emir Sir. Quit. (Ar. 0.49g/12mm). 522-533H. (Vives does not cite; Hazard does not cite; Benito Cf12 cites Eustache 341A (partial reading)). Very Fine. Very rare.
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499 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali ibn Yusuf. Quit. (Ar. 0.97g/16mm). Qurtuba (Cordoba). 502H. (Vives 1667; Hazard 958). Very Fine. Crack. Very rare. The oldest dated use of the Naskhi script in al-Andalus, a then singular use that would not appear again on coinage until almost three decades later.
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500 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMORAVIDS, Ali ibn Yusuf. quit. (Ar. 0.93g/26mm). (Vives 1701; Hazard 927; Benito Cb-37). Good Very Fine.
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